I'm not sure I can give you a reason immediately for things not working, but perhaps I can make some suggestions. Ignore the M105 command (switch of temp monitoring in RepSnapper). It is RepSnapper continually asking for the extruder temperature. If you have comm's problems, this repetitive message getting sent out over the UART is not helping. You don't mention which firmware you are using, soby jim_blag - RepSnapper
Could be a couple of things. Have you set the steps per mm value in the firmware correctly for the Z axis? In Sprinter it will be in the Config.h file. The other potential problem could be the z-axis motor is stalling due to either insufficient current or insufficient torque. When the z-axis does move, is it jerky or does it move smoothly? Also, try turning the z-axis with the Mendel powered ofby jim_blag - General Mendel Topics
Check the limit plug-in. Skeinforge may be trying to limit the speed of a largish move incorrectly. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
As people have pointed out, X, Y & Z should move freely when the belts are moved. I had similar experiences with my Mendel. So you might want to check the following. X-Carriage: Mine was badly formed and the top half rubbed on the bars. I had to grind away several mm's of material before it no longer rubbed. I think the carriage was built a few mm's too big as the bearings also don't ride onby jim_blag - Reprappers
Is it attempting to print the first layer (extruder gears are driving) or not? If it's trying, you might need to prime things before trying to print the first layer. Use the skirt feature in Skeinforge to print a perimeter around the object before you start the first layer. JBby jim_blag - RepSnapper
Which version of Python are you running? Which platform are you running on (Win, Lin or Mac)? Tkinter is typically part of the default installation. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
Which electronics are you using? Gen3, RAMPS, Gen6, Gen7, something else? That might help clue people into where you should start probing. As some generic advice, when the micro wants to turn on the heater for the extruder, it will assert one of it's IO pins which in turn is connected to a power transistor and turns on the heater. I'd suggest looking through the schematic for your hardware and fby jim_blag - General Mendel Topics
I used XL timing belt pulleys and belts from McMaster. You need to modify the steps/mm settings in your firmware. Details of my experiences are here Regards, Jamesby jim_blag - Reprappers
It doesn't work with the RepRap Host, the command response structure is slightly different. Try using RepSnapper instead. JBby jim_blag - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I suspect that your calibration is slightly off. Either your W/T ratio is slightly off so the layers aren't being squashed together and as the print head turns the corner it pulls off the thread (depends which tool you use to generate GCode). Or Z cal is slightly off and it raises the head slightly too high for each layer. Another thing you could try is to slow down the print speed so the printby jim_blag - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Yes, it's a plug-in called 'Skin'. More details here It's not in a released version of SF yet, but I think it has found its way into SFACT. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
You could cut the belt if you want to, but as long as the excess doesn't hinder the carriage movement, I wouldn't worry about it at this stage. JBby jim_blag - General Mendel Topics
Have you checked the GCode you are using? If the GCode shows no Y axis movement when the X-axis is printing a side, then check to see if the Y-axis is locked during that move. Depending on the firmware, it may or may not lock non-moving axes. JBby jim_blag - Reprappers
Do you have the limit plug-in enabled? If so, what are the various settings set to? JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
Perhaps one solution would be to have Skeinforge slice with a nominal filament diameter, then have the printer measure the filament as it enters the print head and the firmware can dynamically adjust the volumetric parameters. You could measure the diameter either by monitoring idler wheel deviation, or a line camera. It's a complex solution that would need some initial tuning but would adjustby jim_blag - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
It's on the overview page for the Mendel here JBby jim_blag - General
The way Skeinforge plug-ins adjust the GCode is sequential. So the top layer is already sliced before Skin gets hold of it. It would need to re-slice and recalculate the paths if the everything else needs to change. Not impossible, but way outside of my knowledge of the inner workings of Skeinforge. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. It's divided everything by 2. So the thickness is half-height and the thickness is half-thickness. It now requires 4 threads in place of the one it replaced. It's the equivalent of printing the last layer at half carve height - but it prints two layers to keep the original dimensions correct. The diagrams here show what is happening on the perimeterby jim_blag - Skeinforge
Glad you like the effect. It's printing the horizontal surface at half-height so that it can print the top surfaces with half-width threads, so you get a similar effect on the horizontal surfaces as on the vertical surfaces. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
I need to update the comments in the skin.py file they are a little out of date. Enrique added the top surface skin modifier for me as I couldn't figure that out, but I haven't gone back to update the comments yet (too many other projects on the go at the moment) JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
If you download the development version with the Skin plug-in, that has a separate feed and flow rate which affects the top surface. JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
It's run on the exported GCode, it's not written to be inserted in Skeinforge. JBby jim_blag - General Mendel Topics
Everywhere I look these days there is an article about 3D printers. This one is quite interesting. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/9550469.stm JBby jim_blag - General
Sorry, thinking you were using Skeinforge to generate the Gcode. I'd suggest switching tools, you'll get better quality prints. JBby jim_blag - RepRap Host
It might be a good idea to try switching off plug-ins one at a time and see if the problem still exists. I've found that Filet causes odd behaviour occasionally. JBby jim_blag - RepRap Host
Check the E values in the resulting GCode file. Make sure you can spot sections where E values are less than the previous value (indicating a retraction). What values are you using in dimension for retraction? JBby jim_blag - Reprappers
Clip over Perimeter changes the clip settings for the perimeter values. Does the same as the Clip plug-in but the values need to be adjusted for the new carve height. Infill feed and flow multipliers change the feed and flow rate to adjust the extrusion during the perimeter and on the very top surface. In my testing I haven't found any need to change these parameters. Layers from index determinby jim_blag - Skeinforge
It prints the external surfaces at half carve height to get a higher quality surface finish in a shorter print time. For more details see here JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge
Here you go. Since it was a quick test I can't vouch for its robustness. Good luck. Jamesby jim_blag - General Mendel Topics
Which version of Skeinforge are you running and which plug-ins do you have enabled? JBby jim_blag - Skeinforge