Hi Everyone, I am clearing out all my filament from my 3D printing company. All of this is made by toner plastics except the Taulman Nylon. I'd like to sell it in one big lot however I will sell it off in single boxes of 8-10 rolls. Lot for sale 12 X 1lb 618 Taulman Filament 3mm 10 X 1KG PLA White 3mm 9 X 1KG PLA Neon Orange 3mm 8 X 1KG ABS Natural 3MM 9 X 1KG ABS Neon Orange 3mm 7 X 1KG Pby jzatopa - For Sale
It will work, I have had a cube X running on a rambo for about 2 years now.by jzatopa - Mechanics
Can't wait to see how this turns out. Keep us updated.by jzatopa - General
Sorry for the self promotion but I have some extrusion on my site as well. Currently I am out of stock of 20X20. WWW.ZATOPA.COMby jzatopa - General
Just an FYI, the cables I bought work fine at their length.by jzatopa - General
There is no way that will be economical, I am thinking about going bigger but to do that we really need a standard larger than 3mm. The problem is balancing the diameter and the minimum coil-able diameter.by jzatopa - General
Do you think that 5mm could be coiled up in a reasonable coil size (3-4')?by jzatopa - General
any updated or improvements to the design so far?by jzatopa - General
Does anyone know if there are any suppliers out there for filament that is thicker than 3mm? I am looking for something that is 5mm to 10mm.by jzatopa - General
So how hard is it to get a work visa in the UK?by jzatopa - Jobs for people with RepRap skills
It's kinda hard to see everything in the video, are you going to put up some pics?by jzatopa - General
I just checked, that was already uncommitted. Anyone else have any ideas?by jzatopa - Firmware - mainstream and related support
If this isn'tthe best place to get firmware help could someone tell me where I can get help?by jzatopa - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm hoping the title explains the problem I am having. I am trying to upgrade from a working copy of Marlin RC2 to Marlin 1.0.3 and I am unable to get my reprapdiscount smart LCD display to work. This is not the full graphics unit. I have the right library installed, everything works with the old firmware. With the new firmware, all I get are white boxes. Is this a known bug or is there someby jzatopa - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I've said it before and I will say it again. The companies in this industry have no idea how to grow this, if they had they, would have done it years ago.by jzatopa - General
Once I put my 1.75mm hotend back on ill send you some pics.by jzatopa - General
This is an awesome project and I wish you the best. From what I understand though the biggest limitation in 5-axis CNC machining is software and g-code creation. Your script may be free and open source but if you need Grasshopper and Rhino to use it you are really limiting your user base. Is there any way you could use the code from some FOSS slicers to create stand alone software to generateby jzatopa - General
Well I have had this extruder working great with 3mm and decided to try 1.75mm. The first print went fine. The second print had some problems with jamming. The filament is wrapping around the hobed bolt piece (I know it's not a bolt but I don't know what to call it). Is there a way to prevent this? If not I think that the design might need a few tweaks.by jzatopa - General
So I got it working last night. First print looks good, I will share more as I spend more time with it.by jzatopa - General
I received my flexidrive and just mounted it to my mm 1.5 today for testing and although I can get a good first layer I am having trouble after that. Before I go much further though I want to make sure I am using the correct settings. E-steps - 1800 E-Jerk - 5 accell - 3000 retract - 3000by jzatopa - General
I think there should be a new area on the forum but not under firmware. Smoothieboard, Smoothieware, Azteeg X5 mini and similar boards need their own hardware area. Firmware can be discussed there or in the firmware area. The fact is that this is a different style of board and the support it needs is different then a Ramps. I am not convinced that it is the next "evolution" but a step on theby jzatopa - General
QuoteTraumflug QuotejzatopaOne thing that has died over the past 12 months is this forum. There have been quite a few posts about how to make this place better but not much has happened. I have found a lot of people have migrated towards google+ because of this. This place really needs an overhaul or at the least a new coat of paint. Two reasons for this: 1. People don't even try. About everby jzatopa - General
I would say that there hasn't been any leaps in 3D printing yet. Everything is really an evolution of previous designs and technologies. I think some of nicholas.seward's work has really started pushing reprap forward with some of his designs. I would not be surprised if an all printable 3d printer comes from his work. Commercial home printing is still trying to reach parity with reprap, theyby jzatopa - General
Ggalisky, ignore the people on here who are just negative, kickstarter seems to bring them out of the woodwork. Some of these questions are very important though and should really be answered by yourself before you launch the kickstarter. Your heart is in the right place but your head isn't there yet, you need to do more homework on this project. You listing does not state that you have succesby jzatopa - General
I did get them but I haven't had a chance to test them. I may get around to it in the next day or so.by jzatopa - General
I am familiar with Wholer's, thanks for giving me the source.by jzatopa - General
Is this model just of makerbot sales data or does it contain all assembled 3d printer sales?by jzatopa - General
I found the build log hereby jzatopa - General
Could you put up the speaker build up link? I would love to see how those turned out, are you on DIYaudio.com?by jzatopa - General
QuoteTraumflug QuotejzatopaThe voltage of your power supply has a big effect on stepper performance Sorry, but in this generalisation it's wrong. Having a higher voltage doesn't add a single percent of torque at low speeds. The only effect you have, is, you can maintain (constant) torque up to higher RPMs. Wether you ever reach these speeds depends on your motors and you printer gearing. My exby jzatopa - General