I think that a nice printing for RepRap could be keys. They are simple objects which people tend to loose very often, so it would have an universal appeal. I don't say that this will be THE killer app for RepRap as MsOffice was for Windows, but it's something that could be as useful as notepad. So... can plastic keys work in regular locks, or are they too weak?by le_chiffre - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Yeah, I know the risks of this kind of competition or sponsorships, so that's why I won't fill any forms; I think that's a decision for the core team of RR to make, if they're interested. I think that Google may have his own personal,greedy, intentions with this project; but the romantic goal of the competition is to GIVE your idea for the benefit of the world, not for some personal recognitionby le_chiffre - General
This could be a good opportunity for RepRap. Maybe someone with a passionate pen could fill a nice form... If it reaches the finals, I believe that the publicity alone will make a great impact.by le_chiffre - General
Since first time I heard about RepRap, I've always asking myself if self-replication/low cost is something that goes hand to hand, or if they are opposing forces. I mean, if instead of targeting an 500 U$S cost (or any other number, for what matters), RR targets for, I don't know, ten times that cost, let's say 5000 U$S, then it would be easier to achieve a higher percentage of self replication bby le_chiffre - General
Hi! I've been following RR for over a year, but this is one of my first post. I understand that this thread is for brainstorming, so sorry if I sound a little too science fiction, or ignorant. I think that an set of RepRap working together is a good idea, but the cartesian robot feels like a limited arrengement for this purpose. I know that a robot arm has been discussed (but I can't remember whyby le_chiffre - General
I'm glad that others find ski boots extrusion interesting! In fact, now I'm thinking that a lot of ski and sports equipments are made of plastic. I play football (soccer), studs and shin guards could also be interesting customizable items. I think that a potential problem is that ski boots usually have one continuous, large body. I don't know if currently Darwin can "resume" printings (that is, sby le_chiffre - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Hi, I'm Le Chiffre and I'm from Argentina. I'm an Electronic Engineering student at my last year in the University of Buenos Aires. I've been following RepRap for a year and a half, but I still don't have the time or space (and I suspect, the skills) to start building my own RepRap. But I think that in the next few months I will finish all my final tests, and I will get some free time, and startby le_chiffre - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)