I learnt how to design a Laser able Gen 7 box yesterday in my new Fablab at Home office (aka Hallway) these are as yet untested as I have not built the boards yet.. slip up with connectors I assumed 5.08 pitch pins they are slightly different so may just use vero pins to chocolate blocks if i can find the vero pins. Any way here's is a preview of the Gen 7 box.. Midge is more Geeky than me asby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
They are marked 0.6mm but are atualy are 0.75 as 0.6mm welding wire needs some clearance not seen smaller other than some one sqished the end amd re drilled or solder with high temp solder like nophead did and drill.. The 0.6mm welding tip is good enough to make Draft parts test the system the extrusion is around 0.85mm to 1mm extrudate.by BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
That looks like the machine the Makerbot group coppied to recycle their ABS posted some where in the forum .. or in the WIKI The one they show is a much bigger version as it is shown eating shopping trolleys. They show details of the teeth and the seperator plates in their blog..by BodgeIt - General
Percived problem areas for home etching however on taking close ups with a camera its very marginal so it may not be too bad. Maybe just a tiny smidgen of extra clearance. Just drilled out two boards to 0.6mm holes will now try and figure out the ones that need to be bigger next. Have just orderd connectrors Here is a pic of the drill used I bought it when I was 16 > 39 years ago andby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
CPC is owned by Farnell but the Farnell price is higher strange... Farnell distrute world wide thou.by BodgeIt - Controllers
Its Cheaper than 89 Euro in the Uk at £79 still almost 10 times more expensive than Zap Automation in the UK.by BodgeIt - Reprappers
The print axis on all standard ink jet printers are direct servo drive mechanisms all using DC motors with optical positional feedback. So speed is not a problem just the optical encoder strip and reader device in DIY quantitys creation of the software to controll the sevo. Most printers seem to be Arm processor based as well.by BodgeIt - Reprappers
Print the new Vik Oliver version.. That looks like its designed for Glastonbury.. and Hitchikers around the worldby BodgeIt - General
Mark will do I will mark them up on a pdf The strangest of strange things is that the parts that needed touching up on both transfers were almost exactly the same parts.. will take a pic.. now both were printed on one sheet at the same time included the two up PDF Its very strange I can not think of a reasonable explanation as to why transfer has not happened in the same places the bare PCB usby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Using Maplin PCB transfer film as I have run out of the right sort of pound shop label backing this laser transfer method is about 4 x more expensive @ £16.99 for a pack of 5 sheets. Most effect way to use clean board with nail varish remover do not pre-heat as per offical instructions just Iorn on for 5 min let it cool for two min then run under cold water peel inspect touch up with water proofby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Aluminum soldering is similar to Aluminum welding it requires a slightly diffrent flux you can use standard solder with not so good results. I sure I'v seen some recently I think it may have been Maplin.by BodgeIt - General
Thank you Mark .... What is an overlapping error.. is it like you had to do in the days of blue red tape or even black tape where you had to overlap all the track tape joins to stop light going thru.. ? Would you mind making another PDF with the alterd lay out? I need to use the wallwart variet as I only run on 24-30v Single supplies don't use PC PSUs even though I have loads.. of them.. Mostby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
neonek911 Thank you yes that solves the problem perfectly.. The stripes are a display problem Adobe seems to have when viewing in certain zoom resolutions. Zoom in or out the stipes vanish will etch your new version tomorow. The CPUs & Fets arrived yesterday. Traumflug I installed GhostScript I failed to get it recognized in Gimpby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
neonek911 Thank you for that Gen7_ICSP.ps file Unfotunatly using adobe to read or translate it to PDF the PCB image is printed 10mm too high for A4 paper. So I nstalled Gimp 2 for Windows unfotunatly the Windows version of Gimp2 has not got the file Ghostscript. When you say maximum resolution do you mean all the 9s in the top feild of pic2 ? The part I can print is very good.. just neby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
There is servo control built into the Arduino examples that can be used with standard RC servos it works just fine. The servo support is for the common Radio control type servo. They uses a potentiometer for positional feed back thus these types of servos have a limited movment. On instructables there are at least two items were the pot is removed and the stop on the gears removed then a multiby BodgeIt - Reprappers
