IMHO, yes, any kind of drive could be implementable. Yes, this one could be 3D printable. However, If you had a 3D printer capable of printing these parts accurately, then why would you need/want to change things. If you do not have such a printer, I might guess that the cost to have someone else print these parts would be more than the purchase of a lead screw assy. If your current printer isby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
On my laptop, when I click slice with slic3r, it just does it. On my desktop, when I do that, it opens the slic3r console window and slic3r changes the slic3r_settings.ini file back to default. I think everything on both systems are configured the same, so what did I miss? Slic3r 1.30 x64 RH 2.22by ruggb - Repetier
I have a strange issue with my first layer at the edges. I think what I have is a good offset and it seems fine in the center but along the edges it doesn't look right. Can someone explain why?by ruggb - Printing
thank DD. The % is right from the tool tip. Using a 0.4 nozzle, for detailed prints I set 0.1mm layer and 0.15 first for large prints I do 0.3 and 0.35 The question is related to two items that seem to do the same thing and why they are there. Under layers and perimeters, there is a setting for first layer height. default is 0.35mm Under advanced there is a setting for first layer. It says thisby ruggb - Slic3r
Under layers and perimeters, there is a setting for first layer height. default is 0.35mm Under advanced there is a setting for first layer. It says this is computer over first layer height and the default is 200%. If I select a layer height of 0.1mm then I probably would set the first layer height to 0.2mm and not leave it default. However if first layer is default, then it looks like my firstby ruggb - Slic3r
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. There must be something about a Luzabot printer that I don't know. My home built CoreXY, and every other printer I have seen, has an adjustable Z-endstop. Therefore, you would just set that and nothing else changes. I used to swap my bed by laying a piece of glass over a small hotbed. I had to readjust the endstop each time. I now have a nozzle endstop/probe and itby ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
I have a late 2.0 buxfix and a CoreXY printer. Specifically bugfix-2.0.x.a173f33 downloaded on 6/18/20 I just noticed something very strange and wondered if someone could see if it is happening on their printer. . While I am printing a large disk on the first layer with the head moving Xmin to Xmax and the Y motor only stepping when it reverses direction, I am getting a loud click sound about 1/4by ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
you can configure the park function to go there. I just tried the G4 to turn off my BIG fan. Works like a charm. Thanks for the lead. So it should work for you also. I just reread your problem. "but every end of printing I have to click on button for the printer to continue". I don't think I interpreted this correctly. What you are saying is that when the print is finished Marlin goes into a sleby ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
I have added a BIG fan to force cool my bed. I turn that on at the end, but at that point the motors are off. I have not found a way to turn that fan off automatically. I guess what you are saying is that you have a Z-MAX endstop that you are using to turn off everything off. This is a little confusing as it looks like it is part of your end code, but is it the code you are trying to execute aftby ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
QuoteZtreKo g-code final my Ender3: so what you have is G91 = relative move G1 E-2 F2700 = retract E G1 E-2 Z0.2 F240 =retract E and move Z 0.2 G1 X5 Y5 F3000 =move X&Y 5 G1 Z10 = move Z 10 G90 =absolute move not sure why you retract fast then slow. not sure why you move XY b4 you move Z, I would move Z first to prevent hitting any part of model. It is only 0.2mm away. G1 X0 Y = is sometby ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
What does the Z axis do when issued a home?by ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
Quotedoug_scott I have been moving my two config files to the different releases, nothing else. Maybe there is a problem there. I have not found the config files to be the same between builds. So if you are just moving them that could be a problem. However, it should throw a compile error if you are. Probably a sanity ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
I do not think there are any options to disable that "feature". But maybe there is another way to accomplish what you want. What is your printer end script? Where is your custom GCODE? What does it do? How does Z activate the micro?by ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
Quotethe_digital_dentist What does it mean that "overpowers the belt" and it slips? Is the belt slipping on the drive pulley or is the motor slipping - i.e. missing steps? Neither of those should happen, especially not at such a low speed. Are the motor and pulley mounts solid? Adequate tension on the belts? Excessive jerk speed or acceleration? High voltage (12V) motors? Low power supply voltageby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
