Yes inside the PC SW mode supply there are large node pads for each supply voltage. On most of these power supplies you only have 2 maybe 3 Molex drive connections. Here is a diagram indicating the connections to the mother bd. This mother board connection has:- 4 Red wires 5v 7 Black wires 0v 1 Yellow 12V These are the addition wires used to make the 12V 5V and Ground connectionby BodgeIt - Controllers
Yep My AVR is a neat little board thanks for the link Victor. I just received the RepRap mother board V1.1 from the RRRF. I have not built it yet. With it in my hands I think it’s a very neat solution. Zack has made it very universal by adding IDC connections for each axis particularly with the addition of the SD card reader it’s become a powerful little beastie. It now looks like it will bby BodgeIt - Controllers
The values of the capacitors on the 5v side do not matter to much the type of capacitor can make a difference the 1uf-10uf would usually be a tantalum capacitor to remove regulator noise with the 0.01 ceramic. The capacitors on the 12V side as a general rule the bigger the better to provide a stiffer source making the cct less susceptible to voltage variations. In the case of running from a switcby BodgeIt - Controllers
The RRRF now supplies the H21LOB devices as losse devices. I just bought 6 for my first set of Bds I intend using 3 on a machine for Home sensors with Microswitches as a just incase end stop on maximum axis travel. This will give me the ability to build a new machine with out stripping bits from a previous version. At long last I now have some ABS... complete with dedicated workstation Jib anby BodgeIt - Controllers
You could use A 7805 Voltage regulator to run the Thermocoule sensor on. Here is a Typical Circuit you could use. If you run more than the temprature sensor on this supply you will need a small heat sink. The voltages of the capacitors need to be high enough for the voltage so they could be any > 12v typicaly 16v Picture size adjusted to bigger and spelling corectionby BodgeIt - Controllers
I have all of my stepper controller pots set for the max current for the steppers type. i.e. 1.6A for the BFB steppers and 1A for NEMA 17 steppers. I fitted fairly large heat sinks on all 6 controlers with fan cooling. - an old 486 cpu fan on Z an old PSU fan bridgeing X and Y heatsinks I have used pin 15 of the Audrion & Sanguino this is connected to all 3 Axis stepper ctrl Enable pins onby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Great thank you.. I stripped down an old pair of blades Last Sunday to get 16by BodgeIt - Mechanics
Looks realy good I will adopt your method for my DIY Darwin thank you! .. you say Skate bearings at 30p a shot have you got a link or an address for the skate bearings BodgeIt - Mechanics
During my appreticship in the early 70's this process was know as spark erosion, it was used mainly for creating high precision moulds for injection moulding. I seem to remember that the spark erosion machines opertated in a bath of oil. Im supprized how easy it was to remove the copper from the PCB was this standard 1oz copper clad fiber glass or resin bonded paper board? Making a tool to doby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
What a neat tool it must make light work of using silion selant arround a bath or BodgeIt - Mechanics
Yes you can use up to 46V with the 298 devices V1.2 and V1.3 stepper boards. The components supplied in the kits could be a limiting factor. The cct was based on a 5v & 12V supply from an Old PC switch mode PSU, using the 4 pin molex D connectors as used in HDs & CD drives. So you may need to adjust the values of R8~R10 to suit the voltage of Vss You must check that the maximum voltagby BodgeIt - Mechanics
Yes the stepper drivers and the Arduino system are exactly what is needed for a CNC. Reprap is a kind of CNC machine that deposits material in stead of removing material. The MCwire design or any of the small CNC designs on could be driven by the RRRF electronics. The steper motors from the RRRF would be ideal or need to be of a similar spec to the motors specified. The steppeby BodgeIt - Mechanics
I address the steppers like this:- Fast movement G0 X1 G0 X10 G0 X-1 G0 X-10 Slow movement G1 X1 G1 X10 G1 X-1 G1 X-10 Swap the X for Y or Z axisby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
