Szia! Csovet nem tudom, hogy hol lehetne beszerezni, ha vizvezetekesnel nincs. En most rakom ossze az Arduino elektronikat, hozza viszont sajat tervezesu mechanikat epitek, ami merevebb es pontosabb. Ha esetleg hasonlby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Guys, Thanks for the new version of Live DVD, its really cool to have EMC2 on it too! BTW, I am getting the same error with /dev/ttyUSB0 Before everything worked well and now with the new host it does not works. I also tried different turn-on-order but none worked. I keep trying though... Adamby Satuna - RepRap Host
Yes, I am having the same trouble... I have been downloading it for 3 days now and am at Satuna - RepRap Host
Reece, Yeah, thanks actually proxy was in the way. Now, avoiding proxy it coonects and downloads the update. I now hit another wall not being able to compile from source. I have not been using Linux for a long time but until now I only found tar archives which were simple to compile. Other option was to use the makefile... In this case I found something new and do not know how to compile it. Iby Satuna - RepRap Host
Max, Good idea, you may want to check out this thread: I was thinking about the same thing but eventually got stuck with the original design for which I had the documentation on wiki. So, I was sure I could finish my machine :-)) But honestly I am looking forward to your experiments because it sounds very interesting! Look, "Black magic" is way more simple than setting up a properly workingby Satuna - Altes Forum
Max, Fine, I am not the dumb then to pay 1200 Euros instead of 400 :-)) Anyway, PIC programmer is not necessary if you drive with Arduino. I am using PIC at the moment, but I think arduino is a better solution especially for motor driving. PIC shakes the frame a lot as I heard Arduino is smoother. I have not tried yet though... Adamby Satuna - Altes Forum
Just another addition that I am not alone with this cost: I am still thinking how it could be possible to build a reprap of 400 Euros, but do not know the solution yet... It would be good to have your prices too, please let me know beacuse I am a little worried that I spent at least double that I was supposed to! :-)) Adamby Satuna - Altes Forum
Well, it is not very difficult to calculate: mechanical kit from bitsfrombyte costs now: 350 GBP which is roughly 400 Euros. Without tax and shipping which I do not know how much for german people but I would say at least 100 GBP. (To Hungary 150 GBP) So you are at 500 GBP (600 Euros only with the mechanical kit) The electronics which I think you can make now for 150 Euros. This makes 750 totalby Satuna - Altes Forum
Yeah, it would help a lot I think as there are a lot new settings in 0.9 compared to older versions. EMC2 based reprap is interesting too. I checked eclipse again as Ian said, but I still get the same error sign with this massage in the right window: "svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svnroot/reprap/trunk' svn: reprap.svn.sourceforge.netby Satuna - RepRap Host
Hi, Now as I have set up my internet connection on kubuntu I could try to access to the repository but gives me the following error: "Error getting Dir list" In the checkout window I have set trunk/reprap for the project name and head for the revision but it does not want to get the updates... When I use the original settings it gives me an error sign without any explanation... Could anyone hby Satuna - RepRap Host
Hi Marcel, this is my setup but as a told nothing special... I just built the darwin thats all, everyone can do it as docs are on wiki :-)) adamby Satuna - Altes Forum
Max, I am using the Cartesian Bot mechanics right now. I have not applied changes so far as tweaking the current mechanics would not help me much. Instead of tuning this machine I decided to build a CNC router with screw lead which improves my accuracy. The idea behind this is that I would like to use other heads on the machine such as UV laser beam head, milling head, extruder and decrease theby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Hi guys, I will upload some photo when I get back home but nothing special to see really :-)) I bought the pieces from bitsfrombytes and the electronics is from rrrf. Not much tuning as I wanted to build something that has been tested before. adamby Satuna - Altes Forum
Hi Daniel, Sorry for hopping in another country's thread, but Germany is closed to my home country (Hungary) and I keep checking this forums for the possibility of useful information... I am quite far from the 400Euros on my Reprap. My machine is finished and functional and except for running into software issues the structure is working well. I have spent about 1200 Euros on my whole machine dby Satuna - Altes Forum
Thanks Jay, looking forward to your answer! Adamby Satuna - RepRap Host
Thanks for the description, but the method gives me the same error as you get. I eventually managed to upgrade the jar file, but the software does not start. I may need to connect to the internet to get access to the repositories... Adamby Satuna - RepRap Host
Szia Laxi, Igen, nincs hozzaferesem. Nem tudok se copizni, se torolni, se semmit. Bar, ahogy most olvasgattam az Ubuntu doksijat, ez normalis. Viszont van ez a sudo parancs, amivel root-kent tudok bejelntkezni, de ez sem irja felul. Most mar kezdem erteni, amit a srac irt, de meg nemprobaltam ki. Ma este megnezem. Hibauzenetet egyebkent nem ir, egyszeruen csak nem csinalja meg. Egyebkent kuldby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Szia Laxi, Igen, 7.10-es Ubuntum van, installalva. Ezen a szalon kertem segitseget attol aki a LiveDVD-t keszitette. Ezek szerint eleg, ha atirom az eleresi utakat szerinted? Koszi, Adam Freedunio-val jatszottal mar? Egyszeruen hasznalhato a szoftvere?by Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Reece, I downloaded the both verions of Live the other day. Then I tried to upgrade the host by replacing the reprap.jar file but ran into permission issues. Tried to replace the file logging in in terminal as root (with sudo command) but there was no effect on the original .jar file. I tried the same in both versions but had the same results. The thing is that I do not have internet connectionby Satuna - RepRap Host
Laxi, Gratula, akkor megvan a RepRap agya! en az Ardunioval sehogy, PIC-el vagyok meg mindig. Ket honapon belul megyek haza olaszbol, addig nem akarok nekikezdeni semminek, majd otthon folytatom. Amivel most probalkozok az a kovetkezo: XP-vel nem sikerul jol dogloznom, a PICes PWM hurok az uj host-ban XP alatt valami olyan lassu, hogy tonkretesz midnent. Emiatt ugy dontottem, hogy ha-torik-ha-by Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Khiraly, az rrrf-tol rendeltem, de mivel olaszorszagban vagyok jelenleg, semmi gond nem volt a vammal. nem tudom, hogy magyarorszagra ez hogyan zajlana... adamby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
Laxi, Erre nezz ra, kerlek, ha van egy kis idod: Vagy kozvetlen link: Ezek a subversion fajlok a host-hoz. Ha jol gondolom, akkor innen tudom leszedni az uj verziokat. Eddig ok, de hogyan keszitek belole futtathato fajlt? Ehhez kellene az Eclipse kornyezet? Koszi, Adamby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group
A builder blogon aprilis 13-ai bejegyzes: Ennek a csavonak az a hobbija, hogy STL-bol STP-et csinaljon... Nem art az ilyen sem ezek szerint. :-)) Hogy most hogyan all, azt nem tudom, ha nagyon kell szerintem irhatsz neki... Masik: Ez direkt lint a Cartesian bot pozicionalo rendszer 3D fajljaihoz. Talan hasznat veszed... Ebben van egy "handmade parts.pdf" fajl. Ebben van egy-ket rajz, de ne szby Satuna - Hungary RepRap User Group