Is there a way to slow the print down without having to reflash? I can do this manually using F500 for example. Do I add this command to my G-Code when printing? I'm using chiques - General
Quoteobewan 0,0 is home coordinates(front left of the bed) that have a measured Z offset of -0.011 with X across the top and Y down the left Thank chiques - Firmware - Marlin
I'm having a hard time understanding which corner is my home corner on the Autoleveling printout (from G29). Is my home 0,0 or 2,2? See attached chiques - Firmware - Marlin
QuoteDust D9 is the normal port for the fan. Its controlled with M106/M107 This is normally auto generated in your slicer. This should not be confused with the hot end cooling fan, this should always be on on a ramps (as there is no mosfet for it, you would need to add one) OK, this makes sense since those ports are 12V. I was a bit confused since that port is labeled "Heat 2 , 9" on the chiques - General
QuoteMKSA How about reading the doc then eventually ask in the proper place ? I did and this sounds like a personal attack: QuotePersonal Attacks In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, no personal attacks or insults will be tolerated. While discussions may become heated, it is not an excuse to resort to attacks or insults. Moderators and or Admins will remove and warn users at their discretiby chiques - General
I'm using a Ramps 1.4 board with Marlin 1.1.9. I have a 12V fan mounted on my extruder. Which port do I connect this fan to so the firmware can control it? Also, what variable controls it?by chiques - General
QuoteGaz83 Cheers Sacramento I will give it ago tonight Did this fix your problem?by chiques - Firmware - Marlin
Quotechiques QuoteDust HAS_HEATED_BED has to be defined this is true when HAS_TEMP_BED && HAS_HEATER_BED is defined HAS_TEMP_BED is true when HAS_TEMP_ADC_BED HAS_HEATER_BED is true is PIN_EXISTS(HEATER_BED) So Either you have not defined a pin for your heated bed, or you have not defined a pin for your bed thermistor Hello Dust, None of these variables are in my current Configuratby chiques - Firmware - Marlin
QuoteDust HAS_HEATED_BED has to be defined this is true when HAS_TEMP_BED && HAS_HEATER_BED is defined HAS_TEMP_BED is true when HAS_TEMP_ADC_BED HAS_HEATER_BED is true is PIN_EXISTS(HEATER_BED) So Either you have not defined a pin for your heated bed, or you have not defined a pin for your bed thermistor Hello Dust, None of these variables are in my current Configuration.h or Confby chiques - Firmware - Marlin
I am using Marlin 1.1.9. I am trying to heat my bad using the 'M140 S60' command but it's not working. When I enter this in Pronterface I get: Setting bed temperature to 60.000000 degrees Celsius. echo:Unknown command: "M140 S60.0" Does anyone know how to enable this in the firmware?by chiques - Firmware - Marlin
QuoteRoberts_Clif Your Marlin configuration seems correct. Not sure why it is not allowing the 10mm clearance when homing. What version of Marlin are you using? It appears to be a older version. The newer versions of marlin use #define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE 10 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow #define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES 5 // Z Clearance between probe points Downloaded it from here Mby chiques - Firmware - Marlin
Hello Everyone, I am using Marlin version 1.8.7 and I am trying to get the G28 command to raise the nozzle before moving but unfortunately it's not and it's scraping against my bed when homing. Here's the configuration.h section for my Auto Leveling. I've tried to adjust the variables #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING 10 and #define Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS 10 with no success. Does anyone have anyby chiques - Firmware - Marlin
QuoteDust The page you linked to has multiple screen shots on how to set it up, highlighted even... what more do you need? There is even a text file with all the changes you need.... It just plugs into the 3 pin Z endstop plug. "I plugged my SN04-N into the 5v supply line works fine. Brown wire to 5V Black wire to NO contact Blue wire to Ground" But "similar" concerns me... there are PNPby chiques - General
I purchased an inductive sensor similar to FLSUN i3 Inductive Sensor. It's not clear on how to connect it. I see this sensor uses the servo bank BL Touch but how to do I configure it in Marlin?by chiques - General
I found the problem: The endstop needs to be set to false: // The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins. const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the chiques - General
Hello 3D Printer Community, I just purchased a RAMPS 1.4 which uses the MEGA2560. I have successfully loaded firmware and connected my steppers to the point where I can control the printer using the knob on the LCD screen module. I have ran into a problem which I don’t know how to address though- The screen instructions I take are: Press the center button on the knob Scroll Down to Prepare and pby chiques - General
I'm not sure if you got this problem resolved but I had the same issue as well. My controller kit is from Osoyoo 3D Printer Kit I had to comment out the default LCD chosen and use: // ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLERby chiques - General