I remembered reading somewhere that putting the endstop headers on backwards could blow the regulator I'm not sure is relevant anymore as the post was from last year. Could that have happened to your board?by Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Here are some pictures of my latest failure. You can see how the X axis skipped and then started printing in mid air. Also if you look at the upper right corner of pic3 you can see where the end stop must have gotten hooked by the rats nest of filament and either when the extruder got to the other end of the board or when I pulled it loose it bent the stop arm 90 degrees. I didn't see it iniby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
What the LCD display lets you do is put the gcode from you slicer on an SD memory card, like a camera card, and run the entire print from the LCD instead of having any PC connected. It's also great for letting you jog the x,y and z steppers and test the extruder and bed temp right at the printer without a PC being in the mix to cause problems, problems like not being able to connect to the printby Wpflum - Reprappers
Has anyone tried adding an auto bed leveler to this printer? I picked up an activator from ebay for a buck or so and it finally showed up Monday, all I need is a microswitch and some printed parts to hold the bunch together. So as soon as I can get my X axis issue fixed, I'm thinking by Thanksgiving (notice I didn't include the year), I'd like to try and impliment the probe but in the mean timeby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotejjbunn QuoteWpflum ... Do you have an LCD on the printer? I was having problems with Cura so it was real nice to be able to jog the extruder around manually and be able to test extruding and bed heat without a PC involved. Would you share your changes to configuration.h that you made to support the LCD? I have the 4 line display on mine, but it only works when USB is powered on the Arduinby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Granted it was a month ago but the only thing I remember doing to get mine working was to uncomment the line below and add the U8glib library. I had forgotten about the extra library until I saw it in the marlin code you posted. //#define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER Now if we are talking about getting the printer itself working then yes I had to modify alot more lines. I diby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
The more I think of it the more I like it since the best practice for me seems to be to have both the extruder fan and the ramps fan on at all times. I think you got me mixed up with NukedWorker as I've only had a couple of air print issues, probably related to the extruder fan being off, but he was having a problem with getting it to extrude at all. It does sound like a vref problem and notby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
All I had to do is unremark one line in the marlin code to get mine working. I have the qraphical version and it's always on wether or not I have the usb plugged in when I have the power supply on. I recall seeing something on this board somewhere about your specific issue with only having the display when the usb is plugged in but I don't remember where. I regret my earlier enthusiasm with anby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
I have my bed wired the same way and initially it heated up pretty quickly but over time it seems to take longer to get to the 110c I've been using for ABS. I saw somewhere on this forum that if you keep stressing the mosfet driving the port that it starts to heat up and cycle more so it takes longer to heat. I hung a 40mm fan onto the ramps board to help with the overheating and I'm back to aby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Wheeeeeee, well maybe After I removed the belt the carriage slid back and forth nice and clean, no grabbing at all, and after a bit of probing I discovered that the idler pully was binding because I had the bolt that holds it in too tight and it had pulled the walls of the end piece in a bit. I guessing the ratio of the grabbing to smooth is roughtly the circumference of the pully. I loosenedby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Thanks, I'll get 5 or 10 of one of the better versions. That ought to keep me running for a while.by Wpflum - RAMPS Electronics
I'd like to order a few backup mosfets so when, not if, I blow one out I have spares on hand. I'm not near my board at the moment so I was hoping someone could tell me if there is a standard mosfet part number I can look for either on ebay or one of the online electronic suppliers.by Wpflum - RAMPS Electronics
Finally got a chance to work on it again and found that my vref for the x driver was way off and the others were not where I left them either but were closer. Is it possible for them to 'move' with use? My vref for the X was very low compared to what it was supposed to be so I fixed them all and tried again. This time I got to the point several layers up that I was thinking about leaving the rby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Ok, this is becoming annoying, I'm using repetier host to see if the issues I'm having might be related to cura and I had the same X carriage skip I've been having whenever I try to do a large area print. I had thought originally it was because I didn't have the belt tight enough but after I took it apart again and worked on it a bit I was able to get is, what I think, a very tight belt but it sby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
