update. fitted new stepper motors. working properly.by Dave H - Firmware - Marlin
MKS genv1.4 with TFT32. single head. Both the bed and head temperature show as the same on the TFT32. Which ever one rises it shows the highest temperature. 100K on bed. no pull up. 100k glass bead on head, no pull up. It has been working, but I fitted new steppers, and fault appeared, checked resistances and both are ok. plugged 2 new sensors on the motherboard, same results. bed in middby Dave H - Firmware - Marlin
Hi Guys, Setting up a MKS gen v1.4 on CTC biezer. Using Marlin 2016 Firmware. I've just about got everything working. controlling via TFT32. bed manual leveling works correctly, along with 'home' function. When I go to print an item, all axis home, but on first movement it appears that the X and Y axis move far to fast and loose their correct positions. Tried altering feed and accelerationby Dave H - Firmware - Marlin
Found loads of options in the 'mks_config.txt' file Calibration is next hurdle.by Dave H - General
Thanks for the link, more options on the display now.by Dave H - General
I looked for that section, but doesn't appear to be on my display, perhaps I need a different program in the display. Any suggestions, please, as to which program to install.by Dave H - General
Had a shock last night, pressed home button and steppers started moving. No menu on display for adjusting baud rate. Expect I need a different program in the display.by Dave H - General
Hello, I've been directed to this forum, that you might be able to help me. I'm changing the main board in my CTC dual printer. I have a MKS_GEN_V1.4 mainboard and a MKS_TFT32 display. Has anyone else done this conversion? I have the display plugged into aux1, the display works, but nothing else. I installed Marlin firmware from osoypo.com, as it is the only place that I have found the board/dby Dave H - General