If you eventually put this up on thingiverse, try to give credit to the designer that conceived the product...by Adrian - General
And: Check that there is a little wiggle to the belt - not too tight, not too loose If you have a potentiometer to adjust current to the motor, try increasing the current, it may be too low Also if you are running your speed (feed rate in SF) try slowing it down Ensure that all connections from the motor to controller are connected securely I had a very similar problem and I believe it was assocby Adrian - General
For thin walled parts I run elmers wood glue after a few layers. I drop a generous blob and run a swab along the perimeter and it dries fairly quickly. Afterwards the part is pretty easy to remove and cleanup is simple: scrapes really well off of the kaptone and peels right off the part. I will say that I have only done this on PLA but should work just the same with ABS. Also I'm using a heated bby Adrian - General
You can look back at my posts, below are pics: Just look through the earlier vids from john...by Adrian - General
Thanks Greg! Currently retract is off (will experiment with it next...) So far I: •Lowered temp to 175 (you were right, my temp was too high resulting in leaking (not oozing)) •Increased travel speed from 40 to 50mm/s in an attempt to speed up z axis travel. •Increased the feed rate Result: •gap is smaller but still enlarges gradually as print layers progress there was improvement but the z traby Adrian - General
I've been going crazy trying to solve this with no luck, hopefully you guys can shed some light: When printing a single-wall box I get a consistant break (about 3mm) after completing and starting a loop per layer. I tried turning on & off carve and fishing around with countless other parameters. I've tried running at various speeds, no matter how slow I still get the break (around 17mm - 40mby Adrian - General
Thanks raldrich, I switched to the latest 5d firmware by Mendel-parts and I'm getting the reading again... Hopefully sprinter can shake that bug. I did confirm again that sprinter does report temp properly in windows but not in the older Mac version...by Adrian - General Mendel Topics
After pressing "print" in repsnapper try clicking the "kick" button... Repeat kicking if it does not start. Hopefully this helps! I just upgraded to skeinforge 41 and for some reason I need to now do this... SF 41 Repsnapper Mac Gen6+Mendelby Adrian - General
Does anyone have the latest version of repsnapper compiled for mac? I ask because I have no experience with coding/compiling! I've been successfully using the following version of repsnapper: I'm asking because I just uploaded the sprinter firmware to my Gen 6 board but in Repsnapper for mac I'm not getting a temperature reading (blank). In windows, repsnapper does report it. I believe that tby Adrian - RepSnapper
I've been exhibiting all the same issues here... Just uploaded the sprinter firmware but in Repsnapper for mac I'm not getting a temperature reading (blank). In windows, repsnapper does report it. Any thoughts? I may need to move to a later version of repsnapper mac but I'm clueless with compiling the latest version (seems that others are having trouble too) If anyone has the latest version ofby Adrian - General Mendel Topics
Hello, I would like to backup the installed firmware on my gen 6 controller before updating to te latest version, does anyone know te steps to do this via the arduino software? I have the arduino software & sanguino files installed and there is communication between my computer and the Gen6 controller, I just don't know how to use the interface. I found this command on the Gen6 reprap wikby Adrian - Sanguino(lolu)
From my expierence alone I wholeheartedly can not recomend them. In retrospect I whish I had gone with Cdnreprap or maker gear. Also consider going with a prusa if you are feeling intimidated by the build. There is now an amazing guide for building it and I promise it will be worth it, (ill add a link later) I went for a built Mendel because I needed it for my product design thesis to prototypeby Adrian - General
Hi john, I was getting similar results at the beginning of my efforts to what you are getting. I ended up slowing the speed to 18 feed 18 flow. Got really good results at the cost of speed. I'd recommend that you give it a shot to have a sort of baseline for quality. Good luck!by Adrian - General
No But I'm intrigued...by Adrian - General
Sounds like it is a firmware issue... I think you can re flash the firmware - files are on mendel-parts.com. Also any non standard part modifications to belts/gears?by Adrian - General
