This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I looked around and could not locate his hot end mount files. Does anyone know if they are out there anywhere?by jamesmoe - FoldaRap
I would like to send laser files to ponoko for the latest base, y-carriage and heat shield. I need a Ponoko ready file to send. Anyone updated this?by jamesmoe - FoldaRap
Is there any compelling reason to print the FoldaRap parts from PLA? I am out and only have ABS around. Are there any downsides from construction from ABS?by jamesmoe - FoldaRap
My Z rods are 90 degrees perfect. Threaded rods yanking the carriage around? Y belt issue? (checked belt and it is tight) Thoughts? Attached is offending print and a pic of my machine. Thanks, Jamesmoeby jamesmoe - Mendel90
You can build one. There is a configuration in the source files for the "Sturdy" Put in the parameters of you desired bed and material and it will generate the stls and renderings. I did one real quick just to see. The biggest off the shelf heated bed I could find was 10" square (254mm). I input 16mm MDF (1/2") as the frame material in the config and 10mm jamesmoe - Mendel90
Here are the settings I ended up with that SEEM to be working: Please validate that there is not something terribly wrong with them. Last question before I move on to my next task is in Pronterface, I set the options to Build Dimentions 205W x 190D x 150H. I set the home positions to 205, 190 and 0 respectively. What is the offset? The Nophead config is -100, -100, 0. Should I set these as -205by jamesmoe - Mendel90
While my question about the heater block is being pondered. Has anyone actually used a J-Head? Do they have a pic of the completed unit to see what any shielding or heat sinking looks like?by jamesmoe - FoldaRap
OK. I think this is what I need to do. So I want to leave my axis in the right direction. Looking at the machine as the motor side being the front .. X+ to right, Y+ I have endstops at X- MAX and Y-MAX and Z-MIN and want them to home in that direction. Here are my Marlin settings ... Cool? // Endstop Settings #define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) toby jamesmoe - Mendel90
The J-Head heater block looks awful close to the mount. Is there a possibility of the area near the heater block melting or deforming? Anyone consider the PrintrBot hot end?by jamesmoe - FoldaRap
Opps. Make a mistake. 0,0 would actually be center. I usually home to -100,-100 where the endstops are at 100,100. I would not mind homing to 0,0 but still need to fix why it won't move off that Max endstops at 100,100by jamesmoe - Mendel90
Good day all. I have completed my DIY Mendel90 based off of parts I printed out of PLA (except for the extruder body) about a year ago, and using sealed MDF as my frame. Just got around to assembling it this weekend. I thank my trusty Prusa i2 for completing my parts with its last dying breath before being disassembled for the 90. I have to say to Nophead .. the OpenScad automation and file geneby jamesmoe - Mendel90
We have McMaster and Fastenal. Both don't sell by the N. Always 25-100 count jamesmoe - Mendel90
I love the design. The only feedback is reduce the vitamin type count! I just received my order from McMaster and have sorted a butt ton of different screws, washers, and nuts. If anyone needs extras let me know! I need 4 screws but have to buy jamesmoe - Mendel90
I am not a big "fan" of mounting a fan on the extruder. I try to add as little weight as possible to the x jamesmoe - General
I had the same problems with gears and small items like the Gregs Extruder Guidler. I won't want to print a bunch at one time just to get one good part. I took the advice on the IRC and added a fan. I asked all the same questions .. how big .. how many CFM .. The answer is take whatever fan you have laying around and slap it on .. I have attached a photo of my ghetto fan mount modeled off one oby jamesmoe - General
The consensus on the IRC at this point is pretty much go with a Prusa Mendel Iteration 2 if you want to go a bit cheaper with a bit more complicated build .. if you want to spend about $80 more .. the MendelMax is a fantastic machine with certain aspects being simpler to assemble (less precision cutting of rods, less jigging of frame etc). Tons of both machines have been built and there are manyby jamesmoe - General
Gorilla Glue 5 Minute jamesmoe - General Mendel Topics
Did you solder the RAMPS board yourself? You may want to inspect and refloat anything that does not look jamesmoe - General
Speaking of the Mendel90 .. when are we going to see that Nophead? You teased that when you built it it was spot on calibration wise! I want to build one. Back to the topic at hand .. I started this thread wondering what the criteria is to get on the front page. I think this is a good debate on the purpose of the front page. I tend to agree we want the front page to be a friendly place for peoby jamesmoe - General
The Printrbot should NOT be there until there is a BOM and basic set of build instructions. All there is right now are the pictures on their Flicr page and the stls for the plastic parts. Things on the front page should have at least enough to get someone well along the way to actually building one. I know there are a lot of printrbots out there .. but they are built by the beta testers and creatby jamesmoe - General
Where in north Carolina are you located?by jamesmoe - General
Thinking more on it. Having machines and varients on the front page that have actually been reproduced by a number of people besides the creator gives you a menu of possibilities. My suggestion would be to make sure there are clear specs to differentiate machines and at least a reasonable amount of build documentation. You may want to put a short blurb on the front page stateing what machines onby jamesmoe - General
Thanks spacxula. That is what I was looking for. It is much clearer now that you laid out some basic jamesmoe - General
I have noticed that all of a sudden new machines have popped up on the front page. I am wondering what determines if a machine is worthy of front page status? The Wallace is not really design complete. The MakerGear PRUSA is very similar to the standard PRUSA .. same with the MendelMax. It is just a new frame. Don't get me wrong, I am excited by all the new improvements and that is what the WIKIby jamesmoe - General
I am selling a spare 0.35mm hot end on ebay. It is fully assembled and ready to go. Plug and play compatible with Prusa Mendel. Link: If you are in the US and want a hot end fast, this is your best option!by jamesmoe - For Sale
I am selling my primary PRUSA Mendel because I just completed my second machine. The parts for the second machine and enough for a third were all printed on this printer. Great opportunity to get a fully assembled and calibrated machine that is print proven. All the details are in the ebay listing:by jamesmoe - For Sale
I am selling my primary machine because I just finished my second machine. All the parts for my second machine, and enough for a third were printed from this printer. This machine is fully calibrated and print proven. I have it posted for sale on ebay with all the details: - jamesmoeby jamesmoe - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale