Neither did I. That's why I have no idea what is and is not possible regarding styling/replacing parts of the HTML interface and adding new features to the HTML interface without touching the code of MarcusWolschon - Object repositories
We're still gathering people and brainstorming about an alternative design hosting site. Name for now is "" (Already reserved the domains, so they can't be taken). Apart from where and how to host the files, one major point is also how we can organize and finance such a site. (Wiki: ) Please store all options, pro and contra arguments in the wiki, so they don't get lost in aby MarcusWolschon - Object repositories
theCrazy: Would you be willing to have a look at how much the styling/templating mechanism of MediaGoblin allows us to do and also to make a dummy of static html files for a site? No graphics, just a few files with a basic div or table based layout to click through. e.g. index.html<->somedesign.html<->someuser.html<->someuserlikes.html<->somedesign.html<->download.hby MarcusWolschon - Object repositories
Sounds pretty much like what I had in mind. Full linking between derived+parent designs<->design<->designer<->likes would be an absolut must-have. As is a a way to render preview images for at least STL. A WebGL 3D viewer is more of an optional feature in my book. One of the biggest problems before any coding can start however would be hosting space. That has a lot of impact onby MarcusWolschon - Object repositories
Thanks a lot!!!by MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
We're still gathering people and brainstorming about an alternative design hosting site. Name for now is "" (Already reserved the domains, so they can't be taken). One of the main point is, where to store all the designs and images. ( ) Please store all options, pro and contra arguments in the wiki, so they don't get lost in a lengthy discussion and we can at one point vote tby MarcusWolschon - Object repositories
Given that there will be multiple topics to discuss, a forum would probably be better. Thanks a lot!by MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
VDX: We're still looking for a place where to dicus. Could we do that someplace in the Reprap forum? If not, there's a number of alternatives of cause. Just MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
It seems to belong into "Library - projects, parts, arts, docs, and policy" and there is no "General" in this part of the forum. Feel free to move this or post there!by MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
Anyone up to develop an alternative hosting site for designs? Outside the control of a single, commercial company? With all the things we learned from using Thingiverse, CADExchange,... over the years? At least help in brainstorming and voting on the ideas and coming up with options (e.g. where to host the files and images)? We're still filling up the wiki, starting to brainstorm and plan anby MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
Why not have the USB-host offer one (additional or only) endpoint with the media-profile? That would accept g-code files without the need for a host software. Run, pause, control(rpm/feedrate/temperature offsets) and monitor the program via the printer's interface (screen and keys) PS: this forum software still sucks. It didn't allow me to post without logging in fist but didn't offer the logiby MarcusWolschon - Developers
Your bug report is incomplete. Did you use the original Adobe Acrobat Reader? What platform are you using? What program gave you that message?by MarcusWolschon - Look what I made!
Are you still selling that Heated bed kit for Rapman? I have too many projects on my hands and would settle for a kit instead of building my own as long as it's switched on and off by the Extruder#3 heater-wire, so the temperature can be given via MarcusWolschon - For Sale
Traumflug Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > SolidWorks can import STLs into "real" surfaces > (not the default setting). Then, you can export > that to STEP. Your model explodes in size, of > course, because every triangle becomes a full > fledged surface with a flat, triangular shape. That doesn't help one bit as I'm not interested in a lot of flatby MarcusWolschon - 3D Design tools
Does anyone know any tools that actually work to convert an euclidic STL mesh into Step/ProE/.... any of the major volumetric CAD formats?by MarcusWolschon - 3D Design tools
Why github? Github is good for source-code but hardly the place for CAD. Noone else uses github for 3d designs. What makes you think that suddenly people willing to work on this will be found just because an empty project with no content and noone working on it is present on a platform that is not widely used for this kind of designs? If you want to work on it, please go MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Stell grundlegende Baupläne für einen XYZ-Bot mit einer der üblichen Arbeitskopf-Halterungen und Platz für eine der üblichen Elektroniken hin und dann wirst du schon sehen ob dir jemand fachlich und von Aufwand den du selbst zu bringen bereit bist zutraut so ein Projekt als Maintainer zu betreuen und ob genug Interesse besteht dir zu helfen. Reden kann MarcusWolschon - Offtopic
Der Endschalter hilft die gar nichts wenn a) du noch dabei bist den zu kalibrieren oder er sich im Transport oder durch das ständige Rütteln verstellt hat. (Wir reden hier von 0,1mm über dem Bett, welches nie wirklich eben ist/bleibt) b) Du nicht in der XY-Position über dem Endschalter MarcusWolschon - Neue Ideen - Archiv
Das mit den Federn hast du auch bei'm RepMan und ist eine sehr gute Sicherheits-Maßnahme. Was glaubst du wie dein Kopf und Arbeitstisch aussehen, wenn der Kopf mal dejustiert ist und versucht für den ersten Layer mitten durch die Platte durch zu fahren. Diese Motoren haben MarcusWolschon - Neue Ideen - Archiv
madmaxx Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Also wenn der Prusa unter GPL steht, und man davon > einen eigenen Drucker ableitet, muss dieser > ebenfalls unter GPL gestellt werde. Wenn nicht, > ist es eine Lizensverletzung. Und warum sollte das nicht so sein? Weist du ob dir mit jeder Kopie des Druckers nicht die Lizenz und Zugang zu den Bauplänen gegebenby MarcusWolschon - Neue Ideen - Archiv
naja, fräsen kannst du mit jedem XYZ-Bot. Ob du mit einem Gerät was offen liegende Lager, Platinen und Motoren hast aber z.b. Platinen fräsen und damit Kupferstaub verteilen willst ist deine MarcusWolschon - Neue Ideen - Archiv
Traumflug Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The problem of the Dremel is it's > larger diameter, though, which leads to > substantially more vibrations (and also more > noise). I'm using the flex-shaft (less moving weight, decoupled from the motor) and am gripping it along all of it's length instead of just 3 or 2x3 bolts. No problems with vibration atby MarcusWolschon - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
I don't have models of replacement parts for the MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
That sounds like something else then what Johnny Chung has build. There is no elastic beam involved and the main part is a gimbal to isolate rotational movement from the operator to the MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
infra-red should be like 600GHz-430 THz, very far from your 36 kHz. 36 kHz would be sound waves. Typo?by MarcusWolschon - Robots!
I would not call $599.00 inexpensive. I could get 2 good cameras for that kind of MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I don't know what you mean by "shakeweight" but the link shows a very basic steadycam. mean design something like this?by MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Ich empfehle eine simple Abstandslehre für manuelle Kalibrierung der Z-Hö MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Buy one. They are commercially made. All the details of the design are described on their webside. The Nozzles are separate and replacable parts. Cartridge-heater. No thermistor but some other thermo-sensitive part I've MarcusWolschon - Plastic Extruder Working Group