I know this is kind of a crazy idea but I've been wondering if a rock tumbler would be an easy & good way to clean up parts... Any thoughts? My goal would to achieve a smooth outer surface. Smaller holes may not get exposed to the grit... Here is an example of what I'm thinking about:by Adrian - General
Hey thanks for the advice! I slowed things from 38 feed/60 flow to 30/30 and its looking really good. For my perimeter settings I have .4 feed & .4 flow. I've also found that the filament is slipping at higher speeds. I'm about to fab a wades extruder, hopefully that will allow for faster rates. Thanks AgingHippyby Adrian - Skeinforge
Hi guys, Question: How do I slow down the infill speed in skeinforge? Can't seem to find the setting in the wiki or in the forums... Problem: When printing infill, speed is too fast in relation to the standard feed rate, resulting in breaks along the infill path which ends up messing up the rest of the print. -Inside perimiters are too fast resulting in thin for broken in-walls -Outside Wallby Adrian - Skeinforge
I've been thinking the same thing, a few glowing first posters, I wish I was one of them! Since no one is posting any pics I though I'd share, keep in mind that I received the "assembled" mendel from them only two weeks ago... The pics... http://www.flickr.com/photos/56943336@N08/sets/72157626241187865/by Adrian - General
Hey mikael, As someone who has just received a botmill glider two weeks ago, I can confirm brnrd's experience with botmill. Nearly two months late, warped parts, missing a few but critical pieces and essentially had to be totally rebuilt. I finally got it up and running after 4 12 hour days and this was supposed to be the fully assembled kit. The makerbot is great, the support and software arby Adrian - General
Check this out, I am so frustrated as what I received was a non functioning mess. I am in communication to get the missing/replacement parts which they claim to be shipping tomorrow, heck what they are printing could be my replacements!by Adrian - General
That makes me feel like I got punched in the gut... I really wish the Glider I received was remotely operational... Still a long way off from being operational as they are shipping replacement/missing parts, I am very frustrated!by Adrian - General
Today I received the Axis from Botmill after 7 weeks of waiting. It is advertised as "plug and play." Unfortunately it is far from that... If you have seen any of John's videos, I've essentially received what he has, except partially assembled. Incase you missed some of his informative videos take a look at what you can expect from botmill: youtube I'll post pics and unpacking videos soon...by Adrian - General
Epatel Hey maybe they sent you a huxley! BTW my axis and the supposed 15 lb of pla weighs in at 31 according to the UPS tracking info.by Adrian - General
The design an engineering of the Up is really impressive, clean & well thought out layout of the printer... Love the automatic feeder system, which the files are available on thingiverse. The only drag is the build platform is a bit small, especially in comparison to the mendel (about 5.5" sq in), also expensive in comparison...by Adrian - General
Hey supreme 84, thanks for posting the pics! Do the parts look completely rep-rapped or does it seem that they are manufacturing it through some other process? I ask because John had a lot of holes that were not straight through the part... Thanks and can't wait to see more pics. On another note, I finally got a tracking number on the glider assembled mendel. I will fully document the experieby Adrian - General
Hi John, Congratulations on the kickstarter project, I can't tell you how informative your videos have been and I can't wait to see new postings! I looked closely at your parts on the video and tell me if you agree: You are a patient guy, those parts looked pretty bad, I think I know how they were trying to make them: Printing the shell for the parts (faster to print) and filling them with a poby Adrian - General
Double yikes... Thanks for your experience with them, I'm really hoping that its built correctly. So was the heated bed installed on your machine and bent or was it included as an "extra"? Lets hope that their assembly issues are worked out, now I know to verify the Glider against schematics.by Adrian - General
Yikes, I just read the posts here, and I'm honestly a bit concerned. I emailed them for turnaround times before placing the order for the Glider (assembled mendel) and they said that the product would be ready to ship within 7-10 business days. I figured I'd take the risk, now after 2 emails (with quick replies) I learned that their stepper motors are backordered, blaming the chinese new year (noby Adrian - General