Mine works reliably at 60mm/s print speed but if I increase it 10% the steppers begin to overpower the belts and it slips. Manual X or Y movement feels real tight because I am moving 2 motors and fighting magnetism. Moving on a diagonal is expectedly about 1/2 that tight feeling since only 1 motor is moving. Others have indicated being able to print at much higher speeds, but I am puzzled as to wby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
Quotethe_digital_dentist I think there's something wrong with the Z axis if the nozzle is banging into the print hard enough to cause layers to shift. if the Z axis does not drop and the head hits the model it definitely could shift the XY axis. Mine has hit the plastic for other reasons but never moved the XY axis. It may have something to do with the torque of your motors. I can't remember whaby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
OH, BTW, " "but the motors got pretty hot, pretty fast," one of the things the diodes did for me was significantly reduce the motor heat generated. Have you tried moving the Y endstop out 2x the distance it lacks to get to Y0? That may give you another clue. H/W might then be more of a suspect. Though it may still might possibly be s/w, but I don't know how. IMHO, since most everything is "Madeby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
Quotedlc60 Quoteruggb Interesting EDIT Well, predictably, the "smoothers" did nothing but make the system louder. I am now out of ideas. is the noise coming from the motors? On mine, they quieted the motors significantly. Overall system. I saw no change in anything with these. I didn't really expect to, but it was worth a try. DLC You said it made the system louder, so I was wondering whereby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
Interesting EDIT Well, predictably, the "smoothers" did nothing but make the system louder. I am now out of ideas. is the noise coming from the motors? On mine, they quieted the motors ruggb - CoreXY Machines
Let's start this over. Please note, I can't watch this so you need to describe what you are seeing. Read my disclaimer. Since I have a nozzle mounted probe and you have a separate probe I am not sure about its operation or how your probe deploys and undeploys. Does it auto deploy for a G28? Does it raise Z b4 homing X & Y? did you do this? Run G28, G29, M500, M211 S0, move to your Z0, M851by ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
I have loaded platformio but have been unsuccessful at getting anything working. Every time I open VSCODE it wants to install platformio and takes forever to finish. Then I can't figure out how to run a compile. Why does it reinstall IO and take so long to do it? OK, I just deleted all the files I don't use and it ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
I compile a week old bugfix 2.0.x and everything is good. I try to compile today's bugfix with my config files and get this: Archiving built core (caching) in: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_cache_39750\core\core_arduino_avr_mega_cpu_atmega2560_d162a8167a43ee5a27a03b44364657b0.a Linking everything together... "C:\\Users\\Bill\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\avr-gcby ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
OK, let's assume it is getting stuck. It should make some strange noise when it does. Either the pulley is slipping on the motor shaft or the motor is overpowering the belt and skipping over some grooves. If it isn't making a different sound, then the motor is just stopping - which would be even harder to explain. Have you tried slicing it in a different position or at an angle? That might yielby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
The movement to Y after motors are disabled might be indicating an interaction between motors, or maybe a mechanical issue. Try this, it may help to isolate it. If it homes X and Y independently, both motors need to run for each home. If one motor stops b4 it gets to Y0, the other will gronk. If you enable quick_home and place the carriage at X=100, Y=100, then home it, what happens? With = steby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
bottom line, they work for ruggb - CoreXY Machines
the solution is simpler now than it was when I implemented it. It is also very cheap. For reference when DC is applied or removed from a coil a significant reverse voltage spike is prduced. That spike can fry components, produce extra steps in stepper motors or cause them to miss steps, as it did on my printer. Look at any commercial product driving a relay or other type of coil. There is a diodeby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
noise is going to produce random results. It is going to affect higher Z circuits like thermistors and endstops not stepper motors. It will come from stepper motors and fans. Stepper motor noise can be reduced using flyback diodes, which in my case stopped the layer shift I was having. Most all boards have filter caps on higher Z circuits, but that didn't help my thermistors when the wires were bby ruggb - CoreXY Machines
I was trying to help them figure out why it did not work with my question, as they did not upload a pins file. from what I found it appears that their board has the same I/O as a Ramps board, so the conditional include would include pins_RAMPS.h and there is no need for another pins ruggb - Firmware - Marlin
Have you reloaded the firmware? Other than that, since I don't have the same HW or FW you do, I am out of ruggb - CoreXY Machines