This inspired me to make my own version that can take 5 reels (for a 5 colour Diamond hot end). I used less plastic and lot of threaded rod but my version isn't free standing. Thanks for the inspiration Mark - I gave you a mention in my deckingman - Look what I made!
Quoteo_lampe Wouldn't that require a different object description than .stl? (new slic3rs and all that...) RRF always claims to be segmentation_free, but the .stl files aren't.... Not sure I understand the question. Slicers deal with arcs and circles by chopping them up into small straight line segments. On my machine with my hot end etc etc, duet firmware pressure advance works really well in dby deckingman - Printing
Better still would be to have effective pressure advance strategy. That way you could negate the need for retraction, or at least reduce it so much that retraction speed would be less important. Unfortunately, although pressure advance with Duet firmware works really well on straight moves, I've never been able to cure the problems that it introduces when doing segmented arcs, so I can't use deckingman - Printing
As title really. Just written a post on my blog which, if you use a mixing hot end, might be of some use. Link hereby deckingman - Printing
For info, I'm just in the process of replacing my 5 off E3D Titans with 5 off Bondtech BMGs. If you want to know why and/or you are serious about wanting to print multi colours or multi filaments, take a look at my blog (linked in sig). HTH Edit. When you are buying 5 extruders, getting the wrong ones to start with can be a very expensive mistake (as I found out to my cost).by deckingman - CoreXY Machines
I can't see how to edit the above post but just wanted to say that this has now been deckingman - For Sale
This is maybe a bit late but I have a tricolour RepRapPro Mendel that I'm looking to sell, either complete or as parts. It has a the Duet 06 complete with the shield. I'm UK based. Any reasonable offer considered. PM me if you are interested. Ianby deckingman - Reprappers
QuoteGaou what is ur printing speed, and what is ur extrusion width on the 00.9 nozzle ? nice project man For that table I used 1.0mm extrusion width and 0.7mm layer height printed at 20mm/sec feeding filament into all 3 inputs of the diamond hot end in the ratio of deckingman - Look what I made!
Just finished this - well almost. Just need to make some clear "flames" to cover the LEDs. Edit. Skip to the last minute or so if you just want to see what it looks deckingman - Look what I made!
This was an extreme torture test for what is a fairly unusual usage situation. Anyone who is using a mixing hot end such as the Diamond, will know that it is necessary to retract all filaments concurrently, even when only a single filament is being used to print. If one or more filaments does not move forward because they will only come into play later in the print, this can lead to the same pby deckingman - Mechanics
I desperately need the space so my old RepRapPro tricolour needs to go. To be honest, I haven't used it for over a year and although it worked the last time I tried it, I can't guarantee that there is nothing wrong with it now. I'd consider splitting it but would rather I got rid of it lock stock and barrel. What you get is the printer which is fitted with a Duet 06 plus the expansion board (I thby deckingman - For Sale
Magnetic? Given that most beds have some form of heat spreader which needs to be a good conductor of heat, these tend to be aluminium and not ferrous metal. So how is a flexible magnet going to adhere then? Just checked, and no this wasn't posted on 1st deckingman - General
Quoteampapa .............Seems that the most rigid designs involve supporting the post at the top and bottom so I think I'll have to work that into the design somehow. Yes definitely. Then when the shafts are at true right angles to the axes, spacers aren't really needed as the idlers will find their own position on the shaft once the belts are tensioned (although having spacers does make theby deckingman - Mechanics
Quotethe_digital_dentist I can't understand why anyone is still designing printers that use 4 screws to level the bed. Yeah, I know- autoleveling. If no effort is made to make the bed flat and level, when the autoleveling fails you're not going to print. A bed that size can easily be made flat and level and you can still use autoleveling if you feel you must have it, but you'll still be abby deckingman - CoreXY Machines
Quotemotley It looks amazing - not just the tool changing but the motion system as well. I'm in the queue... Yes the motion system got me all excited to start with, but on further reading and as far as I can tell, it's just CoreXY with stacked belts (unless I missed something).by deckingman - CoreXY Machines
Quote0xDeadbeef I'm currently desingning a 3D printer and I wonder how do i make sure that the hotend is properly insulated from the rest of the head. How is it solved in other printers? I was thinking about using fiberglass on the part of the head where the hotend will contact it. Most hot ends consist of two parts - a hot end and a cold end. Confusingly, they are almost invariably called "hotby deckingman - Reprappers
Something else has occurred to me. If I was building such a printer, I'd using a Diamond 5 colour hot end (5 in, 1 out) but not for it's multi colour capabilities. I'd load the same filament into each input (which is something I also do now). Coupled with 5 off E3D Titan extruders. This means that you can load 5 times the filament so will reduce the need to pause, change filament, then resume byby deckingman - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
One thing that will need careful consideration is the 30 day print time\pause and resume feature. For sure you are likely to need to pause the print to fit new rolls of filament unless you can do it on the fly (I do but it can be hit and miss). It would probably be wise to fit a filament monitor which can be configured to initiate a pause (Duet can do this). There are a couple of caveats in theby deckingman - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
So on the one hand you say this............... Quote......... it doesn't take much force to deflect the end-effector by ~0.1mm relative to the bed, and that kind of error will be visible in the final print. A kilogram of force might not sound like much on paper, but as a fast impulse it has punch. Even worse, infill patterns have a way of hitting reasonant frequencies which can be very unpleasaby deckingman - CoreXY Machines
Ref the desired acceleration, if you manage to achieve 7500 mm/sec^2 you won't want to use it. It's just too fast and will cause all sorts of problems with print quality - that's if it doesn't shake the printer apart! If you do the maths, to get to 200 mm/sec non print speed @ 7500 mm/sec^2 will take 0.027 secs and the print head will move 2.667mm during that acceleration phase. For print movesby deckingman - CoreXY Machines
Quotelukie80 Yes. Hold something really heavy and pull it towards you. Your body will move forward. Your body are the Z Rods and the carriage is the heavy object. But I overestimated the effect, I forgot the mass of the X-Motor. So the bending will be much less. Yes, I understand the theory. It was the practical interpretation that the force would bend the rods enough to affect print quality thaby deckingman - Mechanics
QuoteDon McLean ............................. I'm not currently planning for a heated bed, .......................... I think you should plan for it. Whilst it can be added later, it's best to plan for it now. It'll almost certainly involve sticking a silicon heater to the underside of the aluminium and you might want to consider adding insulation under that too (I do, but it isn't absolutely neby deckingman - General
Quotelukie80 I mean that movement on the X-Axis of a Prusa printer bends the smooth rods of the Z-axis. Really?by deckingman - Mechanics
My best guess would be that the slicer is set to absolute extrusion but the board is expecting relative extrusion. Look through the gcode file and see if the G1.....Ennn values keep increasing throughout. If they do, then they are absolute. If your configuration file has an M83 in it then, the board is expecting relative moves. M82 will change it to expect absolute values. It doesn't really matteby deckingman - Printing
Quotelukie80 ................ Accelerating or decelerating causes force being applied on the guiding rods which in turn bend and relax.............. Huh???? How does accelerating a mass travelling parallel to the guides rods apply a force to those rods?by deckingman - Mechanics
@Don McLean Are these parts "one offs" or do you need multiple copies? I'm thinking along the lines that you could print multiple copies concurrently by having them joined together with a thin "snap off" web so that they would support each other. If they are "one offs" you could consider a sacrificial support tower but it would be wasteful in plastic (and take longer to print) but it might be anby deckingman - General
I have Diamond hot ends with 5 E3D titans on a dual CoreXY. The mass each gantry is around 2kg in the Y direction so 4kg combined. The limiting factor on print speed is how fast you can melt the filament. Feeding all the melt chambers simultaneously using a separate extruder for each one, allows me to print at up to 300mm\sec. See here and here I use acceleration of 1,000 mm\sec^2 for non-prinby deckingman - Mechanics
QuoteVDX Hi Ian, do you have some interest in "pressure-free" filament printing processes? Was working around and testing some related ideas the last years ... and will start sort of comercial development with one of the methodes this year, so not all will be OS ... Hi Viktor, I'm not sure that I understand the question. For sure I am interested in anything 3D printer related, including "presby deckingman - Developers
I've just completed at bit of an investigation to try and get a better understanding of how pressure builds up in the extrusion system, the effect that has on print quality and what we can do about it. Some of you, may find some of it, of some interest...... It's a bit extreme in places so if nothing else, you can witness 4 kg of mass being thrown around to print at up to 300mm\sec by using thrby deckingman - Developers
QuoteDon McLean ....................... @ deckingman, it looks like you don't have any problems with peeling from your large bed? Any comments on the chances of prints lifting from the bed based on size? Thanks for sharing the vids BTW. .............................. No probs with prints lifting with PLA, PET-G and T Glass. In fact, many people report that using PET-G they have the opposite probby deckingman - General