I've build the Vaeder extruder that's on github and have used it for some months now. It works way better than hobbed bolt exruders i've used before. I noticed the new type extruders you guys had in the shop when i visited, and are selling online, is updated a lot since then. Are there plans to publish the stl's of the new type also, or will this only be sold at reprapworld? Greets, Ceesby ceesios - General
The first time i used my smart controller i also only saw a blank screen. If i looked really closely i could see some icons in the screen. It turned out to be a contrast problem, adjusting the pot on the front fixed it for me. On other models where there is no potentiometer you can solder one on with a resistor.by ceesios - Firmware - Marlin
Hi All, I'm building my first 3d printer following this design. So far i have found very useful tips over here, but now it seems i'm really overlooking something. I have installed a rumba board, blown a couple of stepper drivers and replaced them, connected everything the right way this time (i think) and all seems to be good; - With pronterface i can move every axis, and I believe it is now aby ceesios - Firmware - Marlin