I did see someone open the file in the slicer and lower the part to a negative Z (lower the part into the print bed) about the position where the print failed print the rest of the print then sand/ glue them together afterwards. Long as you get the location of the negative Z pretty close it looked pretty good.by Intensify - General
Quotehayedid I have b3's pico hotend and 500C thermistor. It is a well designed unit. What printer do you have this attached to/ what electronics/ software does it run? I really want to print polycarbonate i think its a really cool functional plastic and being clear it looks good to.by Intensify - General
The anet a8 also has a temperature limit in the software to prevent melting of the ptfe tube as a safety feature so you will need to update as well. I think the limit is 260* which is a little bit dangerous for ptfe. I am currently trying to mod to get over 300* safely but the thermister isnt safe and pt100 require 3 pin. So i am a little stuck on what to do next.by Intensify - Prusa i3 and variants
Interesting information here about thermal sensors the pt100 or 1000 sound really good. Although this does not really help me to much with my Anet a8 electronics it only has the 2 pin plug. I should have been more specific about that in the op. QuoteThe latest release of RepRapFirmware supports PT1000 thermistors connected directly to thermistor inputs, see . It's not as good as a PT100 connecteby Intensify - General
QuoteMKSA QuoteIntensify I think i read somewhere that some one had put a delay of 10 seconds of warmup time before checking the temperature wouldn't that overcome this problem of the low temperature reading?. I lost the link i have 3 windows open with 10+ tabs researching I think you should first learn about PID in addition to ADC, thermistor linearity (mainly lack of it)... ! I read abouby Intensify - General
I think i read somewhere that some one had put a delay of 10 seconds of warmup time before checking the temperature wouldn't that overcome this problem of the low temperature reading?. I lost the link i have 3 windows open with 10+ tabs researchingby Intensify - General
Found this while searching around that Dyze is using a 500*c thermistor so i been trying to research what they are using so i can just source the part my self rather than using a PT100 + amplifier setup So far i have found U1-382-Y1 NTC thermistor I cant seem to find a temperature table for this thermistor though - will any of these work?by Intensify - General
Thanks for the reply let me know how you go if you find anything i am currently researching into a lead i found - has a table Basically a thermistor rated to 500*c so it wont require anything extra just install and update the firmware table (which i am still researching on how) Found these with a search Will these thermistors work with that table linked above on b3innovations?by Intensify - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteIntensify What will my parts list contain to get this machine to achieve the requirements for these plastics? I know nylon could be done with a all metal hotend so just by changing the PTFE lined heat throat and maybe need a software mod? To do list PT100 Thermocouple Sensor Volcano heat block PSU upgrade? Heat bed swap or mod? enclosure (this has been on my to do list) Heat shielding/ insby Intensify - Prusa i3 and variants
Looking to modify my Anet a8 to print nylon and polycarbonate (~320* nozzle/ ~150* heat bed). I have very good results with PLA and ABS with self upgrading the machine with printed parts and i have installed 2x 210A MOSFET for the heat bed and extruder. I have a e3d clone hot end (not installed yet) which i believe i need to change the the sensor from the existing thermistor 100 K NTC with duponby Intensify - Prusa i3 and variants