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if you want a good quality part I would suggest you PM greg frost. he should be able to sort it out for you.
If you have issues then post again here and ill see if i can print one for you. my prints arnt the best but it should get you working.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
where abouts are you?
we are having a meeting for the melbourne hackerspace tomorrow night. I could probably print one for you there if you like.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
does changing the pullie size and then changing the stepps per MM have any notiable effect on the print quality?
Im thinking it shouldnt but I thought it might be worth asking
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Not sure if it helps you but i have a working thermocouple board based ont he maxim chip.
the sprinter firmware allready supports it so it makes it easy to run. I can post the details if you wish
RAMPS Electronics
Yes it was an awsome meet. great to see a few new faces and some of the old ones as well
for anyone who hasnt allready dont forget to pop your details on the victoria/melbourne RUG page. its here VictoriaRUG
it seems to be for southern australia as we have a SA and a TAS guys on there as well. so feel free to add yourself
Australia, Melbourne RUG
I was wondering how the PLA supply was going?
I am about to start looking into doing a pla order maybe with a few others.
If there is some for testing or purchase now would be a good time to find out.
Im sure we will speak about ordering PLA at the hackerspace tonight.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Sounds like a plan,
It would be a good time to meet the new faces and catch up with everyone.
13th sounds good to me
Australia, Melbourne RUG
What software have you forked? the reprap host software?
If thats the case im not sure how much interest there is as it doesnt seem to get alot of use anymore.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Thats ok, I thought you were going to get some produced yourself.
No worries here as I dont have a need for one yet
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Another new face, Welcome.
seems like alot of the reprapers are in comptuers in some way. im a Network engineer , there seems to me lots of programers and PC guys in general.
since your in melbourne its probably worth trying to catch up with the melbourne hackerspace and see whats going on there.
you will need to contact andyg via that wesite for the address as its at his
Australia, Melbourne RUG
IM using repsnapper to control my ramps PCB running the sprinter software.
but Kliment on the IRC channel has been developing a new host software which is getting some good feedback.
Also im using Skeinforge .41 for generating my gcode.
Hope it helps
Australia, Melbourne RUG
I would be interested in looking into the PCB heatbed depending on costs.
I have been thinking about doing the same thing myself. If you know more please let me know
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Hi ,
welcome and it is allways good to see people at the group.
FYI hopefully by then I will have printed more parts so we can get the Y axis complete and pissibly some of the Z axis going on the club Prusa that we are assembling atm.
Currently I am printing parts for 3 prusa's , one for Rob, the second for CCHS and the third for myself. so hopefully there will be enough going on with 3d print
Australia, Melbourne RUG
yes i must say that 10 hours seems like a really small amount of time to start seeing failures.
but i still maintain that for long term reliability i cant see how they would be better than a bearing setup. they are cheaper for sure but better?
I am currently printing 3 sets of prusa parts on my wolfstrap. We have decided to use the lm8uu bearings on the bed but the other axis's we havnt got to
Australia, Melbourne RUG
I will be looking to order some PLA soon,
hopefully in a few weeks yours will be available to test.
i will be keeping am eye out. oh and for me 3mm is better. as i dont have a 1.75 extruder.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
taking into account my limited knowlage of the pursa, from whatr i have been told the best way to make the bushing slide on the smooth rod is to run then up and downt he threaded rod a little so it "files" them to the right size.
If you have a spare bushing or tow you could give it a try.
Otherwise you might want to try and get along to the melbourne CCHS meeting tomorrow night as we will
Australia, Melbourne RUG
hi wayne,
welcome to the melbourne group. There seems to be quiet a number of us with reprap/repstraps at various stages of repair/build atm.
I would say firstly that the ramps are close to the cheapest around if you build it yourself. if your buying a complete kit (including mega) it could get expensive but it does save alot of running around. I personally have built a few of the ramps V1.1 bo
Australia, Melbourne RUG
nice looking box.
am i missing something or do you have a way of hooking the LCD to the ramps board?
RAMPS Electronics
have you seen this ?
it has lots of good advice for setting up skeinforge properly.
it may help
Australia, Melbourne RUG
well, for now i have ordered a nozzle from australia.
it might only be a temparary solution but at least it should arrive quickly.
aside from that i was doing some testing and found that adding a pen was very easy and now it seems i have a plotter.
until the hotend turns up i will have a play with getting the printer to plot the thermocouple pcb and see if it works.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Hi guys,
just thought i would pop a quick post up.
I managed to get the max6675 PCB working fine and installed the heater block that auzze gave me, i even got to the point of doing a first print.
well the first print had some issues but worst of all it showed that the home made prit head that rob made had some issues as well.
long story short, it ended up breaking the thread on the ptfe and o
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Just thought i would do a quick post to say i have a workign max6675 PCB that stacks on the end of any off the ramps boards. it is designed to work with the sdramps PCB.
I should be able to post up the eagle files in the next few days if theres interest.
at the moment im more worried about getting my wolfstrap working
RAMPS Electronics
let me be the first to thank CEF for hosting,
not a big turnout but a good get together anyway.
got me past a stumbling block and hopefully will get me running soon.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Yes i have at least 2 ramps PCB v1.1 boards left here.
$10 each should cover them, can throw in some screw terminals as well if you want.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
the weekend of the 21st and 22nd works for me.
the 15th is out. sons birthday weekend.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
great to see another melbourneite working ,
lets hope you guys get it up and going soon, you might want to add yourselves to the Wiki run page. Just do a search for melbourne in the wiki and you will find it,
hope to see some stuff from you soon
Australia, Melbourne RUG
Yes thanks for Cef for hosting and supplying some snags
Would be good to meet a few more people next time, but it was great to see different machines and get some different idea's on things.
it does look like the pursa is a great little machine. not sure how robust it will be long term but i guess thats why we are here. to experiment.
thanks to those that attended. and whens the next one.
Australia, Melbourne RUG
I would be interested in seeing the eagle files for this board.
Would you be happy to post them? Also have you considered firmware for the 6675? i have just started looking into it and trying to work out whats the besty option for a ramps with 6675 board. i was considering an addon to johnny's board but this might just make it alot easier
RAMPS Electronics
thanks to a SMS , checked with the powers that be and im in for Sat.
Been real slack but hopefully ill have something mroe together than the last time people saw it by saturday.
either way it will be good to catch up
Australia, Melbourne RUG
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