I've used the stock one from them from the beginning and only had one possible 'air print'. On an over night print I woke up to the printer still happly printing away albeit half to an inch above the parts on the bed. I pulled the plug and looked at it later that evening but after I heated up the extruder and was able to pump out ABS with no problem I'm still not sure why it happened. The onlyby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Does anyone know if any of the other iterations of the i3 have a similiar issue with these mounts? I'm wondering if a better solution would be to fill in the point where the circle meets the flat mount so that the stress on that area from the press fit of the bearing would be spread out a bit more. You would still need a zip tie for backup.by Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Sorry, I saw your post and realized I didn't include the fact that I am using a heated bed. Up till now I've been running it at 110c and have had no issues at all. This was the first item I've had corner curls but it was only on the support part of the print, it looked like it was lifted off the bed by 1/8 inch. Fortunately by the time the part overhang was printed the support in between got cby Wpflum - Printing
This is the first time since I've been printing that I've had any ABS lift off the bed due to cooling/curling. It's also the first time I've printed something with a big chunk of support in also. Is this normal, is it easier for the support ABS to curl due to how it's put down? I use ABS juice but no bed so I'm wondering if the next time I have a print with a big support area if I should use aby Wpflum - Printing
That looks good. I'm not planning on changing out mine unless I have issues again, they seem to want to stay nice and tight with the zip ties in place. I also thought it might help with keeping the mounts tight on the bed since when I disassembled my bed I found ALL of the nuts loose even with the lock washers on. I tightened every one tighter than before so maybe that wont happen again.by Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
I don't think I'm supposed to make a wire chain for this printer, 3 tries, 3 failures. Last nights try wound up with me checking it at 2 in the morning after 3 hours of printing only to find it air printing and that it looked like it had only printed about 1/4 inch of the 36 links. It was happily chugging along with no errors and no issues with the filament but the nozzle was half an inch aboveby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
It wasn't this thread it was where he asked about getting listed as a US supplier back in July.by Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
The prices for the rest of the stuff he sells through ebay seem pretty good as well, he must be running a slim to none profit margin. If you've watched any of his videos for the setup of the printer you hear a couple of people in the background so it sounds like it's more than a one person shop. I just hope he doesn't burn out or go bankrupt as it's nice to have a supplier relatively near me, Iby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
Sorry, for some reason I misread your original post and was thinking I was taking to the owner of the place I got the kit from I did see that he had posted here before so it didn't seem out of place. I was wondering how he had time to post at all what with the amount of kits he has sold.by Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
I just realized that you indicated you used 80c for the bed, I started at 110C, I saw it somewhere for ABS, and have never had an issue with a part delaminating from the bed even for the big flat pieces for the LCD case. Maybe I can lower the bed temp and that might stop the issue from happening again. I almost hate to since I'm getting tired of printing test cubes and trinkets, I even printedby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
I pushed them in through the ends the same way and they went in tight but not tight enough that I felt the plastic might break. I was really surprised when I saw the bearing out of the holder and then found out that the holder wasn't broken, I was thinking defect in the printed part or something, then discovered that the rest were just as loose. No need to send me replacements unless I can't geby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
First of what I would call a real problem with this printer. I ran a 8 hour print, 49 links of a wire chain guide, and sometime during the night something happened and I wound up with 49 half made pieces with a large nest of filament and the LCD display saying 'Waiting for user'. Since this was 5am I just pulled the plug and figured I get back to it later. Today I took a look and nothing seemeby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
That would work, is there any way to automate the code insertion in Cura? Can I add the line somewhere in a config file so that every print it slices will have that code in it?by Wpflum - RAMPS Electronics
Quotekonto89 Hello guys, I ordered mine on thursday and since then I am reading and watching as much I can so I will be ready for the build. I was very happy to find this thread as there is not much available documentation for the specific kit! It is my first 3d printer and I am very excited!!!! I would like to ask you how many days after you placed your order was the kit shipped? Until now mineby Wpflum - Prusa i3 and variants
That would be acceptable, how do I do it? I'm using Cura so does that mean I can add something to the default profile that will add this to any opbject I run through it? I usually see the temp drop off about a minute or so with the fan on after the extruder is turned off so for the sake of overkill having the fan on 2 minutes after the end of the print should be fine. I'm actually surprised thby Wpflum - RAMPS Electronics
Is there any way either through a setting I'm missing or something in code for a marlin setup that I can change to get the fan on D9, I'm using it as the extruder fan for a direct drive extruder, to stay on as long as the extruder is above a specific temperature? Right now after a print is finished and the printer parks and everything gets turned off including the fan but the extruder is still vby Wpflum - RAMPS Electronics