During my apprenticship we used Anhydrous feric crystals with cold tap water. A photography developing tray on top of a heater plate set to 48C All of that was mounted on a see saw plate driven by a small motor. Using the Anhydrous feric has a small chemical heating effect with water. In the UK Maplin sell Feric in the Anhydrous form. I use an electric wine warming plate and agitate by theby BodgeIt - Controllers
Syncronizing your steppers would only be nesersarry if you were using more than one stepper to drive the same axis. For example if you used 4 steppers for the Z axis. using the syncronize wire you could save on buying some components. If your stepper controllers are well spaced from each other. I would worry about the Sync signal getting interference, I don't use the common BodgeIt - Controllers
I have used Draw slides on RepStrap Bertha. I was not able to feel any play with two slides on each axis. I will be using draw slides again on a larger CNC machine Draw slides however are not so sutible for short axis movement like the Z axis for that I will use right angle alumininum with roller BodgeIt - Mechanics
Hi Slade The firmware im using is from Chris Meighan called "New, improved G-code firmware for RepRap " How did you resolve the Z axis jog resolution problem in the host SW.. here is a bit from my blog. "the only problem seen using the Host software is some kind of resolution problem with the Z axis where instead of 400 steps per mm you need to set this to 200mm don't know why yet. The firm waby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
With several diffrent configurations of SW / Firmware and hardware being used on repstraps and repraps. Could we have some kid of look up table to identify the most popular confiurations. The table could also be used to provide statistics on the number of reprap and repstraps printers out in the wild. Maybe we include tick boxes to indicate the state of the build. when it has xyz movement its 1sby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
Thanks Chris! Code was WFT release (Works First Time) using Arduino 0011 Alpha. Only by setting the Arduino com: port up on the PC as a generic serial printer. Was I able to Cause some overrun of the Arduino serial buffer. I will take a look and will look at xon/xoff for flow control the extra code could be too tight on the Arduino. I will also take a look at using Arduino 0012 tomorrow timeby BodgeIt - RepRap Host
OOPs excuse the questions the number of teeth is not significant. Calculations based on 2.5mm pitch NB the 0.64mm is the depth of belt before the teeth. 50-(0.64 * 2) * 3.14159265/ 2.032 = 61.22 (61) teeth. 14-(0.64 * 2) * 3.14159265 / 2.032 = 15.98 (16) teeth. Thus one turn is 16 * 2.5mm 40mm the same as 20 teeth at 40mm / 2.032 Back to making CAPA / Polymorph moulds BodgeIt - Mechanics
I received the drive belt from the RRRF; I though it was odd as all the pictures show white belt this belt is black. So before making the gears using CAPA, as described by Joost van de Wiel in his post July 03, 2007 06:47AM. I did a few calculations based on the XML Belt that seems to have 2.032 pitch not 2.5mm pitch thus:- 50-(0.64 * 2) * 3.14159265/ 2.032 = 75.32 (75) teeth. 14-(0.64 * 2)by BodgeIt - Mechanics
Not sure if this has ever been posted before but here is an interesting Clip which became more interesting when I realized the parts being built were RepRap parts. The main interest is the breakaway build tray What a neat solution could this kind of break away tray be made taking a sheet of abs then :- A/. printing a similar graph paper pattern on to the abs sheet B/. Milling the graph papeby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Yes that was the original reason for my building a rep strap to have the ability to use a Dremel as a junior CNC machine. I've yet to put this into practice. Since the original idea its become much easier to order PCB kits from Zacks rrrf BodgeIt - Mechanics
I notice that you have direct connections from your motors to the threaded drive shafts. This I found to be one of my main problems on rep strap Bertha. My inability to get the shafts perfectly aligned to each other caused unacceptable wobble. Here is how I solved this BodgeIt - Mechanics
The best use of the Digital calliper is to maintain the accuracy of your rep strap or Rep Rap build I could not do without mine I don't really use my 0-25mm micrometer any more the calliper is easier & quicker. If you are in the UK buy it from Maplin when it goes on special offerby BodgeIt - Mechanics
I used 22 SWG the RS stock code was 229-4320 though it may not be sold any more. Ian's tip really works very well it solved my axis wobble no my rep strap BodgeIt - Mechanics