How credible are the Chinese suppliers of arduino mega's? Will they work ok with RAMPS 1.4? Ebay Arduino Mega Thanks, Nigelby nigel_mck - RAMPS Electronics
I checked out Tony's ebay page, looks really great! Seeedstudio really supports open source hardware. I was more thinking along the lines of a stepper sourced specifically for reprap for the people that would like the piece of mind of buying new stepper motors that have data sheets and have been documented to work with nigel_mck - General
Hello all, I am a currently planning on building a Prusa Mendal from scratch to save some money (me being a broke student) and have been looking for affordable places to source parts from. I have been looking around for a good affordable NEMA 17 stepper motor that fits the requirements for the Prusa with little success. I have worked with a sourcing company from China called Seeed Studio before aby nigel_mck - General