After doing research and getting some help. The code below is what I am using: ; Configuration file for Duet 3 (firmware version 3) ; executed by the firmware on start-up ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.2.3 on Wed Jun 23 2021 23:47:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) ; General preferences G90 ; send absolute coordinates... M83by feynman137 - General
Yes I did this afternoon. link to thread Here is the config file of the printer but the sections under bed heater have the code relevant to this discussion: ; Configuration file for Duet 3 (firmware version 3) ; executed by the firmware on start-up ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.2.3 on Wed Jun 23 2021 23:47:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) ; General preferences G90by feynman137 - General
I have a core-xy that I've been trying to configure using rep rap and a duet mainboard 6hc and expansion board 3hc. I have made some progress configuring the code thus far, thanks to help from the rep rap and duet communities. Right now all of the limit switches, steppers, and dimensions are working great. So no problem homing the printer, but I haven't made any progress on the hot-end. Can sby feynman137 - General
Thanks man. I used the config tool and it gave me these lines for a bed heater: M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; create bed heater output on bedheat and map it to sensor 0 M307 H0 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limiby feynman137 - General
Hey DC42, I apologize for resurrecting this thread after a month, but I am wondering shouldn't there have been some code to configure the 4 thermistors and then tie them to their respective heater? In the code you posted above we are creating the heaters and then assigning to the bed. But I imagine there is a M305 command or similar, the code below uses M308. I am using the temp1-4 slots on thby feynman137 - General
Hey guys So I finally am getting around to wiring this thing up and programming. I wanted to confirm how one would wire this up though. For example for which pin will I connect to the SSR Input+ and Input-. It isn't obvious to me which one to connect. And for the thermistor I am assuming it doesn't matter how I hook it feynman137 - General
David thanks for the insight. So sounds like the default head reference point (HRP) is the primary extruder nozzle but this can be moved. So when I go to specify my Z probe it will be G31 P500 X23.9 Y28.21 Z1.67 also what does the P term mean? I tried looking at G code dictionary to see how one would move the HRP but not sure I feynman137 - General
Thank you for answering this! Are the coordinates relative to the Z probe in the sense that if Z probe is +23.9mm in the X direction and +28.21mm in the Y direction from the nozzle. Or are the coordinates from the nozzle to the BL touch which would reverse the feynman137 - General
Hello I am trying to figure out how to configure the z probe parameters for a dual extruder head. I have found the z trigger height for my BL touch approximately 1.67mm and the following is a diagram of XY plane distances between the Z probe and nozzles. I have already adjusted the Z trigger height in the config.g file which is attached and the Z probe section looks like: ; Z-Probe M950 S0by feynman137 - General
Thanks guys I am attempting to move the z axis in the negative direction as recommended. Because I was trying to move Z+5mm. But when I attempt move the z I am getting an error: this is happening when I attempt to move the x and y axis as feynman137 - General
I recently completed the building of my printer , on everything but the heated bed, and wanted to run some tests. I was hoping to just move the print bed up a few mm and then home it and something similar for the x and y, but tests didn't go so well. I heard some loud grinding as soon as I hit Z-home and immediately unplugged the power supply unit. I am a little puzzled as to the source of tby feynman137 - General
Thank you for the detailed answer, exactly what I was looking for... Can I ask why the PWM frequency of 10Hz is this the maximum frequency of the ON/OFF switching of the relay? This isn't as important but are you aware of the rate that the firmware is reading the thermistor/temperature PV?by feynman137 - General
Hello I am new to RepRap, and am setting up my coreXY. The printer I am working on has a bed that is about 24in x 24in There are 4 heated zones which use 220/240Vs and 4 SSRs for temperature control. Each section should have its own thermistor and PID control. Is this possible to configure in RepRap? I have a Duet3 6HC mainboard with an expansion board as well, so a fair amount of I/Os. Alby feynman137 - General