Latest updates on construction progress now updated to the blog for anyone who's interested in a newbie's progress! Regards, No.6by NumberSix - Reprappers
Any pictures yet Mathew? Hope things are going well for you! No.6by NumberSix - General
That's a mighty looking machine 'RepRot'! Fair play! Well done! No.6by NumberSix - General Mendel Topics
Made some good progress over the weekend and have updated 'the blog' with picts and chat. Tks to all for the advice and encouragement! Regards, No.6by NumberSix - Reprappers
Irish RepStrap under construction! Blogging here: Happy to here from anyone else in Ireland having a go. No.6by NumberSix - Ireland RepRap User Group
Thanks for the reply Sebastien, points taken. I've just subscribed to the developer mailing list, but calling me a developer is stretching it. It's more 'monkey see on-line, monkey do' approach really! It is RepStrap for sure right now. I did read the Cultural Note and examined the WolfStrap, but the simplicity of design drew me back to the wedge style frame. I know there are those out there frby NumberSix - Reprappers
Hi all, Just a quick note to say hello to the RepRap world and declare another printer 'under construction'! I'll blog my journey here: and post questions on occasion if people don't mind yet more 'beginners' questions! I plan to build as much as I can with DIY tools and buy the motors and electronics. I'm located in Ireland and especially happy to hear from anyone in the neighbourhood embaby NumberSix - Reprappers
It looks like the interest level hasn't reached a critical mass yet in Ireland. I'm sure we'll get there. It's a facinating topic. There must be someone on the island that has put one together? I've been reading "RepRap" all week. I think it's time to hit the 'workshop' (a.k.a... the garage! ). It's a bit of a 'chicken & egg' situation thought. I did stumble on the "WolfStrap" design todayby NumberSix - Ireland RepRap User Group