Wow, except for the hair, the build quality looks good. Over the next few weeks I'll try to keep the extruder within the shape to get rid of some of the hair. If you had to change the "Extrusion Density" or "Extrusion Width over Thickness" ratios, please post or email em and I'll change the defaults, which were guessed. I took out all the fan and temperature commands from the skeinforge geneby Enrique - RepRap Host
Yup, you only need height and width, and internally that is what skeinforge uses. However, I have height and width input as a ratio because they are both dependent on the diameter. For example, say with a nozzle diameter of 1 mm, you find the build is best with a height of 0.8 mm and width of 0.9 mm. Then you switch to a 2 mm nozzle, if you only had height and width inputs, you would have to cby Enrique - RepRap Host