An alternative is to use a remote direct drive, like the Zesty Nimble. It gives you a direct extruder with hardly any of the weight penalties you normally associate with direct drive. We have a couple of customers using it on very large Lykle - General
It is nice to see more and more PEI solutions coming available. Backed this Kickstarter. I liked the flexibility (pun intended) of the offering and it would fit perfectly on my delta. So far I have been trying out all sorts of print bed materials, so one more is not a bad idea. Who knows, it might be the one and final surface!by Lykle - General
We are going, we have to be there, we are one of the sponsors. When I say we, I mean Brian, I would have liked to come along. Maybe next year. I am tweaking a little demo delta to bring along. We want to show off the Nimble and perhaps also the Kryo. Modified the delta to be easy to assemble and disassemble. Made it flat-packable, in a sense. Main mods were to wire the end stops through plugs,by Lykle - General
No, because I don't have to heat the bed. Bed is at room temp for all materials. But the magnetic foil is pretty heat resistant, Doug has had it up to 80C with no loss of Lykle - General
Doug gave me a piece of polycarbonate and I have to say, wow. No more adhesion problems. In fact, I needed to sand it with 60 grit to slightly reduce the actual touching surface. No heat, it just sticks. Used it with PLA, ABS and PETg so far. Oh and Ninjaflex. Totally trouble free. Also, because he was so kind as to give me some magnetic film with it, it is easy to pop off the Lykle - General
If you use polyurethane liquids to make the foam, instead of using the builders foam, it will foam in nicer smaller cells and harden throughout. It is also used to create sandwich constructions, so it has to harden in enclosed areas. I used it to fill my tubular chassis with foam, to make it a bit stiffer. You can also pick out of a variety of cell sizes. Different liquids have different foamby Lykle - General
Hi all, General question about materials. What materials need a heated chamber to print correctly, besides ABS? I am in the process of designing a nice coreXY printer and want to make it fully enclosed. But the question is, do I add a controlled heating element or not? I have stopped printing with ABS long time ago, so I don't think I need a heater. Any opinion on this?by Lykle - General
The grabbing mechanism looks to me as very secure and positionally defined. It really does look tight. Also like the fact that once engaged, no more power is needed. But I think I would like to use something similar on the tool storage rack, to strip the tool off of the print head and not simply rely on magnets to pull it off and keep it stored. I cannot help but wonder what they mean with theby Lykle - CoreXY Machines
If there is droop in the X, perhaps you can simply adjust the X slightly upwards at the free end to compensate. You might need to put an adjustment screw in the mounting so you can adjust controlled, but it would work. Looks like a nice machine! Lykle - General
There are quite some people out there using a Remote Direct Drive extruder on the Smart Effector. The Nimble has a nice adapter that fits perfectly and is developed with a few users till it was a simple matter of bolt it on and done. I know, I am biased, as I co-developed the Lykle - Delta Machines
Ah DJ? A quick question about the mini hot end. How is the nozzle attached to the rest of the hotend? It has an M4 thread, right? But the ceramic ring has an internal diameter of 5mm or so. Same for the heat break. Are they simply glued in? No, they are selling Lykle - General
afaik, the retraction does not suck the molten filament up into the heat block. It simply relieves some of the pressure, but there is no negative movement of the molten plastic. So yeah, closing the needle will have a pulse effect of pushing some filament out. That can be used, by retracting early and closing the valve slowly, using the pushed out material to finish the track. That would takeby Lykle - General
Hey, that hot end that LoboCNC made would be a perfect companion to the Sidewinder (working title) extruder. I will investigate. But sorry, not relevant here. I am not sure if the whole assembly will be as light as a RDD extruder. The weight of a RDD extruder ranges between 40 grams to 27 grams, depending on which cable driven extruder you are talking about. And remember, this is the whole extrby Lykle - General
We just uploaded a short video of a Nimble printing with X60. X60 is one of the most flexible filaments available and the Nimble prints it fine. This is the first print I tried with X60, so no tuning or optimising is done just yet. Only had a small sample so next it to buy a spool and start tweaking. Also, here is a photo of two blocks I printed. The left one is Carbonfil, one of the hardestby Lykle - Ormerod
