Bassnfool....I just took a look at the Wilson TS. My biggest problem is EBay. The pricing is only a few dollars different than the Rework after you add the LCD and glass plate. Cheaper if you get the steel or plexi version and about $35 more for the aluminum frame. Let's see how well they support the unit once you get it. There are so many people around here with the Rework, that you can almosby Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Blue ice...when you ordered you PRuse i3 Rework from Replikeo, what extras other than the LCD screen and glass heatbed did you order?by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Does anyone know of a comparable kit in the United States? Shipping alone is $100.00US unless I wait for 60-90 days Which is $ Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Any suggestions out there for US kits?by Michaelj - Reprappers
Would like to get one of these in the New York city Area!by Michaelj - General
What kits is everyone building? How do you rate the kit you purchased?by Michaelj - Prusa i3 and variants
Does anyone know if they have these reprap festivals on the east coast? Particularly in the New York City area?by Michaelj - General
I'm located near on Long Island, near New York City. Are there any kits that you raccomend?by Michaelj - General
I am new to this stuff, been reading around this site for a while, but am overwhelmed! I would like to know where to start, I have been thinking of building a prusa i3, but do not know where is a good place to start or where to get the parts needed. I have a cnc and would like to cut my own parts, but nowhere can I find the plans for all the parts, I am even willing to purchase a kit if availby Michaelj - General
Anyone out there with any info as to where I can get CNC plans for this build?by Michaelj - General Mendel Topics
I do not have a 3D printer, but I do have a CNC machine. Is there anywhere I can get the files to cut the parts for a Prusa I3 with a cnc machine?by Michaelj - General Mendel Topics
It would also be nice to be able to find a sketch up with dimensions of the parts, so that you can at least fabricate them Michaelj - General
It would also be nice to be able to find a sketch up with dimensions of the parts, so that you can at least fabricate them Michaelj - General Mendel Topics
It would also be nice to be able to find a sketch up with dimensions of the parts, so that you can at least fabricate them Michaelj - Reprappers
It would also be nice to be able to find a sketch up with dimensions of the parts, so that you can at least fabricate them Michaelj - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
I'd like to build a reprap. I currently have a cnc 3 axis milling machine. Is there anywhere I can get the dimensions so that I can draw and mill the parts needed on my cnc? Or are there any g-code files that are alread written out there?by Michaelj - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping