Hello, would you like to tell me what's your hot bed's power?by flyway97 - Delta Machines
haha, you're welcome. I am very happy I can help you.by flyway97 - Controllers
hello, do you mean the endstop doesn't work?by flyway97 - RepRap Groupe d'Utilisateurs Francophone
Sorry to make you confused.MKS SBASE is compatible with Smoothieware that supports 1/16 and 1/32 .But MKS BASE is MEGA2560,use 4982stepper drivers which only supports 1/16.by flyway97 - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Please send me your gcodeOr you have a look whether there is a M115 instruction in the gcode or not..by flyway97 - Controllers
Do you want automatiac leveling? The The Servo motor is not used for leveling.by flyway97 - Controllers
Hello, this is the PIN port map of MKS Sbase.by flyway97 - Controllers
yes,friend, there has image size or colour format. Icons image size, 16bpp, wide =78 pixels, high =104 pixels. Logo image size, 16bpp, wide =320 pixels, high =240 pixels. check attached will find more info.by flyway97 - Controllers
hello friend, we have released MKS TFT V1.1.4,please visit our github to download and updated.by flyway97 - Controllers
the logo looks greatby flyway97 - Controllers
Dear friend, Please copy firmware to the root of SD via PC .by flyway97 - Controllers
ok,i will update it soon.thanks for feedback.by flyway97 - Controllers
Dear everybody, This is Shelly from Maker Base(MKS),who will deal with MKS products problems here for you . If there are any inappropriate, please feel free to comment.(Or contact me by E-mail. shelly@makerbase.com.cn) So many friends are easy to get confused on our MKS items. Let me make a clear explaby flyway97 - Controllers
to Chri: i have reply you, thank you. to karabas : to w3drk : we change uC oscillator because it will be better for the lan, and not relate to lockup issues. the lockup issues maybe come from sd card problem. we have found MKS Sbase need better sd card then Mega2560's board. I have send SCH and PCB and BOM file of MKS SBase V1.2 on to Github, they can be find here: https://github.com/maby flyway97 - Controllers
thanks w3drk and other friends, we have change the Crystal,replace CSTCE25M0V53-R0 with QRA26B25.0000MFT2C2F, replace CSTCE12M0V53-R0 with QRA26B12.0000MFT2C2F to fix the Ethernet bug, now we change it by manual and will fix the problem on next version. We don't find the bug because we print some small file by lan and it is ok in our Lan. But use CSTCE25M0V53-R0 is our fault,it will cause unstby flyway97 - Controllers
V1.1 no need do anything, it is ok. LG1 is a magnetic bead. The base function of LG1 is connecting AGND (motor) and DGND (CPU), we add it to reduce disturbing from motor to CPU. In normal voltage between AGND and DGND is 0, but short circuit or other accident maybe cause LG1 over-current( max current is 2A) and burn. We delete it because we found LG1 is not very useful. But reserve it is nby flyway97 - Controllers
v1.1 and v1.2 is very small different, we delete LG1 because it is easy be burn when accident. when we change pcb,will change version. So we change it to v1.2.by flyway97 - Controllers
maybe you can replace the fuse F1,it is SCHURTER 3413.0332.22by flyway97 - Controllers
1. take off component D5 and F3; 2. Connect R-78E-5.0's 3 pins to the 3 solder joints as shown in the picture, (pin1 to label 1, pin2 to label 2, pin3 to label 3),then it can work well.by flyway97 - Controllers
to arthurwolf: I admire your contribution on community and agree most of your opinion except about heatsink. I have delete doc copy from smoothie web, and add MKS SBASEV1.1' PCB and SCH file in pdf .Github This is not enough, and can't be identified as Open-Hardware. Becase of we don't like see it be clone with bad component after a month, and we are accused by purchaser(this thingsby flyway97 - Controllers
Quotearthurwolf Quoterocketwiz Also what's with the heatsinks on the 8825's? Shouldn't they be on the (possibly too small) solder vias on the other side? Yes, putting the heatsinks on the top is definitely very bad design, from somebody with no experience in this, who has not even cared to read the datasheet for the drivers ( or understands how they work ). This is the same attitude that causedby flyway97 - Controllers
hi, MKS SBASEV1.1 have for sale. respect to MKS SBaseV1.0 : 1. fix Temperature problem. 2.add Thermocouple Pins( can't be used with 12864lcd together). 3.add some pins P1.22 P1.23 P2.12 P2.11 P4.28 for customization use. 4.add endstop power select function,can select 3.3V or 5Vby flyway97 - Controllers
1. LG1 is a magnetic bead. The base function of LG1 is connecti ng AGND (motor) and DGND (CPU), which can reduce disturbing from motor to CPU. 2.These reasons can cause the burning of LG1(may be more reason): 1) Voltage between AGND and DGND is too high. High voltage will cause LG1 over-current( MAX current is 2A), and the other parts of MKS GEN may be damaged or not. The high Voltby flyway97 - Prusa i3 and variants
we have produce some tiny oled and can be easy used on ramps1.4. can be found at here the example firmware can be found at hereby flyway97 - Controllers
to o_lampe : Maybe this method can work, but we don't test it.by flyway97 - Controllers
1. take off component D5 and F3; 2. Connect R-78E-5.0's 3 pins to the 3 solder joints as shown in the picture, (pin1 to label 1, pin2 to label 2, pin3 to label 3),then it can work well.by flyway97 - Controllers
innkeeper , frodriguez96 : change the DC-DC from L5970D to R-78E-5.0 can solve this problem on V1.0. arthurwolf : yes, DRV8825 and A4988 's radiating is on the chip bottom, so the best method to cool them is by the PCB, so we have carefuly deal with it on our PCB. But if the current up to 1.5a or higher, the temperature is also too high in spite of good PCB design. So add heatsink isby flyway97 - Controllers
thanks frodriguez96 , lmclaren: we have found the reason of temperature problem come from DC-DC, L5970D 's Switching Frequency is not enough , we are testing new DC-DC now . This problem will be solve on on MKS SBASE V1.1 , and will add pins used for Max31855 thermocouples ,add heatsinks on Drv8825, just as frodriguez96 said. . MKS SBASE V1.1 will be saled about August or Setpember.by flyway97 - Controllers
to arthurwolf ,CapnBry : We have reseach the problem for some day. you are right,this problem is not about firmware. The most possibility come from voltage Interference. we will change the DC-DC and pay attention to analog ground and test if can solve this problem. Our board Circuit diagram can be found at hereby flyway97 - Controllers
To CapnBry , Thanks for your trying our MKS SBASE Smoothieware-compatible board and find the problem in maintaining hotend temperature.After we compare the origenal Smoothieware oard and our MKS Sbase. We find that when we use the DC-DC converter R-78E5.0-1.0 as origenal Smoothieware, it is OK. And our DC-DC conver L5970D is using in our MKS series Board for 2 years with Marlin and other fby flyway97 - Controllers