unfortunately i dont have access to a lathe, i have a had drill which i could get a metal drill bit for. what about getting a bigger hole and finding like a spacer tube between the two assuming i could find something like that. Any other shops that might have some other options ?by oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Can anyone recommend a site i can get belts and pulleys, my motors have a 5mm diameter. so i need a 5mm bore and the belts to fit the pulley, thats the closest pulley i can find but the belts have a pitch of 5mm and that pulley is 5.1. So any recommendations on what i can do or where i can source the parts ?by oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Can anyone direct me to information on generating tool paths algorithm theorys working code etc. I have created code that can splice a 3d model into segmetns so next i need to generate a path for the tool head to follow so any info on this would be helpful, and once its all working i will post my code back into the community Or will i have to work out my own algorithms ?by oly - RepRap Host
I do not have any opto endstops working any suggestions on where i may have gone wrong ?? I have them connected to the stepper driver board via ethnet connectors. if i connect an opto endstop to max the led is on permenantly if i connect one to min its off permenantly placing something in the beam does nothing ? I have tried card knifes screw drivers but i can not make the led toggle any suggesby oly - Controllers
cheers for that info i did wonder if it was pin5 and the one next to it, i will look up the connectors and try that later, as it might be slightly different as i do not have the ardino mega but have the makerbot motherboard.by oly - Controllers
can you explain this i have seen this mentioned a few times but with out any explanation of what the enable line is or what it looks like on the board ?by oly - Controllers
okay, i have tried all sorts curently i have the motherboard and the 3 stepper driver working in that the led on the boards all light up, how ever i have been unable to get anything out of the stepper driver. I have tried the steps on the wiki about trying with out the motherboard (and found out that currently they are not valid anymore) Also tried with the motherboard attached and the replicatoby oly - Controllers
out of intrest if i get the electronics can i build any style reprap ie a darwin and a mendel i ask so i know weather its a good idea to deviate from the online designs. I guess its more down to the firmware on the electronics than anything is that correct ?by oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
is there an import tax on the makerbot DIY electronics to the uk ? Anyone any experience and if there is how much is it ?by oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
thats great thanksby oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
I am thinking about building a reprap / repstrap i can build the structure myself with out much trouble but would like to source the electronics / stepper motors can any one recommend places i can get these parts ? I am aware of which is an option for the electronics but they do not seem to have the stepper motors, ideally i need to keep the price down to around £200-£300. Any suggestions to hby oly - United Kingdom RepRap User Group