QuoteTraumflug What makes you expect the PSU should turn on? Precisely what you described - turning on the heater or issuing a move command. I would expect it to turn on when I do this - but it doesn't. E.g. I type: settemp pla or move x 100 in pronsole and nothing happens (unless I physically short the necessary pin - in which case the heater but not the motors turn on). Anyway, thanks for tby dslc - Controllers
Hi Markus/anyone, Does activating the PSU (i.e. taking it out of standby) require the reset function on the serial connection? The reason I ask is because the PSU is not coming out of standby. Nothing happens unless I physically short PD7 / D15 to ground. I'm using the ATX power option (referred to as 'Option 1' in the wiki documentation), and have both disk power connectors as well as the ATX cby dslc - Controllers
Hi all, I'm involved with an informal group called "Sharing Ireland" and wanted to invite some of you to get involved. (See below for link and more information on Sharing Ireland.) Personally, I'm an engineering student and am giving a lot of thought at the moment to setting up some sort of "semi-commercial" engineering company/collective. I think that something like this is very badly needed iby dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
Hi Markus, Yeah, it seems to be working so far. I plan to try the FiveD firmware over the next week or so. I'll try to document any significant findings - and relay them here if appropriate.by dslc - Controllers
I'm based in Dublin and am nearly finished my Prusa build (I'm "nearly finished" but it could drag on due to studies). @Greg or anyone else in Dublin: if you want to meet up at any stage let me know. davidby dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
I am using the Gen7 component kit you provided - an ATMEGA644 20MHz with 20MHz crystal. I'm fairly certain (almost 100%) I chose the corresponding hex file when programming via the USBASP programmer as well. However, because my programmer has the wrong ISP connector, I actually programmed the bootloader on a breadboard with an 8MHz crystal. Could this have caused the problem? [:blushes:]by dslc - Controllers
Hi Markus, Traumflug Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can you upload firmware without this reset pin, by > pressing the reset button at the right time? I tried this a number of times - trying to guess how long to hold the reset button for, etc. - to no avail. > If you have a programmer and everything but > uploading firmware through the bootloader woby dslc - Controllers
Hi all. I'm building a Reprap using Traumflug's Generation 7 electronics. I have programmed the Arduino bootloader to the ATMEGA successfully (following the instructions at ). Uploading firmware is not working however. Let me explain. The Gen7 requires a USB-to-TTL converter. I am using a CP2102-based converter to accomplish this, but it's not working so far. I'm aware that the reset pin (requby dslc - Controllers
Hi Dr. John & S, Thanks for the info - and well done on getting your setup working. Good to see other Linux users here by the way! I know that amk and NumberSix have their machines working for some time now. Ivor has a blog in fact: . Do you have a blog Alan? I'm not aware of any other users in Ireland that are using Repraps (not self-built ones at least) - but they're probably in hiding sby dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
Thanks for the info Alan! I got some sort of wood board from the local builder's suppliers this morning - and will probably just use that for the present (until I get up and running). I suppose I can attach Kapton tape if the bare surface isn't suitable.by dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
Hi all. I might finally have time to work on my Prusa again at the end of the month. So, was wondering ... The model for the extruder I have was configured with wade(hotend_mount=groovemount+peek_reprapsource_mount); in the OpenSCAD source file (or at least that's what I asked my friend Alan to compile it with). So I basically have two options - a Makergear (groovemount) or Reprapsource hotend.by dslc - General
Hi NumberSix. Hi Hamilton. Thanks both for your suggestions. The thought of using plain metal sheets had crossed my mind. Then, however, I read somewhere on the forum that these composite sheets are lighter (and thus less strain on the motors?). Then again, aluminium is quite light, isn't it? So maybe I was making much ado about nothing. I know there is a supplier of dibond composite in the UKby dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
Can anyone recommend a supplier of thick sheet material here in Ireland - i.e. for the print bed? Alan had mentioned suppliers of sign materials to me before (as apparently signs are made of a similar material) - but some of them seem to require a minimum order which is above my budget. As far as I know the material that a lot of people are using is a plastic-aluminium composite.by dslc - Ireland RepRap User Group
