Hi. I bought a makerbot 'struder controller and mobo about 6 months ago. Initially had some trouble getting it running, so shelved it. Now I'm playing with it again, and have been making some progress. But! The h bridges on the extruder don't seem to be working at all. I've successfully loaded the controller tester on it [1] and the MOSFETS drive a motor just fine. The LEDs associated with the Hby liav - Controllers
The two overall systems wiring diagrams for darwin used to be available in much higher resolution, before the site was changed over to the wiki format. The new versions are eye-strain city. Anyone have the older versions available?by liav - General
I'm running the 5D G-Code on my sanguino, and I have a DC powered extruder (the maker bot model), with the reprap host. The current setup[1] has extruder_0 as a stepper based 'struder, and extruder_1 as a DC. Why is extruder_1 using pin 0 as DirA?? I believe pin0 is used during serial communication, and plugging the DC board into that pin makes the extruder go back and forth as the sanguino getby liav - General
I'm using the gen 2 electronics with stepper driver v1.2 (see for wiring diagram). The endstops plug into the stepper boards via the ethernet connector system, and then the stepper boards have wires for the min and max signal (pins 6 & 7 on the stepper boards) which go to various pins on the sanguino. I haven't connected any of the endstops to the stepper cards yet, but have connected the miby liav - Controllers
I should clarify that I haven't *connected* the sensors. Just pins 6 and 7 from the stepper driver to sanguino pins 20 and 21. Lby liav - Controllers
Hi. I'm in the process of setting up the electronics on my darwin. I've got a sanguino running the mendel 5D gcode with the reprap host (all on a windows machine). I'm getting the following weird behavior: y axis is working fine. I banged my z axis card, so that's not even plugged in at the moment. On my x axis card, when I connect the min sensor wire to pin 20 I'm able to move my motor in onlyby liav - Controllers
The rods all spin quite freely -- the only one that has any real friction on it is the drive shaft -- when the motor is off, there's a fair amount of tension in there, although it just feels like the standard tension of an un-powered stepper. I'll check the amperage the stepper card is putting out -- I'm using the older, non-surface mount cards.by liav - General
Yup, I've done that too, McCoyn. I've actually also removed the two nuts that hold the tie brackes in place as well, just leaving them down at the bottom of the studding assembly. And I've cleaned the tie brackets and corner pieces out with a drill bit. And I've removed the back lash springs. And I've cleaned and oiled the whole thing countless times. And I've loosened the timing belt as much asby liav - General
I got my belts from Stock Drive Products -- not local, but they will ship here. They also carry pulleys.by liav - General
Okay. This is essentially a follow up to (http://dev.forums.reprap.org/read.php?14,32654,32654#msg-32654). I've tinkered some more, the Z is still binding. As far as I can tell, the frame is still pretty close to square (although I do need to check it against a right angle.) Assuming the frame is still square, I'm now toying with the idea of designing a reducing set of gears, along with a mount sby liav - General
Even after removing the anti-backlash springs, loosening the nuts which hold the bed to the z-posts, very very liberally soaking the entire system with engine oil and loosening the belt, my z axis still has a tendency to bind and stop moving. Is there a strategy for maximizing torque out of the nema23? Is there an optimal type of threaded rod to use? Any other suggestions? Cheers, L.by liav - Mechanics
++ on SDP -- I got MXL and HTD belt and pulleys from them. Metal bits from brafasco/CTF/Canadian Tire/Metal Supermarket/ a surprisingly helpful automotive specialty shop on Dundas West. I've also heard that Jacob's Hardware carries a lot of odd bits and pieces.by liav - General
Hi. I just got my z axis running smooth and then discovered that I was out of bearing inserts and circlips. I'm also missing the footspacer, but I can live without that. I'm in Toronto, Ontario. If someone could get me two bearing inserts (360 jam) and two circlips, I'd be able to finish mechanical assembly (w00t!) (BTW, I contacted a sevice centre in town and got a quote of ~$140 (after tax) fby liav - Wanted
"One thing that does help though, is to reduce the friction on the Z axis. On my printed Darwin, I've left out the backlash springs and the upper M8 nuts on the corner brackets, and let gravity do the backlash compensation. That reduces the load on the belt, and reduces the skipping quite a bit." I'll take a look at that. I literally got the belt on, spun it twice, and had to leave to go home anby liav - Mechanics
Before I discovered Stock Drive Products I had a very hard time sourcing reasonably priced mxl pulleys and timing belt. By random luck, though, I found a bunch of plastic 3mm pitch HTD pulleys at a local surplus store. They had 8mm bores *and* just the right diameter to fit between the studding and the smooth rod, along with a nifty optical encoder edge. Clearly the universe wanted me to use HTby liav - Mechanics
Just wondering why the square axis jig has been changed in the cartesian1.0.6 set of files. The change looks like it breaks the part. There's a correct part in 1.0.5 Lby liav - General
Not only does Rhino open it, but STEP seems to be NURBS based, so Rhino can edit that geometry natively. Very nice. Cheers, L.by liav - General
There's got to be a 3D of an assembled Darwin somewhere online. I found this (http://dev.forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,10237 ) thread, but the model linked at the end of the discussion isn't complete (loaded into Rhino, only about half the parts seem to appear). The .stl part files on sourceforge don't appear to have positional data embedded in them, either. Does anyone have a complete and up toby liav - General
Hi. The documentation for assembling Darwin refers to an X blade (or collar) and a Y blade (or collar). The stl file from sourceforge is labled as "Pulley-mould-XY-belt-collar" -- does this mean that X and Y are now interchangable? Also -- is there an overall model of the assembled reprap somewhere online? Lby liav - General
So is this a legacy feature from older nozzle designs? Am I likely to want it at some point? Lby liav - General
Hi all. There's a notch that's been added to the bed templates (parts C & D, IIRC), that is not discussed anywhere. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about it. Compare the attached file with: : & : L ps -- I've emailed Ed Sells about this, but he seems to be AWOL until next week.by liav - General
Hi. I got a full control circuit working today, driving one of my steppers (nema 23) with a version1.2 stepper card. I noticed that the motor started to warm very quickly, even after adjusting the current with the trimpot. Is this normal?by liav - Controllers
: "Connect Board to Arduino. This part is very easy. Use the table below to determine what pins to hook up to what. Plug the IDC cable into the blue socket on the stepper controller board. If you look into the holes of the IDC plug, with the red stripe away from you, the top-right pin is #1. The pin to its left is #2...:" Oddly, that's the first part of the instruction set that I don't reallyby liav - Controllers
I'm wondering if it might be useful to have a Recommended Readings list for RepRap, particularly for people who might be coming to the project from backgrounds other than engineering. (Personally, I've trained an architect and an artist). Is there be a set of readings that can help us bootstrap ourself with respect to the electronics, mechanics, software and even the conceptual issues? For examby liav - General
Hi all. Both Barry and I have gotten diverse parts from Wade, which has helped boot strap us a bit. Along with my friend Greg (of and ) and William Turkel, (http://digitalhistoryhacks.blogspot.com/) we're finally starting up that user group. First meeting will be March 31st, probably around 6:30 or 7:00, at Interaccess (9 Ossington Ave.)by liav - Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group