Many people don't like wind turbines because they're noisy and usually moving. However, the vortex turnado turbine can have its moving parts hidden. The general principle can be seen at about the six minute mark of the vortex wind generator video at: I remember seeing the vortex generator design at least fifteen years ago so its patent has expired. The vortex tube shape can be fabricated witby Enrique - General
Hi Marcus, Thanks for the bug report, the updated skeinforge is in subversion and attached to this post. Cheers, Eby Enrique - RepRap Host
Hi Marcus, Thanks for sending the zipped preferences. The updated skeinforge is attached and in subversion. Cheers, Enriqueby Enrique - RepRap Host
Hi Marcus, I could not reproduce the zero division bug, so please email me your zipped preferences. The best place to start working with the skeinforge code is at the periphery. The import plugins will be changed one the slice format is made, so the best place in the periphery would be in the analyze plugins, like skeinview. Indeed, I just use dump stuff to svn, so please email me your updateby Enrique - RepRap Host
A bunch of bugs in comb and fill have been fixed, the update is attached and in subversion. A bit of stuff has been added to comb and fillet, and the updated documentation for those is below. Included in the comb stuff is different speed in corners, as suggested by John Gilmore in the acceleration post at: Dave and xsainnz are working on a slice file format at: A long while after that formaby Enrique - RepRap Host
Hi Ian, Round and round she goes is actually a feature, not a bug. The idea is to circle round before going to another layer with a different temperature to give the extruder time to reach the new temperature. The time it goes around for is set in the raft dialog. The orbiting time preferences are: Temperature Change Time of Raft (seconds) Temperature Change Time of Layer Outline (seconds) Teby Enrique - RepRap Host
Loop tailor has been moved into comb and clip. Comb now also moves the extruder to the inside of outer perimeters before turning the extruder on so any start up ooze will be inside the shape. A bunch of bugs have been fixed in what is now comb and clip. The updated package is attached and in subversion. The description of comb and clip is below. Enrique Comb bends the extruder travel pathsby Enrique - RepRap Host
The metalab group used PEEK for the thermal insulator and it worked great. I believe the peek was glass filled, but I'm not sure. You can see their descriptions of the insulator at:by Enrique - Mechanics
pjr, Thanks for modifiying, I've added your update to skeinforge in the attachment and in subversion. A couple of oozebane bugs were fixed. In raft, the "Turn Extruder On Early" option default is now off because oozebane also turns the extruder on early. The temperature of the outline of the first layer can now be changed and the default temperatures for HDPE wereby Enrique - RepRap Host
Other possible base materials could be particle board or asphalt Enrique - Mechanics
Wade, Thanks for pointing out the don't actually delete comments bug. It's good that "Gcode Small" deletes comments also, but export should of deleted them even without "Gcode Small". The updated version is attached and at: In a while I will update the subversion version for the export bug. The oozebane bug was updated in the subversion version a few days ago. Cheers, Enriqueby Enrique - RepRap Host
Wade, The "( ) " and "(.." lines are comments. Comments are only used in the tool chain and should not be executed by a gcode interpreter. To remove them, in the export tool turn the "Delete Comments" checkbox on. The and comments are to define a region in a layer. This is useful for some tools, for example the comb tool moves the extruder around regions so that there is less hair in holesby Enrique - RepRap Host
Wade, thanks for finding the interface offset when the shape is not centered bug and posting the files. The updated skeinforge is attached and at: In a while I will update the subversion version. Cheers, Enriqueby Enrique - RepRap Host
Oops, there was an overrun at the end of thread bug in oozebane. The updated version is attached and the documentation is below. Cheers, Enrique Oozebane is a script to turn off the extruder before the end of a thread. The default 'Activate Oozebane' checkbox is on. When it is on, the functions described below will work, when it is off, the functions will not be called. The important valby Enrique - RepRap Host
The latest version of John's is in the fabricate folder and the documentation for it is at: Gifscene no longer uses gifs, so it has been renamed skeinview. Skeinview is basically a version of preview which does not use the python imaging library and so can be run from within the skeinforge tool chain without running into the python imaging library & multiple Tkinter windows bug. Tby Enrique - RepRap Host
Great idea! It is certainly better than using belt for the z axis. For the x and y axis, is the sproket wider than the original Darwin gear? If so, how do you get the necessary resolution and torque?by Enrique - Mechanics
Thanks Ronanwarrior for describing the problem. I'll add loop entry staggering code within a couple of months. Cheers, Eby Enrique - General