I have not installed this yet after downloading it this could solve the problem ...Manufacturing-Personal-Autodesk-123D "Free 3D Modeling App" Its own logo sugests that is is capable of 3D charcters.by BodgeIt - General
In the version of Eagle I have the Export function has not got File -> Export layout ... -> PS It onlly has Image which is a PNG file. If I delete the polygons Then set background colour to white it is usualy black File -> Export Image Set the resolution to 600 dpi Tick the monchrome radio button I then get a valid PNG File Import the PNG into Inkscape. Scale the png to the boby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
My point was from my experience you don't need to run them with a 1A driver setting per winding; in the first place let alone 2A per winding. I think setting these very high coil curents could be why there are somany Pololu drivers being cooked/blown up. I am still using the old stepper drivers I will be trying out Pololu drivers soon. So I may have to increas the current slightly to accomodateby BodgeIt - Controllers
Its a pity the responce time is 14.5 seconds some thing a lot faster would be ideal to protect over current on Pololu drivers. I see so many reports of blown up Pololu drivers in the forum.by BodgeIt - RAMPS Electronics
I have the Print driver for my HP LaserJet 2100 PCL6 set to 1:1. Printing with scale set to 1:1 works fine with PDF files, Direct prints from Kicad, Direct prints from Solid Edge 2D drafting ST3 Not working If using with Eagle even with Eagle scale set to 1:1 the final print is out by a diffrent factor depending on the board size used in a design. So you need to measure the print in X and Yby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
This looks like a very nice method to try out downloading SW now Thank youby BodgeIt - General
I agree with Nophead, I run X, Y & Z steppers at 0.5A 1.5A The extruder stepper at 1A 1.0A Etruder heater 1.8A 1.8A ===== 4.3 A Heated bed at 3A 3.0Aby BodgeIt - Controllers
Both versions are looking very good ! I think the Eagle version stands a better chance of Iorn on transfer as all the signal lines are a little thicker. Great work is there any chance of a 1:1 scale PDF file for Iorn on Etching? I usualy use Kikad as its open source and compared to Eagle when you print to a lazer printer it is printed to scale. On Eagle its a right pain printing measuring anby BodgeIt - Next Wave Electronics Working Group
Sorry, I also used to live near Ashford in Kent too. I'm now 240 miles north west of you. I have seen many new problems here that I remember seeing an answer for in the forum threads, but try as hard as i can I cant re-locate the thread. I think a whole new section is needed in the WIKI some thing like an FAQ just for the accumulation of the most usefull user Posts / threads or Tips taken fromby BodgeIt - Reprappers
I must take a look at Makergear sounds interesting.. Love the project its a nice represtentation..by BodgeIt - General
LOL.. @dissidence must take some pictures here too ~ I keep spreading out from the Home Office to Conservatory and Dining room I have just recently taggeted a 1/4 of the entrance hall as my next space grabbing conquest.. Midge is gradualy getting used to seeing CNC or Repstrap machines all over the house now.by BodgeIt - General
All of these links make it two connections at the extruder... what is wrong with directly soldering to a standard bucket DB9 connector? I like the Idea of having a standard plug in connection.>< DB9 is well proven standard. I think its still quite a bulky connector for hanging off the extruder there must be some thing better that could be used. Maybe spade connectors or bullet connectby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
On my Peek data sheet I also have the glass temprature shown as 145°C however the same data sheet also specifies :- Max. service temperature short term long term Peek 300°C 280°C In practice my Peek insulator has only failed once when the print head went above 300°C 270°C - 280°C seems to be ok without any thing falling apart and continuedby BodgeIt - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Looks like your Y axis bars are out of a printer.. they look similar to bars I have removed from a Lexmark printer. What is the object you have printed?by BodgeIt - General
The X stepper could be missing steps (stepping to fast or curent not high enough) Check that your pulleys are not slipping on the stepper shaft use a pemanant marker to check. Check the belt is not slipping using the marker again when belt is at its origin point x=0 make sure it always ends up at 0. The problem is not always obvious. When I had this effect it was self inflicted by enabling anby BodgeIt - General