Yo he montado este acoplamiento para las barras del eje-z que permite ajuste de centrado (pero todavía no he completado mi prusa así que no me puedo pronunciar sobre su rendimiento).by misan - RepRap en Español
A new Arduino (prototype) is out. Based on ARM processor has been presented in NYC Maker Fair. Sounds a very interesting target to extend the reach of RAMPS.by misan - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
I've built a Prusa using two Epson carriage steppers. I reckon the 7.5 degrees motors could be used for z-axis as less resolution is needed for those, but the thin axis maybe a problem with some couplings (it is with my printed parts). I've attached the picture of my y-axis. BTW, the belt can be recycled too, and for my 140mm table is was just the right length!by misan - General New Machines Topics
I can only think z-axis might be happier with no flat (x,y and extruder might prefer to have a flat so as to prevent gear slipping on the shaft). I'd say it all depends on what you are attaching each motor's shaft.by misan - General
Just one detail: "B" version is dual shaft, and shaft is cylindrical, but "A" version shaft has a filed flat, which may be a problem (or not).by misan - General
@nophead: Do you mean both choices, right? I've checked and both motors are 2.5A or 2.3A while stepstick's driver is 2A max. (of course you can always power them with lower current and you'll obtain lower torque but they still may work ok). I'm guessing the guys at Thingfarm's Prusa motor kit is expected to work ok for Prusa.by misan - General
Hola: Yo soy de Valencia, pero estoy montandome una Prusa. Creo que puede salir por unos 500€ y en el post de la guía de los 250€ comento dónde he comprado las piezas (varios proveedores). De momento me han llegado las piezas impresas que compré en reprap-fab.org y la calidad en apariencia es excelente. Me ha tardado siete días en llegar y he pagado por transferencia bancaria. Saludos, misanby misan - RepRap en Español
I think it can be done putting together a Kinect and the program rgbd-object from excellent RGBdemo-0.6.0 software by Nicolas Burrus. It detects the various objects you have on the table and it creates a mesh of each one of them as you move around the kinect to help the software fill-in the mesh details. The catch is that compiling from source might be a bit challenging for some users (but youby misan - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I think you'd love Autodesk Photofly project. It takes your set of pictures and it returns you a 3D mesh of the object/building/room. Stunning! misanby misan - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
Hola, ¿algunos usuarios de Valencia por aquí? Estoy montando una Prusa con cojinetes lineales lm8uu (de reprap-fab.org) y RAMPS 1.4. De momento esperando a que vayan llegando los diferentes componentes. Sigo sin tener el plástico del extrusor ni el hot-end, pero estoy considerando comprar la variante de Greg del Wade con hot-end que vende en kit reprap-fab. ¿Alguien lo ha probado? Saludos, misby misan - RepRap en Español
Lamentablemente mi experiencia está siendo más cercana a los 500 que a los 250€. Estoy montando una Prusa con el plástico de reprap-fab.org ya preparado para cojinetes lineales lm8uu. Pero contando todo (incluyendo portes) y procurando comprar bien de precio pero sin ir a la ferretería a buscar el material, me sale por unos 500€. (Material de ferretería y motores paso-a-paso de xyzprinters.com, rby misan - RepRap en Español
Still, some reprap users may want to recycle just their own failed prints (where most of the drawbacksRockDoctor mentions are off the table). I do like the idea of recycling. Since a while ago I am looking differently to some of the garbage. However, as RockDoctor points out, mixing materiales of unknown sources may not lead to consistent results. I would like to be able to recycle at least myby misan - Polymer Working Group