That's not going to change unless someone wants to do digest versions of the "best" conversations and forks for their native tongue...or until babelfish gets a lot Roach_S - Reprappers
You make a good point. So, a future reprap may be built on an automatic tractor... Not a bad way, if you can get the positional accuracy under control, and can consistently get on top of what you've already made to lay more material. Personally, I figure the future reprap will probably be a gantry-crane mechanism, with multiple heads, and the ability to interface with additional gantries for coby Roach_S - Reprappers
Probably for the best. Do you really want to dig through a bunch of regional forums to see what people have thought up? Probably best for connecting locally, then watching for new posts, new local reprappers. In my Roach_S - Reprappers
Such might be useful for creating overhangs. Otherwise, it'd probably be more effort for no more gain. Multiple toolheads, working in tandem, though, sounds good. Actually, it sounds like you're talking about the reprap altering itself on the fly, while making another object, so as to make that other object. This isn't a new idea, (see "Diamond Age" by Neil Stephenson, specifically the commentby Roach_S - Reprappers
I, for one, don't want a crippled machine, and I wouldn't want to give such a thing to anyone I cared to call friend. I think the government has too much say over the going ons of the individual as it is. I don't want to give them more ability to regulate. With ability comes activity. If they can regulate, they will. It's in the nature of the Roach_S - General
Personally, I'd rather have it stay mixed, then top-coat it to insulate it. As it is, you can lay traces in the X-Y plane, but it doesn't sound like you can build risers. The conductivity of the bottom layer sounds good, Roach_S - Paste Extrusion Working Group
That presumes you don't just download the motherboard, by that time, and print the whole Roach_S - Reprappers
My understanding of copyright law is, you can make a copy for your own use, but can't turn a profit from it. I don't know if you can make a copy to use in your business or not. Keep in mind, I am not a lawyer, and don't even play one on Roach_S - General
I believe you are right. The store where I work had it in stock several years ago. The fish looks familiar. If the example on Amazon showed making a fake line of books, vacuum formed, I'd know it was the one I Roach_S - Reprappers
Make has or had an article on making a small vacuum forming table out of a vacuum cleaner. I once found detailed plans in a book on making stage props, but I don't have the Roach_S - Reprappers
Now that Sebastian is back up and about. How about canceling the following accounts? All are used exclusively to spam a single page apiece, all have been around awhile, and none have made any useful edits. Incidentally, all are named with six character names, with the first and fourth capitalized. All have "posted" spam in the last four days. Bb9Vo0, CmnQth, HbcUg1, HpfUv6, Ie2Grh, JsfErm, Jvby Roach_S - General
Can't you get EM shielding with copper paint? Just a thought, but isn't that how modern plastic casings are shielded now?by Roach_S - Reprappers
How about pegboard, and clamp the sheet through the holes? It requires you know where to cut the sheet before laying down filament, though. You could use simple bolts, with washers and wingnuts, or even thumbscrews, washers and wingnuts, to clamp the edges of a thin sheet down, close to where the corners would be. Well, maybe not real pegboard. That stuff is a bit too flexible. Perforated shby Roach_S - Reprappers
Wood at least is a good insulator. I think it has a lot of thermal inertia, however. Does the HDPE sheet increase in surface area when material is applied, or just warp, but maintain the same surface area? If it just warps, but doesn't stretch, you could hold the material tight with clamps, or with an oversized needlepoint frame. If it lenghtens too, that won't work. How about cloth? That'dby Roach_S - Reprappers
Fewer specialty resources to hang off the Roach_S - General
How about replacing your MDF with a sheet of corkboard, and using thumbtacks, or even upholstery tacks, to secure the base sheet?by Roach_S - Reprappers
Actually, I meant to not narrow the definition too much. articulated arm...cartesian coordinate system...Victor's current toy...the radial concept being played around in another thread...all qualify as a "robot". Point is, put a small scale unit on the end of a much larger scale unit, and give it some means of determining exactly where it is, even if the larger scale unit can't actually get it inby Roach_S - Reprappers
Thinking about resistors... If you can mill, and you have pick-n-place, you might add a probe. Make the component a little oversized, test, then mill down to the proper result. Make your resistor or capacitor overwide, test, then grind down until the resistance is high enough, or the capacitor capacitance low enough. Definitely blue sky. though. Maybe recursion three, or Roach_S - General
At least patents aren't life plus some number of Roach_S - Polymer Working Group
Something else to consider. How about putting your traditional reprap motors on a robot that can only traverse over about a one yard area, but with no "cage" to interfere on five of the six sides, then making that the toolhead of a much larger robot. I'd say make the larger robot a gantry style, but with a moving gantry. That way you can double, or even triple up on the gantries to build thingsby Roach_S - Reprappers
Print a "tray" that will hold all your components, upside down as you said, and that can be reliably fixed relative to two edges of the rep-rap tray. Place your parts, replace the tray in the rep-rap, (possibly the first time it's been put in place correctly,) and inform the machine you're ready for stage two. For this reason, it might be good if there are two slots, to engage such a tray, on pby Roach_S - General
I smile politely, then call the cops. I saw a turtle Roach_S - General
Hey, Zach. Doesn't that new chip, you're playing around with, have an integrated USB controller?by Roach_S - General
I caught it. This means I'll probably be waiting on 2.0 boards as well. Actually, I don't know which would be cheaper, the old steppers with the old boards, or the newer, cheaper steppers, with the new, single, board, based around what appears to be a more complex component. I'm not asking for a price sheet, but I'm not sure it'd be cheaper to go with the cheaper motors if it requires a potentby Roach_S - Reprappers
Yeah, but you're always in the long flat part of the exponential curve. Yesterday was really shallow, and tomorrow gets really steep, at least compared to today. Personally, I'm waiting until I can afford to drop the money on the motors, then I'll pick up the Roach_S - Reprappers
I find your presence, and your contribution, to be desirable. I find Ian's insistence that this thread stay on the very narrow topic of ...thermic engines to be foolish. I find the fact that, currently, nine of the ten posts made by Ian have been in this thread, with the other in the "oil bath" thread, (where did state something helpful,) to be a bit telling. Personally, I'm getting tired of theby Roach_S - General
You might want to go read the blogs to get a good feel for why Zach made those comments. He is working on a new Roach_S - General
Not if they're single use molds. Imagine a wax mold, with a wax core. Pour your material, then bake it to dispose of the mold. I don't like a two-stage approach, however, as it would limit how many people would be willing to adopt the Roach_S - General
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a member of a subversive group in the country of _______. Recently, our group constructed a rapid prototyper for the creation and dissemination of material with which to attempt to overthrow our government. Unfortunately, the government is somewhat aware of the potential of this and have put an embargo on the importation of polymorph. Any purchases of the material that couby Roach_S - General
I got one too. I know of it as the Nigeria Roach_S - General