I wonder why the "RepRap Foundation" hasn't taken the time to move for some sort of oversight in terms of best industry practices to regulate products under the reprap umbrella. Could it be that Adrian Bowyer is more concerned with his fledgeling business, "RepRap Pro," to conduct even cursory oversight of people who advertise "RepRap Products" on his own website? This whole website seems like aby dr. hunter s. thompson - Safety & Best Practices
This is the very tip of the iceberg. An unregulated industry is inherently unsafe. For all the futuristic, almost utopian aspirations of the 3d printer movement, there will be consequences. No good deed goes unpunished. Insidences like this are like ants on your kitchen floor. If you see one, you can bet there's 10,000 that you can't. The reason for this is the willingness to believe that the fby dr. hunter s. thompson - General