also, if I'm going to do 0.1 layers, .05 steps really aren't enough. How about adding a finer step resolution like 0.02 to the interface?by shadowphile - Delta Machines
ok, I am adjusting for tilt now with the H parameter. I see a real-world usage headache though: Unfortunately, I need a coat of PVA which causes unpredicable changes in the IR reflection. Meaning I have to scrape the bed clean before every auto-level. Cleaning off PVA is a difficult scraping job even wih a razor blade so I leave it on and touch up after every print. If I auto-level each day forby shadowphile - Delta Machines
ok, probe is working ok now. As for the probe calibration process, I notice what seems to be a missing note: To calibrate the sensor for Z homing and bed probing, home X and Y, then position the head over the centre of the bed. With the nozzle at operating temperature, lower the head so that it is just touching the bed or just gripping a sheet of paper, then send G92 Z0 to define that positionby shadowphile - Delta Machines
ack..sorry about that, thanks for the pointer. (I don't care for the reprap site..I can never find anything!)by shadowphile - Delta Machines
well this thread is now off-topic Z-probe readout will not change, despite a proper response all the way to pin 26 of the MCU. The ADC on that pin appears to be working because I am getting a fluctuating readout around 500. So it seems like the MCU is broken . Please tell me there is hope because this board is expensive and took a long time to get here. And it is 0.6, bought it as a duex4 bundby shadowphile - Delta Machines
Ok, disk check found no problems on the SD card. Arduino serial monitor could not see COM9 as presented in Device Manager. bossac could not see COM9 either. After using the erase button on the pcb I was able to get bossac to upload ok. Then Arduino serial monitor worked, but M503 indicated the card was not read. I put the card back into the PC and overwrote the entire card with my working contentby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I will look at the SD card..what does the firmware do if the card is not read (other than lack of IP)? I ask because one of the last checks I did WAS try Pronterface (no connect) Assuming the SD card is not the problem: At this point do you think there is no reason not to reflash? I hate to erase the problem and lose whatever useful troubleshooting info might be available in case I need it laterby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I'm having problems with the web interface: (on 1.09e) -At first the response to manual jogs would have erratic delays, sometimes up to a minute (or what felt like one) -Also uploading a new config with motor currents turned all the way down to 100 (after trying 500, then 200, etc) did not seem to affect the motors moves. -Then, after several successful config file uploads, uploading would shadowphile - Delta Machines
I'm having problems with the web interface: (on 1.09e) -At first the response to manual jogs would have erratic delays, sometimes up to a minute (or what felt like one) -Also uploading a new config with motor currents turned all the way down to 100 (after trying 500, then 200, etc) did not seem to affect the motors moves. -Then, after several successful config file uploads, uploading would shadowphile - Delta Machines
ignore me, just a test shadowphile - Delta Machines
@DC42: this is only slightly on-topic but there you are.. I pass the homing and fast move tests per the blog, so I am ready to approach the endstop correction/auto-leveling. I'm used to Marlin, which I was able to understand and hack into for various sub-tests before feeling like it was safe to perform the bed-leveling routines. IR probe works as expected so I am ready to go. The answer is burby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I screwed up. I got the linear rail lengths wrong in my CAD and now I have everything in hand to build my 300mm upsized delta but with the current rails I only have about 100mm of build height. After research, the cost and time to get 700mm rails is looking really unattractive. Because my original Kossel used these rails, I'm rather clueless about the ins and outs of the printed type of carriagby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I thought about printing but that is overkill considering the should-be-dirt-cheap injection-molded parts that must be flooding the world (I also don't have a big enough printer right now).by shadowphile - General
It's looks like it is resting on the MDF but the bed has a cork lining under it and all is resting on metal struts underneath. (the sliding clips are on the MDF but with a solid bed it shouldn't matter that much). @DC42: -I don't see any kind of cooling on the duet stepper drivers, which seems counter to the usual heats sinks on RAMPS (although that is probably why there is no cover?) -It lookeby shadowphile - Delta Machines
Here is a pic of my CAD so far. It's 2020 struts and I am scaling for a 300mm bed. I probably should have used a 350mm bed assembly to get a full 300mm build space, oh well... Some things you might notice: -Frame is somewhat larger than the bed; I wanted to keep things inside as much as possible for potential enclosure later. It forces an increase in the rod length but also decreases the maximuby shadowphile - Delta Machines
