QuoteRoberts_Clif You will note the Ground lead is broken on the bottom supply, in your case this is not necessary. It's not only unnecessary to disconnect that ground lead, it's dangerous. Don't do it.by dc42 - General
If the fluctuations are rapid, it's a temperature reading issue. Usual causes are a bad thermistor, or a thermistor wire shorting against the hot end metalwork or something else.by dc42 - Ormerod
Wrong pin. The DueX5 is not compatible with the Duet 0.6. The compatible expansion board is the DueX4. Heaters 2 3 4 5 on the Duet 0.6 are processor pins PC6 PC23 PC22 PC21. These are expansion connector pins 18 21 22 23.by dc42 - Ormerod
From your posts on the duet3d forum, I believe you are using RepRapFirmware. You can "home" an extruder using stall detection. This is typically used to load filament at high speed until it reaches the hot end, but you could use it to home the syringe to the full position without needing a switch. To track how much paste has been dispensed since the start of the print, if you use a recent 3.01RCby dc42 - General
I see that this issue has been resolved for you on the duet3d forum.by dc42 - Reprappers
RRF does support absolute extrusion. I wish it didn't have to, because it complicates the firmware in several areas and causes additional problems for users. It was OK is the early days of 3D printing when there was no extrusion factor adjustment, no mixing extruders, no pressure advance, and no resume-after-power-fail functionality.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm glad its solved. If you need help in future, you will most likely get a faster response if you post at because that's where the Duet support staff hang out.by dc42 - Duet
For faster support, go to where you can communicate with hundreds of Duet users, including the Duet support team.by dc42 - Duet
My advice is to stop wasting your time with obsolete electronics and get a 32-bit board.by dc42 - Developers
Quotegloomyandy @DC42 that's brilliant thanks, makes things much easier. Quick follow up question. which DSF branch should be used with RC4, "dev" or "dc-rrf3.01-RC4"? Thanks again. Use dev, it now includes the fixes from my branch.by dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Next time it stops, comnect via USB and YAT, and run M122 from there. To upgrade to 2.05.1 just upload file DuetMaestroFirmware.bin to the Duet.by dc42 - Duet
I've just committed some changes to support build configurations with HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR and HAS_MASS_STORAGE disabled. I hope this helps.by dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I suggest you remove them from the model. Some model properties are dependent already on HAS_V12_MONITOR and I suggest you use HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR in the same way.by dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Your M122 report indicates that the firmware crashed, and that the firmware you are running is 2 major versions out of date. I suggest you upgrade to firmware 2.05.1.by dc42 - Duet
This is a known issue with some RAMPS boards. Most likely the mosfet, 11A polyfuse, power connector or traces on the RAMPS are getting hot and restricting the voltage to the bed heater. Use a multimeter to compare the voltage from the PSU with the voltage actially reaching the bed heater. Arduino/RAMPS is a truly awful set up for controlling a 3D printer. Ormerod was designed for Duet electronicby dc42 - Ormerod
The retraction at the end is because you've sliced the file in absolute extrusion mode and you've got a G1 E-xxx command in your end Gcode without zeroing the extruder position first. Absolute extrusion is a throwback to the early days of 3D printing. It causes multiple problems and has no place now. It's time it was consigned to history.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
You could probably use the LinearAnalog sensor type with a PT100 + amplifier, but you would need to calibrate it, and it won't be as consistent as a MAX31865.by dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I have replied to your similar post on the Duet3D forum.by dc42 - Developers
Is this the build for your own board still? 2.05.1 works on my Duet WiFi controlled delta.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
RepRapFirmware applies the acceleration and speed limits you set to the Cartesian coordinates, not to the towers.by dc42 - Delta Machines
Two possible solutions I can think of: 1. Change the jerk policy from 0 to 1 using the M556 command. 2. Increase the amount of extrusion generated by the slicer in order to avoid the rounding error, and reduce the extruder steps/mm by the same amount. Changing to volumetric extrusion (if the slicer supports that) will probably achieve this. Failing that, tell the slicer that the "filament" is sby dc42 - Printing
It's hard to advise you without knowing what the relationship between Vref on your driver is and the motor current. Maybe someone else knows what it is for the Ender 3 with the stock controller? The rated motor current of the Hemera is 1.33A. Depending on what chip your stepper driver uses, diodes in series with the motor (aka TL Smoothers) may help. They typically help a lot when using DRV8825by dc42 - General
The placement of the electrolytic capacitor isn't critical so long as there are ceramic ones close to the chip on the same power fail.by dc42 - Controllers
You might want to repost this question at because many more Duet users read posts there. The latest RepRapFirmware version supports running a macro file continuously in the background, which should make it simple to change the colours and patterns according to the status of various parts of the printer.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
When you say the endstop is "not recognised", do you mean that is doesn't show as triggered when you query it (you can see the state in the Machine Properties page of the web interface, or send M119), or do you mean it shows as triggered but doesn't stop the Z homing move? Please post your config.g file and homez.g file, also tell us what firmware version you are running (send M115 if you are noby dc42 - Reprappers
Yes, 1 pulse every 7mm isn't much. You will need a sample distance much larger than that. Try 35mm.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
The voltage regulator on an Arduino Mega can't even power the Arduino + RAMPS (which takes very little) + a graphical LCD without overheating, let alone a servo. Get yourself some decent electronics. QuoteOhmarinus Would you think adding a capacitor between the + and - of the servo will help mitigate this surge? Yes, if that's what the problem is. But as you are powering the servo from the Arduby dc42 - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
How big is the servo, and where are you getting the 5V power from? Servos dump power into the 5V power rail when they decelerate. I measured the 5V rail on a Duet rising to 8V when using one particular type of servo. The Duet withstood this, but an atmega powered directly from the same 5V rail might not. In later Duet revisions we increased the amount of capacitance on the 5V rail from 20uF to 2by dc42 - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
QuoteMKSA Has anyone used this feature with a pulse generating runout sensor; command M591 P7 .... There have been posts about this type of filament monitor on the Duet3D forum, so that type of sensor has definitely been used. BTW there is a section on the Duet3D forums for RepRapFirmware running on other hardware. QuoteMKSA How comes this function requires to print from the SD card (I assumeby dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support