I think G28 is OK. The problem is about vocabulary: home # reference...by fma - Slic3r
Ok, I see! I will give it a try to see if it gives good results. Thanks for the tip.by fma - Slic3r
I don't see any temperature related to the smal layers, in skeinforge... What param are your refering? Does the filament stick well if you lower the temperature?by fma - Slic3r
Yes, my homing position is in the center of the print bed. This is easier to check if the object fits (I only have a small hot-bed, for now).by fma - Slic3r
I will also try the 'lift Z' param, to see if it reduces the problem...by fma - Slic3r
Slic3r first moves down the hot-end to the first layer Z value, then moves to the XY location. I think it would be better to first move to XY location, *then* to go down to the first laye Z valuer. This will avoid the little blob in the middle of the print area...by fma - Slic3r
I think it mainly depends where and how fast the head moves after the end of the loop. In my case, the head was turning back at full speed to go to another place. So the filament didn't have time to stick well. I think it is not easy to manage, has you can make blobs if you go too far! A solution could be to start moving in the same direction on a few mm, at extrusion speed (with the extruder ofby fma - Slic3r
I guess that the cool option is on the todo list. From my point of view, it is a not too hard feature to code, but really usefull one. Skeinforge has 2 ways to cool the layer: either by extruding at normal speed and then orbiting to wait the given minimum time for the layers, or by slowing down the speed rate. There is also a param to switch on/off the fan. Even if I think it as a very good ideaby fma - Slic3r
I agree! Yesterday night, I printed the front part of the TIE fighter from Thingiverse, and it printed much better than the rear part. But I still have some little issues on some closed peremeters, which don't close well... I occurs when the head goes to another point at full speed, after retractation. A little part of the perimeter is missing. I also printed a part with a bridge, and it workedby fma - Slic3r
Thanks! I will try it soon. I just printed 3 or 4 objetcs¹, tonight, and got pretty good results. There are a few minor issues, but they may have gone with the new release. I will check that. Again, congratulation for your software! I will also try to propose some (simple) improvements, as soon as I have free time. Best, ¹ I printed toys! Reprap is the modern version of Sant Claus's elvesby fma - Slic3r
Hi, My young son bough a nice little sarcophagus,with a removable cover, and asked my to print him a mummy to put inside. But I don't have any skill to design such thing! Does anyone know where I can find a stl model? Or maybe a way to design it from some datas or so? Thanks,by fma - General
And I don't understand why bridges don't work. How skeinforge manage them? As I'm using EMC to drive my reprap, I'm able to reduce or increase the feed-rate (all motors speed, including the extruder one) during a print. I tried slower and higher speeds during the bridges, but nothing worked. I had to breathe to cold down the extruded filament, so it stopped to brake. But then, the object warpedby fma - Slic3r
I also makes a few tests, and it works great, especially on little details. The only issue I got is on bridges: they totaly failed. I will make some more tests with different speeds to see how it goes.by fma - Slic3r
A servo-based delta bot would be nice, but is it accurate enough?by fma - Delta Machines
Sound, your software looks very promizing! And congratulation for such work in a so short time! You should ask forum admins to add a Slic3r sub-forum, in the Software folder...by fma - Printing
Well, I don't only want to describe the temperature control, but the entire setup What about: Driving_a_Reprap_only_with_EMC2?by fma - EMC2
Ok. Any idea for an appropriate page name?by fma - EMC2
Do you think I should modify/extend this page, or create a new one? There are already a lot of informations, there...by fma - EMC2
BTW, I would like to make a wiki page to give all informations about my setup, as it is a little bit different from others. Any suggestion where I should put this, on reprap.org wiki? I don't want to mess things up...by fma - EMC2
I have a button on the GUI to switch on the hot-end heater, before I start any operation. I also set the Z homing position by hand (eye controlled), before each print, as I have some lash in my Z axis, and a hot-bed which bends! About pins, I recently bought a parallel port extension board (15€), so I now have 3 entire ports But I think without wiring the end-stops, 1 port should be enough. I aby fma - EMC2
J'utilise emc2 pour piloter ma reprap. C'est tout à fait possible d'utiliser une CNC + extrudeur. Comme dit, il faut juste savoir piloter un 4ème axe. Ce que fait très bien emc2 (j'imagine que les autres softs aussi). Cf ce fil où je viens justement de poster ma solution pour la régulation de température via emc2. Au fait, il n'y a pas besoin de modifier skeinforge (ou replicatorG) ; il suffitby fma - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Sorry to dig that old topic, but I just wanted to share my setup, as I think it can help people who want to drive a reprap (or cnc+extruder) from emc2, including the temperatures. brendanjerwin chose to use the standard reprap extruder controller, for both driving the motor and the hot-end temperature. He wrote some python-based user-space module to handle M-codes related to the extruder, and drby fma - EMC2
Hi, I have access to a Galil DMC-21x3 controller, and would like to use it to drive my Prusa, using a simple python script to convert G-code. But I first have to understand how to correclty interpret G-code! For example, is the feedrate (F param) the speed of each individual axis, or the resulting vector speed, in case 2 or more coordinates are given? Thanks, BTW, feel free to move this topicby fma - General
Grogyan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've got access to MagnaLube (PTFE grease) at > work, so I might do a reaction test with PLA to > see how much the two react. Any feedback about this test? Thanks,by fma - General
That's exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks for the trick.by fma - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Thanks for the links! In fact, I was first looking for more general design rules, like for parts made with other processes (injection, molding)... I guess that FDM specific rules need a great skeinforge understanding, which is not my case!by fma - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Hello, I would like to know if there are some documentations about designing strong parts without using too much ABS/PLA? I can see really nice parts arround, with flangs and other little stuffs in order to avoid flexion and so. I guess it needs a good backgroud in this 'profession', but there are maybe some basic tips and tricks to avoid common mistakes... Thanks,by fma - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)