Having tried both Moriquendis' sensor board and This cheap Chinese sensor board I would have to say that they both work. The Chinese board is certainly less sophisticated and may well not work as well in some printers that are electrically noisier than some, but I have no problem with mine on either a delta or a self design cube. As far as the moral question goes the Chinese board is advertised fby dart16 - General
If you mis-plug it into GND and POS it most certainly will harm..... I think you will find when a regulator is being heated to destruction it won't care if it fails open or short circuit..usually material is removed from the semi-conductor junction but just occasionally it is bridged by molten debris. When that happens you will cook everything 'downstream'. 'Usually' isn't fail-safe!by dart16 - RAMPS Electronics
Isn't that defined in Configuration.h line 715 - #define Z_HOMING_HEIGHT 4 // (in mm) Minimal z height before homing (G28) for Z clearance above the bed, clamps, ...by dart16 - General
I didn't use the piezo that came with the board as I already had an assembled hotend with a drilled piezo sensor. The drilled piezo I had was actually a 27mm diameter, no-name element whereas the element supplied with the board was only 20mm so even with the missing material due to the hole there was still plenty of active surface with the drilled piezo. Don't be too concerned about drilling thby dart16 - General
OK...so wired up and working. Turn trimmer down until the led lights up, then turn it back a smidge so the led goes out and there you have it..simple. Board cost is currently £1.68 with free delivery on the slow boat. Piezo board triggering Z homing board trigger I should add the piezo is about 1.25 Meters from the board as the cabling goes through 2 cable chains and I have not yet seen any noby dart16 - General
Slow boat delivery today.. Piezo vibration sensor boards arrived As far as I can tell the schematic is as below.. The pot does seem to adjust the sensitivity sufficiently from quite a hard tap to just breathe on it! The piezo is 20mm diameter and the board is 20mm square. I am going to wire it up onto a printer and do some live testing....by dart16 - General
Try a print without the heated bed to confirm/rule out insufficient current availability.... could be a duff mega2560, could be electrical noise, could be a number of other things. Rule out the PSU, RAMPS & Mega 2560 by substitution try a print from the SD card without the USB cable connected to rule out comms issues over the USB Have you got any forced air cooling over the RAMPS/Mega2560?by dart16 - RAMPS Electronics
I built myself a simple single transistor 'switch for D4 D5 & D6. Your fan extender only uses two of the four pins it sits on.. it looks D5 and D11, You could use the following circuit to make switches for all four pins (D4, D5, D6 & D11) if you wanted to..but that is 'old school'.. the stepper module in the previous post does the same job and it is ready made for you!!by dart16 - Reprappers
Yes... 123d design is dead in the water....try connecting to the samples using the arrow on the extreme right of the 123d design screen....it won't load because it is no longer supported. I am gutted as the interface for 123d design is lovely with a 5 button mouse and however much 'better' fusion 360 is technically I find it extremely cumbersome swapping between pan and orbit that is so simple iby dart16 - General
I am certainly no expert in the duetwifi but perhaps G1 Z.3 F200 ; move Z to Z=0 should be G1 Z0.3 F200 in your config.g (and homeall.g) ??by dart16 - General
Another piezo sensor board...looks like some level clamping diodes followed by a comparator giving an analogue output that can be adjusted for sensitivity... At £1.68 each I ordered two to find out Piezo vibration sensorby dart16 - General
Sorry..I didn't check the nomenclature before posting. D1 was the diode I removed..not that it would have mattered as I had removed the pin as well.. anyhow, the Mega is duff so it's in the bin.by dart16 - General
Been happily printing away - Prusa P3 Steel, Mega 2560 and a RAMPS, then during a print the printer just stopped half way through with a 'finished' in the display and the X carriage over on the extreme right.. I just cussed it and chucked the print in the bin (as you do). 15 minutes later I noticed the display was flickering..ummm I thought, that looks like power supply issues, so I pulled the USby dart16 - General
OK, so your 2560 isn't talking to your Arduino IDE software over your USB cable but your 2560 would seem to at least be recognised by windows...have you tried several different com port speed settings?.. i.e. 115200 & 250000. Other than that I would try a different Mega2560 board, especially if an UNO works ok with your computer/IDE/USB setup.by dart16 - General
Port : COM5 Programmer : AVRISP.mkll This could be your problem. you EITHER use a USB cable plugged into your MEGA2560, select the correct pom port as given in Windows device manager and click on the 'upload' button OR You plug your AVRISP programmer into the MEGA 2560's ICSP 6 pin connector and then select 'upload via programmer'.. If you are tryingby dart16 - General
Also - do not fit the stepper drivers if you do not have the stepper motors connected.... in your case you should NOT fit the E1 stepper driver..by dart16 - Reprappers
Quotecwaa You haven't given us enough information to really assess your problem. Do you know what a hobbed bolt is? Have you ever hand fed filament? I bought a new TV and it just stopped working......What do you think the problem is? It's broken!by dart16 - Reprappers
How about https://reprappro.com/documentation/mendel-3/ or its smaller cousin https://reprappro.com/documentation/huxley-duo/ ?by dart16 - Reprappers
Quotenewbob My printer is Cartesian and I only want Z to move from layer to layer. What I want is a way to (automatically) verify that bed is level before each print and preferably tell me which corner is offset and by how much. Per @Origamib recommendation I'll try switching firmware to Repetier and see how it goes. Isn't that what printing a skirt is partially for??by dart16 - General
Well I can confirm it works... that may not be much of a surprise to those well versed in linux but it was a bit of a surprise to me..... Up to three printers connect via USB to the Pi Zero which is connected to the network via either ethernet or wifi (or both), and if your printers are mega2560 based they are powered through just the USB connection so no over stressed on-board regulators (cut tby dart16 - Repetier
Device manager will tell you what your printers com port number is. That way you will be connecting to the right device. click windows icon bottom left of your screen, type device manager in the search box and select device manager from the results. left click on ports to see the connected com ports, remove, and then re-insert your printers usb cable to see the device disappear and then reappearby dart16 - Prusa i3 and variants
I have always used a powered hub for the USB.. it's a simple solution that happens to give me more USB ports. I then removed D1 (or more accurately the pin going to the Vin socket on the mega) to prevent the 5v regulator on the mega receiving any +12v power) The Arduino relies solely on the +5V from the powered hub. Use a 5v psu of around 2A and all the arduino regulator problems, and dim/no dispby dart16 - General
I guess that it is just too slow.. a 2GB SD card is quite antiquated by todays' standards. I'll just chuck it away and use a tf card!!by dart16 - General
oops.. he's gone...... I bludgeoned mine with a wood drill...it didn't seem to mind too much...once I had removed the burr. From my (very limited) experience it is not especially critical how the hole is made, providing the ceramic isn't cracked in the process....by dart16 - General
OK... so I finally got around to fitting the piezo sensor to my mini kossel, replacing the servo operated optical sensor I had there for bed probing. Can I just say that you guys have the right approach as far as I am concerned... KISS. It works as described..no need to go digital or over complicate the thing.... it is perfect. If I can bludgeon a hole in the middle(ish) of a piezo sensor thenby dart16 - General
Spent some time looking for a possible solution for the SD card init fail problem. many people seem to have had this problem but I could not find a reported 'solution' that worked for my card with this problem. I have two 2GB SD cards, these are actual SD cards and not TF cards in an adapter, the first is a Sandisk and the second is a Kingston. It is the Kingston that fails 'init' and it fails eby dart16 - General
99p for 10xM2.5 grub screws from China on ebay...or £2.59 for 5 M2.5 grub screws delivered from the UK..by dart16 - General
Just how noisy are these printers you are writing about? By far the loudest thing on my Prusa i3 is the filament cooling fan and that can hardly be called intrusive...or are you printing at insane speeds? Uno/RAMPS/cheapo motors...etcby dart16 - General