That is weird...I just tried to order that heat pad and was told they can't ship to Washington State 'for legal reasons'. At least when I tried the two inexpensive shipping options. After that the shipping cost rises to $145 using DHL, then it just gets worse! For those with poor geography sense, Washington State is in the NW corner of US. shadowphile - General
I want to standardize my in-house filament management needs by respooling all my filaments onto one size. Preferably that size would be large OD with large hub OD and narrow width, perhaps something like 8x4x2". This would also remove the excessive curl caused by small hubs, especially since I use 3mm. I have looked all morning for spool stock but is surprisingly sparse options. Plus new spoolsby shadowphile - General
I have found that these kinds of clamps are super strong. However, if the material that has to bend is thick and the screws are small it may require an excessive amount of screwing torque to get a lot of clamping, maybe more than the screw can handle. I suggest max screw size and the closest possible pre-clamp fit. The optimum block shape would be thin with the screw away from the clamping centby shadowphile - Developers
great!, I will await your report. thanksby shadowphile - Delta Machines
Hi Dave, I have been relying on your kossel-to-duet blog and it has become my bible for this process, thank you! I have a bunch of parts on order so I'm still lining up my ducks. (or is that an American expression?) You have suggested 0.9 degree motors but I have seen multiple comments that those and/or 1/32-step drivers are too fast. I would think the Duet could easily keep up though, unless tby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I've browsed for information regarding the pros/cons of the two filament sizes and I have to say that the discussion here has been much more informative and thought out than anywhere else I've shadowphile - Delta Machines
AndrewBCN: My biggest problem with my Kossel Mini was a super-lame hobb assembly not designed for the extra back pressure of 3mm filament. I ended up buying a beast of an extruder that fixed my drive problems. I also admit that I want to preserve the ability to use soft materials like Ninjaflex, which I hear is basically impossible with 1.75mm in a Bowden. It also seems like there would be a prby shadowphile - Delta Machines
its having to spin the heater block assy i find to be hard on the cables because is too much clutter below the effector platform (fan, z probe, possibly LEDs) and I have to bend the cables to the heatblock down for clearance. Plus its a touchy process having to spin that hot block around without burning myself. As for not leaking around the threads inside, the threaded nozzle would still screw tiby shadowphile - Developers
Yeah I am kinda of stuck with the 3mm components for now. However, I found that if the tube isn't too short the torque on the effector isn't too bad. The stiffness of the tube seems to dominate over the stiffness of the filament. I also put a string of rubber bands between the top of the rear tower and and the bowden tube about 8 inches up from the effector. This does a surprisingly good job oby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I have an e3d v6 but what I observe is a similar situation with other designs. Why can't the heat-break and the heater-block both use clamping-block designs like the heater cartridge so that removing either is not a major chore during freeze-ups, filament changes, etc. In my case I have to unplug the heater-block wires then try to spin it around the heat-break threads with the cables trying to hby shadowphile - Developers
Is there any tribal knowledge about the subject of Bowden tube size? I am building a larger-sized delta so the tubing is both curved a lot and longer in length than, say, a Kossel Mini. I'm using '3mm' filaments, which can of course deviate from filament to filament. seems like the best approach is an ID just close enough to enclose the largest expected filament OD (lets just say 3.1mm foby shadowphile - Delta Machines
hmm..everything Chinese so far is either iffy service and/or very long delivery. I would like something within a week or two at most. I am now pondering etching my own shadowphile - Delta Machines
Thanks, those were the ONLY ones I found in my searches but they seem rather pricey. I'm thinking I could find something closer to $30 or less, especially if it is from shadowphile - Delta Machines
I been looking but no luck so far. I need a silicone or polyamide round 300mm heater in the 300W power range on 120VAC. (I only need one). Any references would be groovy. thanksby shadowphile - Delta Machines
I finally have my Kossel Mini printing stuff and it's too small! (and my FSR solution is issue-prone, making good calibration a difficult process.) I'm in the process of designing a printer around some elements of the dc42 midi-Kossel, including the duet pcb. However, as I converged on the dimensions for a 300mm bed and 300 mm build-height, I realized that it was more than just longer extrusionsby shadowphile - Delta Machines