SebastienBailard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you could edit > > next time, that would make my job much easier. Someone else has already edited it as it does not look like the main_page. a) I did not want to destroy his work b) I have no images for the suggested MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
other discussions on this: # my impression: First impression: * terms and conditions exist in 4 dozen languages but German is missing * program is a Beta * program only exists in US-english * all the points in "Learn About 123D" do not work on a 64bit Windows (they try to open an swf as a file and the Adobe web-site says that the flash player 10.x is no available in 64 bit.) * lines in sketcby MarcusWolschon - 3D Design tools
SebastienBailard Wrote: > It is your wiki as much as it is 'mine', inasmuch > as you're 'official', so it would be very helpful > if you do up some wiki pages explaining your > ideas. I just explained my suggestion regarding the front-page on it's talk-page. (Where such suggestions belong.) The suggested links would also elaminate the issue with the "Available Files" that I pointed oby MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
SebastienBailard Wrote: > Marcus, would you like to sketch out what you mean > as a new wiki page? I don't know how you want your wiki to be organised. Currently when entering I don't see anything that would suggest that there is more in the wiki then assembly -instructions for 4 machines called "Mendel", "Prusa Mendel", "Huxley" and "Darwin". With Darwin on the right it even suggests tby MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
No time for that. I'm busy enough documenting my own designs, developing and maintaining my own and other people's software projects, actually using the printed designs, ... And that only helps in adding newly entered designs into some categories. The problem addressed in this thread however is how to navigate TO these categories to a) find things and b) find the proper categories for your own tby MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
nyhotdogman: Wenn du Proben hast, (auch nicht ganz so Kleine) hätte ich immer Interesse. Auch mal andere Materialien oder MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Wie genau äußert sich dieses "besser"?by MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Mindest-Mengen sind meist 50 oder 100Kg, selten 500Kg oder 1t. Ich selbst bestelle bald wohl wieder für Mindestabnahme 300eur+Zoll+EinfUSt schwarzes ABS und suche noch MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
I couldn't find a good Dremel-toolhead for the Thing-O-Matic. So I designed an adapter to use my existing and proven RepMan milling-head. (blog post: ) Do similar adapters already exist for the Mendel to use toolheads from other bots or other bots to use Mendel toolheads? (The RepMan should use the Darwin toolhead-mount AFAIK.) Should we design such ones, to speed up toolhead-development?by MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Wed Wrote: > Yes. Melting plastic for extruding is most likely > a few Amps. Actually (as I said) the tripple extruder heads of the RepMan ARE connected that way and work just fine. > The Molex connector found on a > computer PSU handles 15A at 5V easily. That would mean 2 connectors instead of one as you can't run all the other pins through these. > A DB9 mouse connector are gby MarcusWolschon - RepLab Working Group
So you suggest to include some wires that can carry a larger current then a DIN9 (serial port) connector can handle. What do you have in mind? I stated what signals we currently have. What other signal do you suggest to add (as optional ones of cause since current boards do only have the signals I named and not even all of them and the connector must be compatible to current heads and current boaby MarcusWolschon - RepLab Working Group
Sounds like a reasonable price and not that difficult to operate. Any thoughts on this?by MarcusWolschon - RepLab Working Group
Doe anyone have an overview of the current state of tools that can actually be printed as of today? I remember the 2 lathes on Thingiverse, my own context for an XY-table that found little interest, my experimental vice. Printabke Dremel, Dremel-flexshaft and pen-holder too-heads for various printers. Nothing more comes to mind. Did anyone e.g. do a light-duty drill-press like the Dremel workstby MarcusWolschon - RepLab Working Group
USB is way too complex. Thinking of a pen-head or a Dremel-holder there's no use in having USB. I really like the mechanical mounting on the RepMan. Very stable and quick to change the head. (3 Wing-Bolts in a circle.) Electricaly they have a standard DIN 25pin socket that carries the signals for 3 too-heads. Stepper, a resistor to identify the tool-type, heater (or any 12V on/off for that matteby MarcusWolschon - RepLab Working Group to find out who the wiki-admins are and how to contact them?by MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Well, the price is long gone but I'd be happy to help you create a working MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Das riecht jetzt nach einem Fehler in der G-Code interpretation in der Firmware. G1 Z2.4 F200 heißt man bewegt sich mit 200 in der Z-Achse auf 2.4 Die Geschwindigkeit welche irgend eine vorherige Bewegung auf X hatte spielt da überhaupt nicht rein. Die, Beschleunigung sollte so laufen, daß man sich von der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit in Z (warscheinlich 0) aus in Motor-Abhängiger Zeit auf 200 bescby MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Traumflug Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Skeinforge beachtet dabei aber nicht, dass die > Z-Achse eine wesentlich geringere > Höchstgeschwindigkeit als die anderen Achsen hat. Die Geschwindigkeiten hast du ja auch im Skeinforge-Profil eingegeben. Wenn du da unmögliche Werte ein gibst, kann Skeinforge nicht wissen ob dein spezieller Drucker das übeby MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Welche Firmware ist denn die aktuelle, offizielle, funktionierende die ich auf meinen kommenden T-O-M- packen sollte?by MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Hat mal jemand Details zu der Accelleration Geschichte? Skeinforge spuckt doch G-Code aus und der enthält Koordinaten und interessiert sich nicht dafür, wie diese erreicht werden. (so lange die weiter oben im Code eingestellte Geschwindigkeit eingehalten wird.)by MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Hinweis: “Chaos“ ...weil du das so oft und konsistent MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
>Dort kann jede(r) sortieren und kategorisieren wie er es für richtig hält. tut nut MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Das klingt jetzt eher nach der Notwendigkeit eines Moderators, der seine Aufgabe auch macht. Themen zu verschieben, zu splitten, zusammen zu fassen und zu schließ MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Könnte ich auch gebrauchen. Aber ebenfalls nicht CAD-Dateien der hunderte Einzelteile sondern ein Assembly des GANZEN Gerätes welches ich mir für ein Schulungs-Video mal rendern kö MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Noch mehr Gliederung? Dieses Forum strotzt doch nur so vor Unterforen, die keiner benutzt. Es ist meiner Meinung nach viel zu sehr MarcusWolschon - Altes Forum
Thanks. So this is how the library is organized? Or is there more to it?by MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I'm actually not looking for pages that don't have at least one category but the other way around. I'm looking for a) the categories to give to a page and b) the categories that exist, so I can find interesting things to MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Is there some kind of overview of all library-categories in the wiki? Or some kind of top-level page from wich I can navigate down to all designs that are in the wiki? I find it hard to find things that are not repstraps. I did find an unused "Category:Garget" and some categories about materials or tools used but no way of knowing all categories e.g. to add a new page to the "right" categories iby MarcusWolschon - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Lorphos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This thread is great, can't wait for the printer > to arrive in a few weeks... > Keep it up :-) > > I have a GH2 so it will fit perfectly. It will. Same size as both my GH-1. Even the display-viewfinder fits. I'm preparing to make a video on how to build it. It will be finished well after easter. Have to goby MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
...and an adapter for a display-viewfinder Blog post: Thingiverse:by MarcusWolschon - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)