I'm in kutztown and building my first 3d printer. a kossel miniby firehopper - Pennsylvania RepRap User Group
and I am glad to say that mine doesnt have ambro's issues on the E0 dir and z min pins. waiting on another stepstick and my extruder motor so I can say for sure. I am very happy with this. it seems to work perfectly on my udoo so thanks bobcby firehopper - Controllers
okay I have video, and a image of my ramps-fd version 1 revison A andby firehopper - Controllers
and yay, got my ramps finnaly, and thanks to help in the reprap channel and ambro's work on his aprinter firmware for delta and Due, I have motion on my udoo powered printer now all I need is extruders and stuffby firehopper - Controllers
I want to eventually get a laser cutter for cutting paper or balsa wood or anything else thin. what I would like to know, is what type, and how much power I would need red green ir near Ir blue violet and what power I would need.. it wouldnt be thick woodby firehopper - Laser Cutter Working Group
never mind hopefully.. my package has been found in philly.. what the heck is it doing there.. now its in harrisburg.. heres hoping its still okay.. speaking of these ramps-fds. anyone got a spare one in the usa? I ordered one on 12/02/13 and it made it to a town 50 miles away on 1/2/14, and then it seems the postal service lost it. and I really dont want to order another one from chinaby firehopper - Controllers
heres the error after I try and add a stl file. udoo@udoo:~$ repetierHost udoo@udoo:~$ System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: GetItemRectangle index out of range. at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.GetItemRectangle (Int32 index) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.GetItemDisplayRectangle (Int32 index, Int32 first_displayble) [0x00000] in :0by firehopper - Repetier
I spoke to soon, as soon as I loaded a stl file, it crashed out.. I'll have to post the error message.. it said some value was out of range.. I'm not on my udoo atm so I cant reproduce it, I'll post it in a few minutes.by firehopper - Repetier
managed to get it to run on a debian distro on the udoo.. apparently the auto install thing didnt install all the mono libs an stuff it needed.. I did a shotgun install of mono stuff and the .85 works now..by firehopper - Repetier
I tried on another distro for the udoo.. and well still no joy. I will post the error message it generates in the next post.by firehopper - Repetier
I'm having issues getting it running. I am tryin to run it on a udoo. Quadcore Armv7 based cpu.. it crashes/segfaults. please give me advice/hints.by firehopper - Repetier
I'm gonna keep an eye on this, I have a ramps-fd from geeetech on the way. going to be using it on my udoo, (armv7 quad core) + ardunio due all one one boardby firehopper - Controllers
so I want to look around for junk printers, so I would like to know what printers I should look for..by firehopper - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors