It's trying to move too fast, I don't know exactly where it's trying to go in such a hurry but try limiting the maximum Z speed to 3 - 5mm/sby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
QuoteSlackdaddy I was NEVER able to find my printer through the Arduino program,, Sounds like you need to install the drivers for your particular board. Which chip is used for the usb - serial communicationson your particular board? 16u2? ch340? ftdi?by ntoff - Firmware - Marlin
Mine automatically saves the window position and the sizes of the individual sections on program exit. The settings are stored in your user profile directory in either .pronsolerc or in my quick test printrunconf.ini for the precompiled version.Yours may be different since I just compiled it into an exe myself but your user profile directory should hold the settings files. If you can't see them,by ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
QuoteJames G-J I made sure it was nothing is slic3r This is the skeinforge section, totally different slicer all together. Are you using slic3r just to test whether it's the slicer, or is that your primary slicer that you're having trouble with?by ntoff - Skeinforge
I have a crappy netbook that had xp on it that I ran pronterface off of. Worked ok but the screen was too small (only issue).by ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
you mean like what skeinforge does?by ntoff - Experimental
My local electronics stores sells those: but they're the same pitch as those "dupont" connectors so you might be able to use one of them too. (these things: )by ntoff - RAMPS Electronics
Pretty sure the host just waits for Marlin to spit back an "ok". This isn't a pronterface specific question though, you'd probably get more relevant info posting in the firmware ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
You might need to enable EEPROM features and chit chat and re flash Marlin. They are off by default to save ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Settings -> options and untick "clamp manual moves". Also if your printer thinks it's at 0 already then the firmware itself might not let you move in negative ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
Quotemrmuffin I tried using the auto PID calibration but my thermistor is still reading much higher than what the hot end actually is. I'm using the setting stated in the guide (#5 in marlin configuration.h) but the temperatures still arent right. For example when running the pid auto tune at 150c the hot end was only about 70-80c. PID tuning doesn't adjust the measured / actual temperature, allby ntoff - General
You getting that Mendel90 from a guy down the coast? If so I did that EXACT thing. Bought a k8200, hated it, bought a Mendel90, brilliant. K8200/3drag is such a terrible ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Quotefrankvdh QuoteI don't have a probe, it's just got the simple switch. As far as I can tell, it seems to occur no matter where X and Y are currently. So would I be right in assuming I have to figure out where my problem with the Z endstop is? I'm guessing I've got 3 possibilities - 1. it's connected to the wrong pins on the board, 2. the switch itself is faulty, 3. there's a problem with the wby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Chances are your Z endstop is reporting triggered. What it'll do (well marlin anyway) is move down until it hits the end stop and then move up until the end stop opens again and then back down at a slower rate to ensure an accurate homing. I'd say your z endstop is either wired wrong or plugged in to the wrong port on the ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
As I said in the other thread. Does moving it up manually make it move up or down? If it moves in the direction you tell it to and it just homes the wrong way you can set it in the firmware to either home to min or max. K8200 should home all the axes to minimum. It's a single check box in the rep firmware config page. Check you've set it to home to the correct ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Marlin now has an option to use the end stops full time. I have the hardware endstops turned on with software endstops disabled because I have min and max end stops. Even if I tell my printer to move to a location it can't move to it won't go and grind on the end of its travel limit because it hits the limit switches and just stops. I don't know how recent it is but it's in the 1.0.2 release verby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
In your home directory there's a file called .pronsolerc, it's hidden so you'll have to enable hidden files to see it if you're in some sort of GUI, otherwise in a terminal window just open it with your favourite editor (for me that's nano) e.g. nano ~/.pronsolercby ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
Marlin by default I believe ignores the end stops because if you have cross talk between the end stop switches and your motor wires it can cause a false trigger and stop the axis moving mid print. As for the homing direction, look in configuration.h for these lines #define X_HOME_DIR -1 #define Y_HOME_DIR -1 #define Z_HOME_DIR -1 and make sure they are all at -1 (home to minimum). I believe somby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Try a different cable. I had a tonne of problems with one particular usb cable, swapped to another one and voila! fixedededby ntoff - General
QuoteThe goal would be one class, one printer kit, e.g. everyone builds the same printer, to get people up to speed. Also should mention that the intended audience isn't the person who doesn't know a phillips from a straight edge. There is a prerequisite of basic knowledge.. If someone is knowledgeable enough to build an entire printer kit within a day then they certainly don't need your ntoff - General
$150 USD currently = $205.71 AUD and it has draconian DRM protecting it. I will never buy it, ever. If they tossed out the DRM, maybe. I'm not paying $200 to be treated like a criminal with them constantly watching ntoff - General
You're all insane, I just compiled Marlin v1.0.2 using Arduino v1.6.5 on windows 7 x64 with no errors. To the OP: Make sure you're properly configuring everything and you have the correct motherboard selected and that you have the correct board and processor selected in the arduino ide. If you use a full graphic LCD panel you might need the u8glibby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
QuoteI was actually hoping someone would say "yeah, I have a K8200 with Mega/RAMPS on it - let me post my firmware for you" - I guess that was wishful thinking... I actually have the Marlin firmware from when I had the RAMPS on the k8200 before I turned it into the frankenprinter but it uses the same pins for the LCD that the 3drag board used and is only a 16 x 4 LCD. I've messed about with it sby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
QuoteI already had Pronterface but there seemed to be no python installed That tells me you're using the precompiled version, do you run pronterface.exe or make sure you're not mixing 32bit and 64bit modules/ ntoff - General
I had the displeasure of using a K8200, I got the jack with it and turned it into this: I'm using the Marlin firmware from here though: and I'm also using a RAMPS setup on it (as you can probably tell). If it was working before hand, I wouldn't touch the hardware at all, don't flip the plugs, don't fiddle with the voltage pots on the drivers (you can damage them if you don't know what you'reby ntoff - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Not every file is changed when a new binary is built so if there's nothing wrong with the original file, it might even date back to a few years ago. I prefer to run the files directly from source myself, let's me tweak stuff to my liking. Down side is you need python and its dependencies ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
Depending on the heat bed, it might have a very low resistance like 1ohm but it shouldn't be a dead short (0 ohms) or open ntoff - RAMPS Electronics
You'll need the source files: unpack the files and go to the directory and in the printrun/gui directory open You can find all the stuff in there like the speed slider and the extrude filament buttons, just put your display wherever you want it. Beware: You need to manually specify the positions of your elements and they can change based on the mode printrun is in (standard, compacby ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface
download the source, install the dependencies, tweak to your hearts content, run the python files directly, you could build a standalone exe when done or just keep running the python files ntoff - Printrun/Pronterface