Quoteloidor Quoteregpye Me too, but I do have a heated bed, and it is mains powered. And I'm curious on what bed you're using =) I had the heated beds especially made for me, the thermistors I supplied and they were inserted into the the silicone bed as it was being made. They have been made to fit my aluminium bed plates that measure 225 x 250mm and have an adhesive back that will stick firmlyby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteknife-edge Quoteregpye Quoteknife-edge I run my smartrap off of a 6a computer power supply with no heated bed and have had no issues. I would just connect the 6a. Me too, but I do have a heated bed, and it is mains powered. I connect a solid state relay to where the heated bed connects on the RAMPS board and it takes almost no power to run that. The heated bed gets hot very quickly and hasby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteknife-edge I run my smartrap off of a 6a computer power supply with no heated bed and have had no issues. I would just connect the 6a. Me too, but I do have a heated bed, and it is mains powered. I connect a solid state relay to where the heated bed connects on the RAMPS board and it takes almost no power to run that. The heated bed gets hot very quickly and has given no problems on all myby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteregpye Quoteloidor If you weren't so far away I'd come by with a case of beer. Totally amazing Anyway, you should have an order to Sweden for a hotend and a 0.5 nozzle. Great Scott, this will be fun! Already packed and ready to post Erik. It will be in the post today if the Post Office is open, otherwise it will be posted on the 2nd. Thanks Was posted this morning Erik. Tuesday 30 Decby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteloidor If you weren't so far away I'd come by with a case of beer. Totally amazing Anyway, you should have an order to Sweden for a hotend and a 0.5 nozzle. Great Scott, this will be fun! Already packed and ready to post Erik. It will be in the post today if the Post Office is open, otherwise it will be posted on the 2nd. Thanksby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteloidor Right, I'm about to order one, but I'm curious wether it comes with a pneumatic fitting or not. EDIT: Ah, nevermind. Just look at what one can find when one reads text properly Of course it comes with a fitting! Not only the pneumatic fitting, but a thermistor, an adaptor plate for 50mm bolt spaced extruder, spare piece of PTFE tube, Grooved nut that is interchangeable with eitherby regpye - Smart_Rap
How are you changing the settings? Are you using the LCD controller to do that? If so, don't for get to save them as well or they will only be temporary.by regpye - Smart_Rap
QuotePianojungle Hey, quick troubleshooting question. My prusa i3 Z axis motors are suddenly not working anymore. I did the ramps test and tried attaching other motor to the Z-driver but they wouldn't work either. Should I conclude that the stepper driver is broken or are there other things I should look into? Look for a broken wire connection first on your plug. It has happened to me a few tiby regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteldanut MDF is good because is heavy. I'm planning to route the edges to make them round and to paint it in a shinny color . Also I want to glue together two plates of MDF to make it even heavier since on higher speeds its starts dancing on my table . I added some rubber feet to mine and it stopped the noise a lot and stopped the moving on the bench altogether. Simple to do and it looks moreby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quotevegasloki All Repraps are a work in progress. Here is a mount for a Rework fan shroud. The shroud is in the Rework Github, the source for the mount attached to this post. There are both an Inventor ipt file and an stl attached. Looking at it it would make more sense to add a mounting point for the fan to the clamp in the dist rather than the bolt on part I have here. Edit: The liby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quotejbutj Any Idea why my smartrap stops levelling the bed at about 10mm off the glass bed? The hotend doesn't touch the glass but it still stops. This is the output from pronterface. It might help Connecting... start Printer is now online. echoowerUp External Reset Brown out Reset Marlin1.0.0 echo: Last Updated: Dec 13 2014 22:01:00 | Author: (smartfriendz, smartrap1.06) Compiled: Dec 13 201by regpye - Smart_Rap
Quotefabrice974 first movement (x and z ) no counterweight from 500 to 20000 mm/min z belt is the way to go ! That is well thought out, I like itby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteenif Well, at least you now ruled out any mechanical problem in the printer itself... Were you running the tests with your original firmware or have you tested with the "cloned" firmware from the faulty controller? We found the problem and it is very simple, so maybe others can get caught with this one. The electronics has a cooling fan and his fan was mounted backwards so that it didn'by regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Quotemarkstephen Thanks for the replies! @Reg, yea, I'd love to have a CO2 setup, but I'm afraid it wouldn't get used enough to be worth the care and feeding of the tube. Maybe some day if I get my self into needing one on a daily basis, 80 watt, here I come! @Viktor, thanks for the clarification. From what I have read so far, the G-2 lens would be better for this application than a 3 elementby regpye - Laser Cutter Working Group
