Where are the files for these bearings? Been searching for them to no avail.by Michaelj - General
Quoteandreq You can definitely use them! I made this guide to help anyone building your design On a side note, I'm back from vacation, expect the next steps to show up soon! andreq, hope you didn't forget about us. I talked to Marty about getting a Wilson TS, just waiting for him to let me know about the black extrusion (just the color I like, and he just got an order of the silver). But Iby Michaelj - Reprappers
Quotelokiwizz Yes Gordon I did a Lil quick and dirty price comparison of just parts source for the flebay vs some of the kits. There was not much cheaper but I can see where it could be as ebay is not always the best for price. I think I will take your advice and start my build from scratch. I was running down one of the bom and the bulk of the build is just in hardware alone. So I will do someby Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteAndrewBCN Last time I heard from him, Marty was selling his kits on eBay and he could be reached by email, tweeter or his Google Plus accounts or even through makexyz . That was until January this year.. I'll give it a try through makexyz again, I noticed one on eBay but not sure who it was. Seems to have been $50.00 more than I remembered it to be ($480.00). If it has gone up to that priby Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteAndrewBCN Assuming you are in the US, take a look at the Wilson, designed and sold as a kit by Marty Rice. A quick Google search will get you there. I've been trying to get in touch with Marty through his email to no avail. I was interested in possibly ordering a Wilson TS Kit from him. I am now searching around once again and trying to decide which way to go.by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteZavashier I just wanted it to work properly, that's what the extra money was all about. That money was for a new extruder motor (mine was blocked) more powerfull for the same size, a new X motor, not powerfull enough in my opinion, too much prints wasted for lost steps issues. New bed, its termistor cold value was around 70°C, new bearings, le provided LM8UU was gappy and noisy, ans most ofby Michaelj - Reprappers
Quotegreggo deltas look cooler and are faster... nuff said Are they much faster? I was leaning towards the Wilson TS by MJRice, but now up in the air again.by Michaelj - Reprappers
What are your thoughts? Still trying to narrow down what to build.by Michaelj - Reprappers
Quotebassnfool Khel, I looked up the user mjrice on ebay ( USA ) and sent him a message asking about the kit. He responded very quickly and listed a kit to my specs. BassNFool BassNFool, Did you spec it different than his usual posting?by Michaelj - Reprappers
I am a newbie, and this may sound stupid, by why not use a bridge (like on a cnc) with a stationary base?by Michaelj - General
Quotebassnfool Sorry, that is my first YouTube video... Had to set the permissions to public. Try it now! :-) Nice...I think I am going to go with the wilson ts. I am going to wait until after I go to the 3D show in NYC in April and then order it.by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Bassnfool, your video isn't working.by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotebassnfool Picture attached...by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotebassnfool Take a look at the Wilson ts. It is on the varients list that andrewbcn posted above. The kit offered by Marty rice is complete and of high quality. I was looking at sourcing the parts, but I couldn't beat his price $480. Only took two evenings to build and worked great right off the bat.how has it been going? How are your prints coming out?by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
I just found them here:by Michaelj - Plastic RepRap Parts for Sale
Where did you order the bearings?by Michaelj - Reprappers
Have you looked into the Wilson TS? It's a Prusa I3 variant and boasts these features: Highlights of this kit Open source design, the Wilson TS is a true RepRap printer similar to the Prusa i3 but built with a super strong Aluminum frame built from T-slotted extrusions. All the parts you need are included No soldering required! The hot end, heat bed, end stops, stepper motors, and even the fans aby Michaelj - General
Very nice. How long have you spent on the build? Doesn't seem like it was bad at all. Keep us updated.by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Another alternative to prevent rust is Johnson's Paste Wax.by Michaelj - General
GitHub no longer has this file. Is it available anywhere else? I have a cnc and would like to give it a try. Also does anyone know if there are any .dxf files available for the Prusa I3 that could be made with a cnc?by Michaelj - General Mendel Topics
I originally was looking at the makerfarm printers, however I decided against them due to the wood frame. I would prefer an aluminum frame. I have been leaning towards the Wilson TS from this mjrice on ebay.by Michaelj - Reprappers
I was already to go with the Replikeo I3, but then I saw the Wilson TS on ebay for 500 shipped, and it seemed to come complete with better quality parts and for the most part pre-wired ( no soldering). Now I'm kind of up in the air again.by Michaelj - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I was already to go with the Replikeo I3, but then I saw the Wilson TS on ebay for 500 shipped, and it seemed to come complete with better quality parts and for the most part pre-wired ( no soldering). Now I'm kind of up in the air again.by Michaelj - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Bassnfool TY, I've been looking at picks of builds all over. It's starting to grow on me. I like the idea that it is so much more customizable as far as the frame is concerned. I would actully like to build a 305mm x 305mm x 305mm printer. I figure once I get my First printer up and running I'll build the bigger one.by Michaelj - Extruded Aluminum Frames
How do you feel about the Wilson TS?by Michaelj - Reprappers
Quotekscharf I'm starting to build a Wilson after getting my repstrap to work. I've now got almost all of the plastic parts printed for it in PLA, and I've ordered a kit of hardware (Tslots, rods and metric hw) from MJRice who designed the Wilson. Marty has an ebay store and he's willing to customize his kits to your needs. I got my motors surplus and am now sourcing the electronics via ebay.by Michaelj - Extruded Aluminum Frames
Bassnfool, your thought are exactly the way I feel. I was almost ready to get the Replikeo i3 rework aluminum kit with an lcd and a glass plate. You have now thrown a wrench into that. I am tossed between these two now. Well I'm not going to order for a couple of weeks yet, so I'll keep on reading. I'd like to hear how sturdy it turns out and how well the prints are, so please keep us updatedby Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants