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Hi and welcome.
First decide on what you will be printing the most. ABS(hot) or PLA(colder). I think you should build the kit to suite your needs. If printing more ABS you will for sure need an enclosure to get better prints. For PLA again colder room temp will be better. And so does the hot ends then also play a role.
My machine is setup for ABS and i struggle with PLA so i now wan
South Africa, Cape Town RepRap User Group
Hi Skillet
I have built a Prusa i3 from a kit and been involved in a second one and rebuilt mine and taking it further as well
Also a little Hurricane from NetRam here in Cape Town
If you haven't already done so I suggest you visit Netram behind Century City and speak to anyone there (Tell them I referred you - John Powell)
I am currently very tight for time myself but in due cou
South Africa, Cape Town RepRap User Group
Hi All
I am also in Cape Town. I am interested in building a Prusa i3 from kit but I am concerned about the print quality. I have seen Ultimaker 2+ and Zortrax M200 prints and those were amazing. I am not expecting for all to work from the start and see the tweaking as part of the process.
The kits I am looking at is from: Here
It would be great if I can get in contact with a Prusa user or
South Africa, Cape Town RepRap User Group