Looks very exciting, despite the fact I don't know how to use it in RepRap - any system which can put the thread can put thin wire, I think.by Assargadon - General
Zach, are you sure? The price of most expensive more then 10 times higher to price of cheaper one... And after all, maybe they COULD work theoretically, but I need them work in your PCB...and if only they changed the pin map...by Assargadon - Reprappers
I beggining to order components for Arduino-based electronics. As far as I live in Russia and as far as I'm not skilled in electronics - I should search And first element I searching for, confuse me (http://parts.reprap.org/part/component/MAX232). I trying to use RS-Components, as far as they have office in Russia, And I found 3 chips called MAX232N (http://www.rsrussia.ru/component/catalog/rs/2by Assargadon - Reprappers
I bought a special old notebook with com and even lpt ports special for this project (except the ports, it's not so pity to destroy it with my experimenting...)by Assargadon - Reprappers
Hmmm...I never thinking about collaborators. Russia is too big (and the interest to RepRap is quite small...) for thisby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
Thanks for so quick answer - I'm really inspired by it. SebastienBailard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How big is it? Working area is cube with 25-30 santimeters side. >Would it also be useful as a CNC router? Yes, I think it strong enought for it. I going to use it like subtractive-manufacturing CNC miller...just after I build RepRap of some kind usinby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
I'm going to bild some kind of non-McWire RepStrap (description here: ). I have 2 possibilities to built the control circuits: PIC-based or Arduino-based electronics. What should I use for my project? How can I make this choice?by Assargadon - Reprappers
One of the calibration problems is adjusting the baseplate to be parralel to XY toolhead moving plane. I think this procedure can be simplified very much, if we'll equip th toolhead with the some kind of toucvh sensor. So we can just make 4 touches in 4 corners, measure the internal coordinates, compare them and show the tip like "screw up driver #1", "screw down driver #2" and then repeat the pby Assargadon - General
As I told before, I'm not very good in manufacturing or engeeniring. My fields are mathematics, phisics, and, after all, I'm good programmer. If someone have any Ideas I can help the RepRap project, you are welcome.by Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
When my positioning system will be functional, I should order the extrudedr toolhead kit from (sorry, Zach, and thank for the link), assemle it and force to work. It's my second milestone - both the positioning and extruder ready, assembled, provided with control electronics and working. The last step will be an attaching the extruder to positioning device. It's a really big problem for me nowby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
The big black box you can see at the photo (see the link above) is the control device. I think, easysest way is abandon this device at all, and provide the motors with reprap electronics. So as far as I got this soviet-time-system, I should order the electronic kit from Zach (rrrf.org). I don't check it, but I'm sure it's not a problem to find the electronical components - we have a big electronby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
I have a possibility of buying this ancient soviete-union-times 3-axis positioning device: []. It should cost me about $40-$50, and it's fairly cheap, isn't it? I know it working (geeks in university used it for some reason half a year before), but problem is no one know the control protocol (this geeks got some informetion trought revers-engeenering...) and I even don't know if motors of this roby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
I observe the RepRap site for a long period of time. It was only the very exiting idea, when I found it first time. The idea was greate but, as far as nothing was made at those time, I doubted it will reach something. I was pessimistic and there are nothing I can help a project with...so I practically forget this project. So glad I make a mistake. Since that time I take my degree, I worked someby Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
I don't think it's right time now to announce Russian group on builders.reprap.org before someone from russia build something reprap-related. By the way, do I miss the e-mail annoucment about creating the russian group I request, or it never been made?by Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
I'm Mironenko Yuriy Ivanovich from Rostov-on-Don, Russia. I know at least one more person who interested in home 3D printing...russian-speaking person.by Assargadon - Russia RepRap User Group
There are no problems with suport material in powder fabbers - unused powder works like a support. Why we can't use this? We don't really need solid support, just a box to prevent powder escape. Each layer is printed in plastic and then all holes are filled by powder (salt for examplel). Batcher for powder is simple, as far as I understand: three disks at one axis, first and third fixed, middleby Assargadon - Mechanics
Hmmm...I see. Darwin 1.1....hm. So, Darwin 1.0 will be not self-replicable?by Assargadon - General
Does it planned to include support material header in Darwin? Or in Mendel only?by Assargadon - General
And one more idea: if we so un-marketed, it maybe time to make next step. What do you think about some kind of auction with, for example, opto-endstop PCB as a lot. Of course you can just bought this PCB without auction. It's only form of donation. I think this form is more...funny? affordable?by Assargadon - General
> I really hope you dont feel this way Assargadon. Of course I don't. After all, personally I detect this kit, so it was possible to any other (who really want to have one) to detect it, too. Only thing he need is everyday monitoring if > There's still some left, if you're interested in getting one =) I interested, but I was impressed by "buy one if only you are serious experimentator" cby Assargadon - General
What an ugly cheating and discrimination!by Assargadon - General
I tried download (by tortoiseSVN), but I was confused due to login/password lack. How can I obtain one?by Assargadon - RepRap Host
Extruder Kit, announced by Zach as "Coming Soon" is now at parts.reprap.org But nothing about this written at news...by Assargadon - General
Ok, I got the point. Darwin will be used for next-step experiments, just like repstrap used for building Darwin itself. And we need selfreplication at this very first step to involve as much experimentatros as possible. If enought people wiould be involved, it will be quite easy to redesign all the concept, becouse of large number of imroverers.by Assargadon - General
nophead Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You could reuse the motors,so "almost everything" > is just a bunch of rods, studding, pulleys and > belts plus a lot of FDM parts. I speak about design, not about parts. I mean, you must re-engeenire all the machine to make new backvone.by Assargadon - General
ZachHoeken Wrote: > future plans. eg its not too far fetched to > imagine a strenthened and more rigid reprap. Do you mean that backbone concept will be changed? But it will require changing almost everything in reprap, except electronics and extruder.by Assargadon - General
If RepRap's backbone is not strong enought even with metal brackets, then I do not understand, why dremel toolhead included into plans list.by Assargadon - General
I overlook Zach Smith's aluminium extruder parts at flickr (can be found at - mind the "More pics on Flickr" link). What if we'll make corner brackets (and some other stuff) from aluminium, too? Maybe we shall have a strong enoughth backbone for CNC miller? And then we'll attach a dremel toolhead (this toolhead in plans list as far as I remember) and we'll achieve some other sort of self-repliby Assargadon - General