I have started a mailing-list for discussion of precisely these sort of ideas. It's at http://groups.google.com/group/insync-discuss. The synopsis can be read here. It's very brief because Google crop it at 300 characters. So, to elaborate ... It's about engineering (or - in a broader sense - about meeting life needs more generally) outside a commercial context. "Engineering without the commercby dslc - General
Hi Cris. That's exactly the information I was looking for - thanks. It seems to work with a wooden rod anyway - even without the drill mount (just using cable ties like you suggested). I haven't tested this on PTFE or brass rod yet, coz my chuck is the smaller (3/8") type I think.by dslc - General
Hi droft. I appreciate the info. I would just like to clarify though ... As far as I can discern, you (and others) are using this setup primarily to drill holes in the nozzle. Is that correct? The thing is ... I was hoping to use it for something different. I was wondering if it would be feasible to use a chisel with this setup - i.e. to decrease the diameter of the rod (whether it be PTFE, brasby dslc - General
I was thinking ... I'm probably not going to be able to turn a brass or aluminium rod with this setup, am I? It might not be worth my while doing this if that's the case - since my original thought was to use it to build my hot-end. And I was hoping to turn the nozzle as well as the insulating (PTFE/PEEK) rod. I welcome clarification on this. i.e. an Afghan lathe couldn't be used to turn evenby dslc - General
The documentation on the Afghan lathe mentions using a "drill bench clamp". These are difficult to find seemingly. Any ideas as to where to find them?by dslc - General
Mine works fine.by dslc - General
Thanks for the info and advice all. Will look into this more as soon as I have time. @droftarts: I had wondered about the choice of PTFE over PEEK as well, but will probably work with the PEEK rod I have for the time being. davidby dslc - General
I really like the RAMPS case. With the use of different colours I suppose there's a lot of potential. Enclosures for open source cameras might be feasible as well I suppose. Things like that could be very useful.by dslc - Reprappers
I have been planning to build a Wildseyed hot end, and would be interested in the feedback of anyone else doing so. I have mentioned certain issues on the wiki discussion page. I'm conscious that Adrian warns against using different metals for the nozzle and block, because of different degrees of thermal expansion. He says: QuoteYou could almost certainly make the nozzle and block from aluminiumby dslc - General
Any one using a Reprap to print enclosures - i.e. for electronics projects? I'd be interested to see some pictures of this. This might be one of the first things I try with my Prusa once I (hopefully) get it up and running.by dslc - Reprappers
Whatever about the shortcomings of an XML format, doesn't this new format at least have the virtues that it facilitates: colour specification, and material specification? I imagine these features may become important for Reprap users at some stage down the line - e.g. when colour-printing is implemented. Personally, I think it's an interesting development. Link: Additive manufacturing file forby dslc - General
ttsalo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Personally, I see OpenSCAD-based open source > hardware libraries as a more interesting area than > the printers themselves. In one sense, I agree with you. But the code and designs aren't enough by themselves - unless we have the means by which to build and use them. E.g. the Verilog code for the OpenSparc processby dslc - General
QuoteThe thing is: Once you have the means for automated production you do not benefit from a gift. Or how to you suppose that reprap fits into this concept? Well, in brief, I was thinking beyond just Reprap, or replicators - but of the open-source movement and its interaction with the world of engineering more generally (that's why I specified it as partly "off-topic"). And, partly for this reby dslc - General
QuoteElectricMucusAs it is with these "lets change the world" topics, better use something that already works, improve it, combine it or adapt it for a wider audience. for ex: A service like Thingiverse with the possibility to share tools with people near you. Wireless Community Network with bitcoin based (or derivate) economy. Invent a more accessible bitcoin algorithm. ... But how do these endby dslc - General
Hi richrap. Quoterichrap I thought that was what we were already doing? Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to criticize the community, and it seems to me that - as you suggested - this sort of thing is happening on a small scale within the community already (e.g. things like the "loaner" program, and so on). I'm just thinking in a wider context - e.g. if people are willing to help people in theby dslc - General
I remember how, when the Reprap project began, there was a slogan at the top-left of the homepage that read - "Wealth without money". This seems to have been somewhat de-emphasized since then, as I had to search the wiki to find it. I don't have any problem with this. After all, a project like this will naturally attract people of varying proclivities - and project leaders have to resort to the lby dslc - General