There is a filament designed for this, Moldlay. It is a little like wax and you can use it to attach sprues to it etc. Alternative, build a bigger forge? ABS with acetone to remove most of it and then burn it out with the forge. If you place the mold over your forge while it is heating up, doe it not get hot enough? If you have a forge big enough to melt the required aluminium, you must be ablby Lykle - General
I agree with the Digital Dentist, build surface and a strong frame are the most important aspects for trouble free printing. Sure, a good extruder is needed, but all professional extruders will do flexibles. The X60 is the most flexible filament at the moment (afaik) and the Flexion is designed specifically for it. But as Brian mentioned, the Nimble handles it fine. The bed, I would suggest toby Lykle - General
Ah, you mean Brian's delta. Yes as he was using a different material sleeve. My drive cable is free standing. I agree completely with you that peace of mind is important, especially with long prints. Using a string to keep the magnets attached is one way to feel safe. Lykleby Lykle - General
Not completely. If the magnet is the ball, the force depends on the magnetic field orientation. That can vary how much attraction there is with the arm moving in different positions. Those joints that are the worst, with the cup magnets on the effector. There the attraction force is always vertical, while the arm force is always at an angle and sometimes a very acute angle. Bound to release atby Lykle - General
Quotechris33 im changing my mag ball system to a traxxas ball end What kind of mag balls were you using? The ones where the ball is magnetic or the ones where the magnets are in the arms and the balls are just steel? Makes a big difference in attraction force. Lykleby Lykle - General
Quoteetfrench It's missing the option to add spring loaded tensioners between the carriages and the effector. I have used these magnetic joints for a while now and have never needed springs to keep them in, during printing. These magnets are in the arms, so the force is always directly towards the ball and the same strength. The only time the joints come apart is when I am mounting the extrudby Lykle - General
I like this idea, a lot! Effector made out of a PCB, but rather than just using the board material, they have added logic to it. And embedded a sensor in it, to do bed calibration, using the nozzle as a sensing tip. It uses a new heat sink design my E3D and in my opinion it looks pretty darn good. Have a gander at the photos and specs. Lykleby Lykle - General
This happens when the address or country is different from the credit card info. For instance. There can be more reasons like this why it happens. As long as you get the product, do you care? You can ask them what their system is telling them. And ask them if there is an issue with the order. You should get an Lykle - General
That is one comprehensive build and report! I will need to make time to go over the photos and have a good look what you have done and why. But, are you sure the Nimbles are in there? They are so small, I hardly seem em. Lykleby Lykle - General
As I said before, we try to keep our promises. Happy that you can dual print again. I am expecting your cable somewhere next month. Postal service here is slightly umm, hesitant to deliver? Looking forward to see what your were trying to print in the first Lykle - General
Way too long and way too many mandatory questionsby Lykle - General
OK, as promised, here are some pics of the Sidewinder in place. This is on a Delta so it looks a bit strange, but it does work. And a nice side view of the Sidewinder. It prints, but still need to tweak a few things. Lykleby Lykle - CoreXY Machines
It started when Outcast asked us if we could do it. I said, no, Brian said yes and lo and behold, we could. So the main reason is, it is what Outcast wants. The backstory is that the drive cable then gets bundled up with the electrical wires and probably in a drag chain or such. The filament will come from the top yes, but that needs less space than a drive cable. I was also looking at makingby Lykle - CoreXY Machines
Any progress on the all metal Delta? The stuff from China must have arrived by now. Lykleby Lykle - Delta Machines
Also there are a lot of effectors made for the Haydn magnetic arms. If you can't find what you are looking for, let me know and I can design one for you. I have a whole bunch of them. But first look at the list here and here Lykleby Lykle - Delta Machines