Hello justcurious, please can you create this issue, because I cannot deal with Github. Thanks Nobimaby Nobima - Slic3r
Hello, new release Slic3r 1.0.0RC1: Creating the G-code with Mach3/EMC as G-code flavor, the resulting G-code file includes apart from the character "A" also the character "E" for the extrusion axis. Because for Mach3 only the character "A" is allowed it does not work. Nobimaby Nobima - Slic3r
I also use the Mach3 configuration, so your recognition is reasonable. Can swapping the GCode character for the Extruder from "E" (Reprap) to "A" (Mach3) at the forth axis a acceptable solution ? I am very interested what you will find out ! Nobimaby Nobima - Slic3r
Thanks justcurious, you described exactly why rapid retraction is disabled if there is a greater distance to next extruder target.by Nobima - Slic3r
Your proposal can improve the result, but I think it is an software failure. What otherwise should be the reason for retraction simultaneously with moving ?by Nobima - Slic3r
Hello, mostly retraction works fine, but often retraction is too slowly. The reason is that retraction goes simultaneously with moving to the next area. As result there are strings between the areas. Which configuration parameter must be changed ? Nobimaby Nobima - Slic3r
Guten Tag, zur Vermeidung von Fäden habe ich retract_speed = 30 eingestellt. Vielfach funktioniert das auch prima, aber bei größeren Abständen zwischen Inseln (>30 mm) ist das retract zu langsam, d.h. es beginnt beim Verlassen einer Insel und endet kurz vor Beginn der nächsten Insel mit der Folge, dass sich ein Luftfaden bildet. Kann man das mit einem Einstellparameter beeinflussen ? Übrigenby Nobima - Slic3r