Try unplugging the MOSFET and see if it still hangs when you do M42. That will tell you if it is a hardware fault or a firmware nophead - Mendel90
If you remove the third heater definition from pins.h you will be able to control that port with M42 and turn it on and off. You should put a back EMF diode across the coil and be aware that not all solenoids are rated for 100% duty nophead - Mendel90
I would be a bit wary of that because making heat beds is not as simple as sending the gerber files to a PCB fabricator. Getting the correct resistance and getting it flat enough consistently would be difficult I nophead - General
Slic3r lets you add arbitrary gcode at tool changes. You can use M42 to control an arbitrary port as long as it is isn't defined as something else in pins.h. Seeby nophead - Mendel90
Wire 4 in the ribbon cable connects to pin 9 of the D type, wire 5 goes to pin 2 and so on. There is a full list of connections on page 66 of the nophead - General
It is support material to allow it to be printed. I cut it out with a small blunt knife. Basically you can't print a hole with nothing underneath it as the outline would be printed in mid nophead - Mendel90
You have to change the extruder type in the dibond_config file to Direct17 hot_end = e3dv6; extruder = Direct17; To export single stl files you can do stls dibond direct_extruder.stl stls dibond direct_idler_lever.stlby nophead - Mendel90
Ah, but they only stock 0.5mm, is that OK for you? We shipped nophead - Mendel90
Yes Oozenest stock the 1% thermistor I used, so no firmware changes needed. I didn't realise they also stock the genuine J-Head, so yes I can get one from there for you?by nophead - Mendel90
Harald, A damaged PTFE liner will definitely make it harder to extrude and can stop it completely. If you drilled the top out to a bigger diameter then PLA will expand to that size and then be hard to squeeze into the smaller end. If you made the hole bigger all the way down then you will get more backflow and that creates more friction. If you shortened it then it won't clamp tight at the bottoby nophead - Mendel90
We have run out of hot ends but you can buy them direct from our supplier here: In addition, to build it up to the same standard we supplied you will need these parts: , which we can still supply, and also some Carplan fire putty: Note that the thermistor supplied by is different to the one we used and needs a different table in the firmware. The one we used is available here: Tby nophead - Mendel90
The fan on command (M106 S255) should be in your gcode. It doesn't make any difference if the gcode is sent via OctoPrint or via Pronterface. Neither make changes to it, they just send it verbatim. You can test the fan with the controls in OctoPrint to make sure it is working. You can check the gcode by searching for the Z value of the second layer. There should be an M106 at the layer nophead - Mendel90
> How do I load the MELZI HW information into the Octopi Image? Octoprint doesn't need to know it is a Melzi. All you need to do is select the correct serial port and set the baud rate to 250000. The port should be /dev/ nophead - Mendel90
Seems like a power supply issue or the wiring from the PSU to the board. Have you tried measuring the voltage at the power terminals?by nophead - Mendel90
Have you tried heating the hot end without the bed on? That might explain why it can reach 245C when auto tuning but not at the start of a nophead - Mendel90
Well try G1 X 100 F1 and listen if the microstepping works. See for the reason it doesn't and the simple fix. This problem was well known in the RepRap world after my article so I was surprised to get a Smoothieboard with Rosc = 10K and found it ironic. I stopped following on github, and it may have been two years ago, but at that point I read that the ADC produces bum samples of 0 or FFF due tby nophead - General
Quotedc42 Quotenophead >Smoothieware, running on a Smoothieboard, saves a lot of time, and to me that's a feature worth paying for. Smoothieboard is an ironic name as it doesn't even do x16 microstepping accurately and has glitches in the the ADC. The last time I paid any attention to the software (which was admittedly a long time ago) it didn't even manage to coordinate the motors to stop atby nophead - General
>Smoothieware, running on a Smoothieboard, saves a lot of time, and to me that's a feature worth paying for. Smoothieboard is an ironic name as it doesn't even do x16 microstepping accurately and has glitches in the the ADC. The last time I paid any attention to the software (which was admittedly a long time ago) it didn't even manage to coordinate the motors to stop at the same nophead - General
Marlin already runs on 32 bit platforms, see , so I don't see why any money is required. Get ST's nophead - General
I have occasionally tried others but never got the right dimensions, so I stick with Skeinforge. I will write my own slicer one day!by nophead - Mendel90
I emailed the author, Enrique Perez, about it in Feb. He said he would ask Bogdan Kecman slowly to sort it (I think it must be his server) but nothing seems to have happened. There is a copy of the documentation in the Skeinforge folder, not as good as the Wiki version. You can view the Wiki version with the Wayback Machine, but it is a bit slow: .by nophead - Mendel90
You should be using the Melzi BSP, not gen7. I think gen7 runs at nophead - Mendel90
I use anything between 1.0.0 and 1.0.5. I don't think my fork of Marlin even complies with 1.5.x, so I don't see how you managed to use nophead - Mendel90
It makes no sense to because the firmware has never changed in that respect. The my version on github has very few changes and works on all the boards we sold and also on a Melzi v2. Presumably the hex file you have is just an older version of what is on github? You can look at the commit list and see there were no changes to the I/O throughout Mendel90 kit production. Is is possible you have a dby nophead - Mendel90
Are you sure you have wired the bed and fan to the correct terminals?by nophead - Mendel90
There are no differences firmware wise between the Melzi we supplied and the Melzi V2, as supplied by RepRapPro. I recently tested a Melzi V2 with the original firmware, so I can't explain your symptoms. The bed MOFSET does get very hot because the ground track leading to it is very thin, the main ground plane has been isolated by a new track running through it. It needs bridging with a nophead - Mendel90
If you are not familiar with the settings by far the easiest way to set it up is to use Neil's version of Marlin and change the board definition to Azteeg. No you don't need to manually home the machine before powering it up. Just make sure the X carriage is not on the far left. You can then home with the host and your slicer's start.gcode should contain a homing sequence so it homes before everby nophead - Mendel90
Quote.Jata I don't mind it either way then. It just seemed like I was doing something wrong! lol Would you recommend 1/16 or less? Thanks! I can only recommend 16 because that is the only setting I have tried with Mendel90. More microsteps will be quieter but the top speed will be less. Also a lot of boards have this problem , which I fixed on the Melzis for the kits: .by nophead - Mendel90
Quoteslanwar I used 3M 468MP high temperature adhesive transfer tape, hard to use as hell, tried to use the entire sheet so would cover the PEI but end up cutting small strips. Great, I have a reel of that 20mm nophead - General
Normal configuration for Mendel90 is X and Y are min and Z is max. That is conventional when viewed from the back. If you want it conventional from the front then make them all max. See for the rational for Z max. See the manual for how to calibrate Z without running the head into the glass. Setting the microstepping bigger than 16 may limit your top speed with an Atmega. I haven't tried nophead - Mendel90