jgilmore, once you have a final version of the description, just send it to me and I'll add it to and the wiki. You can send it by adding the comment to and posting it to this thread again, or by sending me a private message through the forum or by sending email to perez_enrique at Enrique - RepRap Host
jqilmore, What I suggest is writing the description as Arduino_Send, so the full wiki address would be: Once you have a final version of the description, add it as a comment to the beginning of the file, so that when pydoc is run, it will include that description in the generated file send.html. For an example of that, you can look into any of the skeinforge tools, like Enrique - RepRap Host
Reece, An option derived from Sebastien's suggestion to whip up software to do object reconstruction from a bunch of digicam photos, would be to make software to turn pictures of someone's feet into an orthotic support model, which the reprap would then fabricate. Ronanwarrior, I don't know what software you're using to print, but skeinforge does try to find the shortest path; and if it doesnby Enrique - General
jgilmore, Zowie, thanks for writing I've added it to the fabricate folder, which is a grab bag of python code to talk to hardware. If you write a wiki page explaining how to use send, I'll link to it from the skeinforge documentation. In the skeinforge help, I just mentioned because they somehow used skeinforge and the Arduino to print stuff. I dunno how they did Enrique - RepRap Host
Flaex, great work on the boards. Many have talked about how useful it would be to have a single sided board, and you actually did it! For those who wonder why, single sided means one less procedure when making a board. So people can make them faster and with fewer mistakes. Also we know we can use Darwin to make one sided boards, as Greenarrow described here: but no one has used a Darwin toby Enrique - Controllers
Below is the description of, which is a script to wait around at the end of the layer if necessary to cool the shape. Also, stretch has been modified so that it stretches the perimeter more than the infill. In theory, with the correct value of 'Perimeter Maximum Stretch Over Extrusion Width', the hole paths will be widened enough that after contraction & squishing they end up at theby Enrique - RepRap Host
The skeinforge documentation summary is on the wiki at: and it is referenced from: This is just the documentation from, the rest of the documentation is in the documentation folder of the skeinforge toolchain. Kyle, You can call or any other tool directly with a .stl file and it will automatically translate and import it. You can also only translate the file byby Enrique - RepRap Host
Thanks to Marius, part of the Metalab team building a reprap, whose adventures are described at: skeinforge can now slice files from the command line. For example to skeinforge the Hollow Square file, type: > python Hollow Square.gts Also gifscene, which calls Nophead's preview, now works when called directly. So something like: > python gifscene Hollow Square_export.gcodby Enrique - RepRap Host
I've been involved in a few open source projects, this one has the fastest progress of any of em by far. The core people on the project the most open minded and hard working volunteers I've ever worked with. I'm glad Adrian's working on the granule extruder because shortly after that's working we'll be making the cheapest custom objects ever. We don't have a stable Darwin & software, becauby Enrique - General
Hello Marius, Thanks for trying out skeinforge. I'm using absolute imports in order to be able to import from the module or from a level above it. Dynamic importing was a pain to get working in python, and indeed there may be a better way. Thanks for the stack trace, but the standard python stack trace did not give enough information for me to know what the gcodec.getModule() error was. So Iby Enrique - RepRap Host
I could only find the coefficient of friction for urethane on metals. For steel, it was about 0.5, 0.6 for aluminum and 0.7 for brass. This was with the highest grip urethane, "Cyclothane-A 83A". This was from a properties sheet at: Pinch wheels were also discussed on the "Cheapo Mouse as Shaft Encoder" thread at: In that thread Dylan showed a picture of his lego & plywood pinch wheel,by Enrique - Mechanics
The skeinforge toolchain now has an actual skeinforge module, which simply calls the rest of the chain. Also Nophead's preview, his layer viewer, is now called from gifscene, an analyze plugin. I was not able to install the Python Imaging Library on my machine, which is necessary for preview to work so I can only hope that I'm calling Nophead's code correctly. If someone with the Imaging triesby Enrique - RepRap Host
I like Leav's tongue and groove option, and just suggest a V3.1 option, which would be V3 with straight teeth that snugly fit instead of of wedge teeth with a gap. It would be a tighter fit, but would provide compressive stiffness as well. To keep it from sliding out you could make a ring to go over the connection section. Ru, Now that Nophead has shown that the filament can span bridges, it sby Enrique - Mechanics