You could put G91 G1 H2 Z0.1 G90 towards the end of config.g. We don't normally advise putting movement commands in config.g but in this case it seems justified. I am looking at various options to support motor brakes in RRF. One is to assign a pin as a brake for an axis, and turn it on whenever the axis motors are enabled. Another is to add a command to power up motors without moving dc42 - Reprappers
After you changed the hot end, did you tune the heater? Check that the heater wiring is in good condition with no signs of overheating at the connectors. Check that you have set the correct thermistor B parameter in the M305 command for the dc42 - Ormerod
Swapping the red and blue wires over will reverse the direction of movement of the motor. That's dc42 - Delta Machines
I think that's almost equivalent to dual MarkForged kinematics, but it has the disadvantage that the A and B belt tensions will tend to twist the X axis. CoreXY IDEX has been implemented using CoreXYUV kinematics, CoreXYU kinematics, CoreXY+MarkForged kinematics, and dual MarkForged kinematics (and possibly others that I am not aware of). RepRapFirmware supports all of dc42 - CoreXY Machines
I have Cartesian, Delta, CoreXY and SCARA printers. My take: - If you are on a tight budget, choose Cartesian and don't go large. Cartesian is more tolerant of mechanical inaccuracy and poor electronics/firmware than other architectures. - Deltas are great for single extrusion, but need to be mechanically precise and have capable electronics and firmware. My go-to printer is the delta. - Coreby dc42 - General
Use the library commits tagged 3.1.0 for the RRF 3.1.1 dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for the suggestions!by dc42 - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
That's ok if you never need to adjust the sensitivity. To adjust the sensitivity as well you need C"".by dc42 - Delta Machines
Your M558 command is missing the pin name dc42 - Delta Machines
Yes that would be dc42 - General
If you think the issue may be that the Z axis isn't moving enough, have you tried reducing Z axis acceleration?by dc42 - CoreXY Machines
RepRapFirmware supports multiple Z probes, so it could handle this arrangement without multiplexing a dc42 - General
Have you tried connecting the Y motor to the E1 motor output yet, to rule out a problem with the driver?by dc42 - CoreXY Machines
It's very rare for the heater mosfets to fail, so I suspect a firmware or configuration issue. Try reinstalling firmware using Bossa. You might like to try more recent firmware. The latest firmware for your board is version 1.26. If you do upgrade the firmware, you will also need to update the web files on the SD card, and make some changes to your config.g dc42 - Ormerod
I agree, the most likely explanation is a bad connection somewhere. Most likely a crimp connection, but I once saw and instance of one of the pins of the motor connector not being properly soldered to the PCB. Also possible, but unlikely, is a bad solder joint between the driver chip and the PCB. Are you using all 5 drivers? If not then you could rule out the driver by reassigning that motor toby dc42 - CoreXY Machines
Have you lubricated the magnetic joints? I use a little silicone dc42 - Delta Machines
QuoteDust neopixel's are the absolute worst when it comes to 3d printers A 3d printer requires very precise timing in order to print nicely without 'zits' blogs etc. Neopixles also require very precise timing. If you add to many Neopixel it will interfere with 3d printing. That's true if you bit-bang them. On Duet 3 we use an SPI peripheral and DMA to drive them without interfering with the prby dc42 - Firmware - Marlin
You can add WiFi using a nano router such as the TP-Link WR802. Although Duet Web Control doesn't currently display the duration of the last print, if running firmware 3.1.1 you can retrieve it from the object model. It's called "job.lastDuration". So you can send: echo job.lastDuration and the time in seconds will be echoed to the command line. A slightly more sophisticated way is to put theby dc42 - Duet
It's a question of whether you prefer mechanical complexity or electrical complexity. If you are more comfortable with mechanics, you will prefer a single Z motor driving all 3 leadscrews with a closed loop belt, and bed levelling screws to get the bed level. If the frame is sturdy and rigid enough, once levelled it should stay levelled. OTOH if you are more comfortable with electrical complexityby dc42 - CoreXY Machines
It's possible to cut that extra time dramatically. Seeby dc42 - General dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Quotejbernardis I was planning on swapping out the fans and the extruder heat cartridge for 24 volt versions, and the bed has an alternate connection configuration for 24 volts. At first glance, this would tell me that the 15 amp 24v PSU is fine, except that I would guess that the bed draw does not halve. It probably will continue to draw 11 amps at 24 volts which won't leave enough for the othby dc42 - Smoothie
Yes you can run a 12V 40W heater from an extruder heater output on the Maestro. Use the screw terminal connector which is rated at 5A, not the 2-pin Molex connector which is rated at dc42 - Duet
I think there is a mechanical problem with one of the arm joints, most likely an arm on the right hand side of the height map; or with a bed probing contact on the left hand dc42 - Fisher
You can also run RepRapFirmware on MKS 32-bit dc42 - Delta Machines
QuoteChemaFuji Hi all again! I have a mystery on my setup, from installing the v3.1.0 the machine is not able to make the height map file. I run the G32 correctly, then try the G29 and it goes to everyone point to measure, but when it finishes, no heightmap.csv file nowhere... Initially, my mind was the file is corrupted or read-only or... so I deleted it, no luck. The strange thing is that afteby dc42 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for pointing out the error in my post, which I have now corrected. It's actually the other way round: the specification says M203 takes mm/min (like the F parameter in G1 commands) but PrusaSlicer generates mm/ dc42 - Ormerod
Most likely the wire between OUT on the IR sensor and the IN pin on the Duet Z probe connector has dc42 - CoreXY Machines
If you set the profile in PrusaSlicer to RepRapFirmware then I think it should be OK. Otherwise, PrusaSlicer tends to put M203 commands in the generated GCode file. Even though M203 has be defined to expect values in mm/min for the last six years, Prusa Slicer puts mm/sec values in the M203 commands that it generates. Hence the very slow dc42 - Ormerod
QuotePeterSimpson The presence of the G92 Z0 in my homez.g file was wrong in that it was setting the position after leaving the G30 command (i.e. the trigger height + 5mm) as Z=0! After removing the G90 Z0 command it now works as it should, and G1 Z0 moves the head to just touching the bed. That's exactly right. I'm glad you sorted dc42 - Ormerod