you need to take off the hotend and make sure that you have the proper steps for your extruder set in the jzatopa - General Mendel Topics
andy-net can we see some prints? If only the micron wasn't so damn expensive. I would buy one today if it was $ jzatopa - General
While we are on the subject, has anyone tried out the bulldog and bulldog XL from RRD? They seem like a great design but I would like some input before I jump into buying jzatopa - General
Honestly I can give you $15, which is the price of the driver + a bit. There is a very good chance that only the new driver is jzatopa - For Sale
I had a similar problem and know my stepper drivers are fried. Do you know if the stepper drivers are ok?by jzatopa - For Sale
I'm sorry but I disagree. The for sale area is for products that are being sold. It is not the place to list specs, performances and uses. Many people have posted on open source product developments of their own and others in the general area. The OP was asking for input and feedback on the design. If their had been a post selling an item there still isn't a need for treating people jzatopa - General
How about everyone form the peanut gallery heads to the off topic area. One of the reasons this forum is dying is because of the way some people treat people who share on here. There is no need for the acrimony. Could we get some more details about this new hotend? Cost, nozzles, design specs, etc. From the videos I have seen it looks like it bridges really jzatopa - General
I sell the original J-Head in my store because it just works. Stay away from anything by trinitylabs. All metal hotends are improving but they are more finicky to get printing right if you want to use a range of jzatopa - General
Andy-net can you put up a review? What do you think of the extruder so far? I have been really interested in that extruder but it's price is way out of my range. I am currently looking for an all metal extruder myself. The problem I am running into is that there are very few proven designs out there. The Qu-bd is priced right but I have heard mixed reviews of their extruders. Is there a lisby jzatopa - General
CNC Dick do you have a writeup on the details of your machine (what controllers, software, etc.) you are using? I would also love to see a video of your printer printing. Cozmicray AFAIK marlin is able to handle arc movements, there just aren't any slicers that output arc jzatopa - General
In a word, everything. In a few more. It is safe to assume that a sound machine that is used for cnc will work for 3d printing. The basics are the same but there are a few differences. In a subtractive setup the Z axis does not as large of an effect on the finished quality. In a 3d printer the Z axis is key to getting a good print. With a 3D printer, once the motion is tuned, it is jzatopa - General
Another option is to wait until this comes out. Not sure how much it costs jzatopa - General
It's very important to have your machine running well before attempting such a long print. It is horrible having a print fail after 18 hours. Another thing you might want to consider is breaking the print down into parts and then gluing them together. This way if something goes wrong you don't waste a whole jzatopa - General
MM 1.5, prusa i3 or rostockMAX seem to be the most popular jzatopa - General
Honestly this seems like the best auto Z design I have seen. It's simple, adaptable and it works. I am now planing on incorporating it into a printer I am working jzatopa - Reprappers
This is the first thing that has gotten me excited in 3D printing in a while. How far along are you? Is this something we will be seeing this year? will you be able to mix RGB or CMYK?by jzatopa - General
I have put some thought/concept work into variable infill but I don't know how to program so I haven't been able to do much with it. Have you considered playing around with FEA to predict warp in a print and then modifying the internal structure to provide a compensation force?by jzatopa - Developers
I have been searching for a multistart rod and cheap matching coupler and its been hard. I don't have a lathe and getting ends turned down around here is almost impossible. Everything I have found is either to expensive or it's affordable and needs the ends turned down. I may have to just buy a lathe one of these jzatopa - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Quoterogerclark I was confused about how this worked. Looking on the comments on Thingiverse, the consensus seems to be that on one side of the Z (carriage), the drive nut(s) have been removed, and a secondary module has been added under the carriage, so that the existing carriage rests on the new carriage. There seems to be a contact on the base of the original carriage and the top of the newby jzatopa - Reprappers
Samp20, I watched the video and it looks like your design is working brilliantly. Once it's complete will you be releasing a BOM and build details? If so I would love to put a post about it up on my blog. Could you send me a link to the couplers you are using, I am having trouble finding the right size couplers for the screw I have available. Even though you are on the other side of the pondby jzatopa - Extruded Aluminum Frames
There is nothing wrong with using screws as long as you have decoupled them from the platform. Can I ask why aren't you using Vslot for the table? I have to say I'm not a fan of the belt driven Z. This may just be personal preference but I feel that it over complicates things over just using another stepper. It looks like you're on your way to a nice jzatopa - Reprappers
Could you explain exactly what is going on here? I feel like I am missing jzatopa - Reprappers
If you run into stalling due to midband resonance you should consider adding jzatopa - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Steve could you post up some pics of the pencil case? I would love to see a guide of your jzatopa - 3D Design tools
I thought thought the failure rate for venture capital/angel/startups was 50%, when I goggled it what came up was 75%. Yvan there are three types of failure on Kickstarter. The first is failing the initial kickstarter review, they reject applications that don't fit certain criteria. The second failure is failure to get funded, the rate is about 50% from what I understand. From my own researchby jzatopa - General
QuoteDirty Steve best ABS prints you've seen? ok... Smaller detail capabilities? better bridging(can see not even with blurry video)? cleaner overhangs than any other hot-end on the market(video)? Try printing a 10mm Pink Panther woman or a full bed of chainmail. Surely you have not tested all hot-ends available out there, just because it is better than what ever your prior hot end was, on yourby jzatopa - General
There have been a large number of successful kickstarters that have delivered on their promises. Angel investing and venture capital is way more risky. I do think that Kickstarter might have less of these problems if they were to make kickstarters fill out a basic cost analysis sheet. Many people who do kickstarters don't think about the hidden costs of doing business. Ultra-bot didn't even hby jzatopa - General
Could you post up some high res pics of the prints?by jzatopa - General
QuotePulsedMedia Amazing project! Simply awesome! On the curing, why not try heat? Lots of heat. You could put a heat gun or two blowing at the tip of the nozzle from 2 sides, or 4 at each side, that way you get some heat applied to cement coming up ahead and on the wake of just extruded. As i understand, cement cures in function of water "leaving" it, ie. that means heat + air circulation isby jzatopa - General
The simplest answer IMO is to recreate what works for gt2 and then dial it in thrrogh iteration. Not enough work has been done to really give you a rule of jzatopa - Reprappers