The board i'm using has been discovered to be a clone which is why i'm probably experiencing the issues described. I'm going to return it to the seller and try to get a refund and get hold of a genuine board. Mods please feel free to close this StuartMoorhouse - Smoothie
Ive recently purchased a Smoothieboard v1.1 and hooked it up-to a cartesian motion platform i've built. I have flashed the latest version of the firmware onto it from Git dated 2 days ago (20th May 2020) the upload process appeared to have worked with the LEDs showing a success. I am using the latest configuration file example from the smoothie website. I can connect via Pronterface and then wby StuartMoorhouse - Smoothie
Update... After watching several prints for a while i've made the following observations: The issue always occurs at the start of a new layer after the printing of adjacent infill. (Image 1) With the test cylinders i've been printing, the infill finishes at the perimeter, filament retracts, Z height is increased and then the perimeter of the next layer starts. I tried doubling my retraction fromby StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Still having some troubles so i'm wandering if anyone has any more advice on things to try. It looks as though the banding / ribbing of layers is occurring at the start of the outer perimeter and then eases off as the perimeter goes round. I think the reason I was seeing it on all 4 sides of the cube was due to each perimeter starting at a different corner and working round. With the cylindricalby StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Firmware updated, ran PID autotune for the bed and extruder however still having the same banding issues. Ill continue making adjustments and see If I can get to the bottom of StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Thanks, i'll head over there as i'm struggling to find documentation on how to update firmware on the older model of the duet that I have (Duet 0.8.5) I can only find firmware update instructions for duet2 or later. Should I still be able to autotune the bed with the firmware that i'm running however? It doesn't look like I canby StuartMoorhouse - Printing
It does sound like it could be something to do with the above mentioned mechanisms. Sorry, i'm on a Duet running RepRap Firmware 1.10+4. Since Ive had the printer set up and running nicely I've not dived too deeply into the StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Apologies, I wasn't very clear. They're expanding and contracting over around every 6 layers or so i'd say. Layer height is 0.25mm which is what I regularly print in and experience good results. Excuse my ignorance, how do I check how the bed heater is controlled? Could this be something to do with both the extruder and bed being at higher temperatures and each time the bed kicks in we see a cby StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Im having an issue with ridges/banding being obvious on prints when printing in E3D Spoolworks' Edge filament. I've always had good prints with PLA (60bed, 210nozzle) however with switching over to Edge i'm getting a consistent banding every couple of MM on the Z axis. Upon doing some research the general consensus is that theres a problem with my Z axis, however i'm running a delta. Im runningby StuartMoorhouse - Printing
Had a bit of a play round, I managed to improve results but they're still not perfect. I kept my slic3r settings the same but instead slowed the speed right down to 75% and the extrusion factor to 93%, the first layer perimeters lay down great but the ripples still exist to a much smaller extent. Im starting to think if it it could be a printer issue and theres maybe some friction on the rails oby StuartMoorhouse - Delta Machines
Thanks for your reply. I've played around with the speed settings but didn't witness much difference. To lower the extrusion amount in Slic3r would I be correct to lower the 'default extrusion width' by say 10% or so?by StuartMoorhouse - Delta Machines
I've been having a few issues lately having not printed anything for a while. I've rebuilt my kossel mini (t3dp3d, with DCs IR probe) changed the belts and re calibrated to what I believe is a decent Z nozzle height. However on prints with a large surface area in contact with the bed i'm getting wavy lines appear, it looks like the extruded plastic is lifting up off the bed seconds after it has bby StuartMoorhouse - Delta Machines
Ive spent the last day or so tinkering and tried a few more things. I cleaned the glass bed, redefined Z=0, Remeasured the IR probe offset using G30 S-1 (which had changed again to 0.69mm) Updated the offset in the config file. Ran several instances of G32, followed by M665 and M666, I ran G32 at about half the speed it was running previously. Updated the M665 and M666 lines in the configurationby StuartMoorhouse - General
I'm printing on glass (with a coating of 'prittstick' glue), with a sheet of black paper ontop of the aluminium plate. I've cleaned the glass so that the glue couldn't be having an affect on the IR probe but the same thing StuartMoorhouse - General
Ive got a kossel mini with a duet running firmware: 1.10+4 (2016-03-30) and a DC42 IR probe. Recently Ive had a few problems calibrating, the issue is that the Z probe height offset seems to vary. So far i've: Heated the bed and extruder to PLA temperatures. Homed the printer Brought the nozzle down to the print bed using a piece of paper to determine where Z=0.08mm and set Z to that height Lifteby StuartMoorhouse - General