johnrpm Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am a cynic, life makes you that way, > we will never go closed source heard that > somewhere before. > but I am prepared to give them the benefit of the > doubt, time will tell. > As for the patent thing, some companies have been > riding the gravy > train for too long, the whole patent thing needby iquizzle - General
This is still a patent violation.. and if the project goes for as much money as it looks like it will, someone will notice! I don't know how that's all going to play out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't FormLabs have to settle with 3d Systems over their lawsuit?by iquizzle - General
If it's at all translucent, it's very likely PLA. There are some translucent ABS filaments out there, but they are generally pretty rare. If it's a solid color, it could be iquizzle - Reprappers
It might be ok if you put a heat spreader (aluminum foil) between your PCB and glass. Just dont short anything to the aluminum iquizzle - Developers
If I were getting a new board today, I'd probably get a smoothieboard. Any board based on an yet another 8-bit atmel is really a pretty modest upgrade from what you currently have. Most of the boards out there are essentially re-inventions of RAMPS because it's harder to make new firmware than new hardware. Another option is that you could buy a cheap PID controller for the short term for manualby iquizzle - Reprappers
This is very useful information.. and even somewhat contradictory to what I have read about PLA elsewhere. Some people say that the viscosity of PLA shouldn't decrease with higher temperatures.. which led me to believe that everything in the 185-220 range should be similar. Your plots clearly show that increasing the temperature can significantly decrease the force required to extrude the materiaby iquizzle - General
1600/15 is integer division, result is an iquizzle - General
Are you talking about the time estimate from pronterface? Also, you're probably correct that you should not use fractions... although it might work if you make one of the numbers a float instead of an iquizzle - General
Vacuum bake at modest temperatureby iquizzle - General
Yes -- here's the summary of the pull request: and here's the commit: Versions of Marlin from up to 3 months ago should already have the corexy iquizzle - General
All of the old corexy code was gutted and replaced with a higher-level implementation in the step planner. There's no loss of accuracy that stems strictly from the corexy code. octopus print I printed that using corexy Marlin on my UConduit hbot with bowden iquizzle - General
I had wanted to try this idea with some NEMA 11 motors. I think it has a chance of working, because the force required to retract the filament should be significantly less than the force required to extrude. The motor that is closest to the print head will have to do 100% of the work for retraction, because the hysteresis in the Bowden tube will not allow the main drive motor to assist. I'm notby iquizzle - Reprappers
Clear and semi-transparent filaments (both colored and uncolored) are most likely PLA. I don't think I've ever seen anyone selling clear iquizzle - Reprappers
Ok, I remembered to bring my camera to the space today. Here's the gantry of an old HP plotter that uses a double wrapped steel cable and a v-groove cart. iquizzle - Developers
Good to hear aduy. Myself and a buddy of mine over at terawattindustries submitted the marlin patch. I've been using it on my own h-bot and I haven't run into any bugs yet, but if you do find any, let me know. Vinicius, I do not understand what you mean by "have not found where the line of the idle-motor". Could you clarify your question?by iquizzle - General
good times with proprietary spool holders!by iquizzle - General
openSCAD won't recognize "heighth" as a parameter. The work around is to spell it iquizzle - General
Have you found any fiber lasers that are reasonably priced? Every time I check out ebay it's like $3k for a 200mW laser. NewPerfection Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > iquizzle Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > That would be awesome! If you do it, I'd like > to > > hear about it. I'd like to have one myby iquizzle - General
K. I'll try to remember to bring my camera to the hackerspace on Tuesday. I'll shoot a bunch of pictures and put them in an imgur iquizzle - Developers
That would be awesome! If you do it, I'd like to hear about it. I'd like to have one iquizzle - General
Yes! Dual extruders is what I plan on doing next. I've had some positive success with bowden so far. I like it as an extruder platform for exactly this reason. Bowdens are more challenging to get tweaked just right, but they do have a payoff in several ways once you get them to iquizzle - General
Last week, I took apart an old HP plotter at my hackerspace. It's drive system used two steel cords wrapped around a pulley somewhat similar to what you're using. I can take pictures of it if you're iquizzle - Developers
It upset a few people on the MM google groups (rightly so). Their attribution to MM 2.0 seems to be iquizzle - General
Hello all, Some of you are probably already aware of this printer from hackaday or the thingiverse page. I thought I'd also make a forum post for those who frequent these forums. The UConduit is a 3d printer built with a frame that uses standard electrical conduit like the stuff you'd find at the hardware store. I wanted a printer that went back to the hardware store roots of the prusa i2, butby iquizzle - General
Is this before or after updating to the new thermistor?by iquizzle - Reprappers
You missed my original point. You can't have an 85% ABS/15% acetone solution. It doesn't work that way. Once the solvent reaches a saturation value, you get solid/liquid phase separation.. i.e. similar to what happens when you try to add more and more sugar to water. I think the best you can do will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 15% ABS / 85% iquizzle - General
If you can't get them to work, it's probably because you aren't a part of the secret society of enlightened people. bad joke I know! aluminatus/illuminatusby iquizzle - General
Chloroform is at least non-flammable. Acetone isn't exactly ubiquitous when you have a vapor and potential for a spark. You don't exactly want to constantly breathe either chemical anyway, so regardless this would have to be an enclosed, ventilated system. IMO, in a ventilated system, acetone poses much more of a hazard. In any case, I'm not advocating that everybody go out and buy chloroform toby iquizzle - General
It's not a terrible idea. I have some (limited) experience with polymers in solution and can maybe add some information to this. Firstly, there is a solubility limit for the amount of a given plastic that you can dissolve in solution. Suppose, for instance, that the solubility limit of ABS in acetone is 15% by weight. That means that every bit of plastic you attempt to dissolve above the 15% limby iquizzle - General