I have a CO2 laser that I often use to engrave anodised aluminium. The power is turned down very low as not much power is needed. The engraving actually is done by bleaching the coloured dye that is used in the anodising process., exposing the raw aluminium that is underneath. Aluminium is one of the hardest materials to cut, because it is a very good conductor of heat and there needs to be veryby regpye - Laser Cutter Working Group
Quoteregpye Quoteenif If you swap the entire electronics (Mega+Ramps) with the one of your own printer ... does the problem move with the electronics or stay with the printer?I guess that is the next try. Thanks for the idea. I swapped over my electronics to his machine and managed to do a 12 hour print without any issues. It printed over night and didn't do what his machine was doing, so it musby regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteenif If you swap the entire electronics (Mega+Ramps) with the one of your own printer ... does the problem move with the electronics or stay with the printer?I guess that is the next try. Thanks for the idea.by regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Checked the belts first thing, also swapped motors around and also changed the stepper controllers too. The board is off the machine while setting up. Endstops are all working correctly. Haven't changed the baud rate as we are printing directly from an SD card. Prints fine and then it goes and jumps position at random. Rewired the motors too, just to make sure it wasn't a bad connection. Got meby regpye - RAMPS Electronics
OK, we tried messing around with the settings and reduced the jerk down to a really low setting and the problem is still there. (just added more problems now) Can't seem to find what is causing this issue. The printer is working in every way well, except after a few layers the axis misses steps (or what looks like it misses steps) The part that is being printed will be out of position along oneby regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Quoteloidor Right, my repstrap is close to finished, and I'm about to testprint later tonight. Thing is, the build area came out a bit smaller than expected. X is 80 mm and Y is 55 mm, but I can probably stretch Y a bit (I guess I can get it up to 80 mm as well). Z is about 80 mm as well. What's the dimensions of the largest smartrap part? My SmartRaps print on a build plate that measures 250 xby regpye - Smart_Rap
QuoteCliff Mellangård Whas it yours I ordered thru ebay Iam going to finish the build assembly videos and then look in to using yours or some type of similar extruder Iam already getting a lot of questions on motor types etc on my printer when building so have to go thru the mail bag with that also Iam currently very tired as my temporary work is a lot of overtime but great money for my buildsby regpye - Smart_Rap
The Genie MK1 with a MK2 grooved nut fits the housing well. Just a small amount to be removed from the printed part with a Dremel and she fits nicely.by regpye - Smart_Rap
I have sent you an email Fabrice with the files attached for the extruder and the gears. I have also added a file for the servo arm that uses a tactile switch instead of a micro switch, I find these to be much better than the micros and also smaller and more accurate for auto bed leveling. The parcel will contain the hotend and all nozzles ordered, plus all the fittings, a hobbed bolt for the extby regpye - Smart_Rap
QuoteCliff Mellangård Wath motor do you recommend for this style of extruder ?? I mean amps etc I also see that you x carriage mount seam to use the nema 17 screw spacing are I right ???? iam intrested in testing it but I have no knowledge of making hobbed bolts You use 2.5 a nema 17 motors that are 42 mm long on these extruders ?? I use a much lower amperage motor and it can lift 4Kg withouby regpye - Smart_Rap
QuoteCliff Mellangård Thanks regpy There will be a lot of enhancements as soon as I finish up everything for the first release. This is the first prototype release of a working version. Iam keen to make a Bowden setup with the extruder mounted where the filament spool is now so the weight is even less on the arm. The current version is to make it as easy to operate as possible. Some ideas thatby regpye - Smart_Rap
A very well thought out and designed machine, I like it. One addition may be a guide for the filament that comes off the spool, to stop it uncoiling during use.by regpye - Smart_Rap
QuoteBackEMF That's an interesting idea that i sure want to try. looks like that coupling does something similair, but then with a plastic 'spacer'. It would eventually be printable aswell. And what about setting the Z drive shaft in bearings? this way the shaft cant wobble, but the coupling has to be flexible to compensate for misalignment. That could be printed no problem. The ends are botby regpye - Smart_Rap
Quotefabrice974 i'm working on a gt2 z belt system How about driving a pulley with a second belt? One from the motor to a double timing wheel, and from the second timing wheel a belt to position the Z axis.by regpye - Smart_Rap
Quoteloidor There's a test rig in this video from nwreprap.com - perhaps you could throw something like that together? Good idea,the expense is worth it and not really an expense because everything can still be used later on for a build. It is more like a loan ha..ha.. I will make a rig like that and can also add a volt meter to adjust the stepper drivers while testing as well. The volt meteby regpye - RAMPS Electronics
Has anyone made a RAMPS tester so that when buying a batch of boards they can be tested quickly to find out if everything is working OK? I am asking because I bought a batch of 10 boards and while setting up a few machines, found that some didn't work correctly. Some had shorts between the limit pins, another had a shorted out mosfet for the heater, another would work on the extruder motors (eitby regpye - RAMPS Electronics