Thanks for the offer. The nice thing about owning a 3d printer is the instant gratification of making a design and seeing what you did or did wrong. Changing the design and reprinting. Wash rinse repeat... The wait time for mail is just too much for me... Not hyper just no patience. Thanks Arvin - General
I have a volunteer to help me with the Printrbot so I'll keep it a while longer! jmrobert48 the Ordbot is yours if you want it. I'll pm Arvin - General
Free...ish means you come get it, it's yours. Be nice if it was for a school(retired teacher) but not necessary. I can no longer physically use my printers. MD as taken all my muscle so can't even bend over to take things off the heated bed. I have an Printrbot Original (the one that started it all on Kickstarter) and an Ord bot. Lots of 1.75mm filament for the Ordbot. One roll of purple 3.0mmby Arvin - General
Good choice, I think. I also started one but am still building a rustyspoon huxley. May finish it at a later date. From Desktop The beams are 12" long pieces of ready made trim purchased at Lowes. They are actually 11/16x11/16x12" each. And my holes didn't line up very well either. ~0.5 mm off on several using my cheap Harbor Freight drillpress. Even though the pieces are small the frame is reby Arvin - Developers
How about something along the lines of a diy zif/edge connector? Basically, two pcb's, one inverted over the other and mechanically snapped together with either a spring contraption or mechanically that would be operated automatically when slotted together. I've never owned a zif connector so I have no idea how they actually Arvin - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hell. I don't even have a techzone printer, but I'd be interested....what do you think you would sell it for?by Arvin - General
jcabrer, You say in your instructions on thingiverse: "1 - 1/4" Brass Auto Hose Female Coupling (these are a little different from air hose couplings) with 1/2" ID on the large end." How are they different? What is an auto hose coupling? Basically, what does it connect? The brass air hose fittings are available lots of places. Can they be used? Guess I could answer my own question by just tryiby Arvin - Reprappers
I found some 5 mm plywood at Lowe's. It's used for under layer for flooring. I've cut it into lots of smaller pieces and have yet to find any voids. Very flat and nice looking. Seems quite strong for it's thickness. Comes from China. Doesn't everything?by Arvin - Reprappers
Looks really good. I like the wrappings. Give it the "Look". Where did you get your printed parts? Arvinby Arvin - Reprappers
I have fubar'ed the download or I'm using the wrong distribution. Can somebody give a link to a working dist? Thanks Arvinby Arvin - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a try. Press enter twice? Must be a hidden "feature"! Arvinby Arvin - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi, all. I've got all my repstrap's xy and z axii moving with the arduino's stepper test code. Now I'd like to try Teacup. Don't have the extruder or any end stops hooked up. Have three arduino's with 328P's and three 168's chips too(took them out). Fun Toys! Copied the .dist files to the same named file without the .dist and hooked up all the step and dir pins to what I think are the same pby Arvin - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I've been using the one from Jim Foltz in sketchup8 with zero Arvin - General
by turning it to the side you have reinvented the typical cnc. I also had trouble getting enough z height for the repstrap I've been designing for the past year and 5 or 6 iterations. Start making a mendel and end up with something else:] no-repeat left;">Drop Boxby Arvin - General Mendel Topics
Can you upload your makefile here? I'm just about to the point that I need to work on it too. Unfortunately, I'm lazier than you said you were. I'd rather start from one I think will work for me!by Arvin - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Greg, sounds interesting. Pictures? Especially disassembled, would be great!by Arvin - General Mendel Topics
Four bearings and GEARS! Sorry for shouting Which gears. The couple I bought were like $7 each. X4 ouch. More pictures please. Took a while to get back to you. Been getting the Christmas lights up and running. Look good. Arvinby Arvin - Reprappers
Pretty enough for my desk. Have more pictures? I'd like to see how you did the z axis. The xy rollers on soft wood? Hmmmm....might have to put a metal plate on top to keep it from making indentations. I'm trying to use some electical conduit for the x and y axis that seems to be working. But really interested in what you're doing on the z. Arvinby Arvin - Reprappers
Congratulations! I'll toast you with a non-University approved adult beverage! Congratulations....I've played with these things for about 5 years and still don't have a working repstrap. Close at this time, but not yet printing. Arvinby Arvin - Oklahoma City RepRap User Group
Actually, if I were to make it out of steel I'd use some 1" wide strips and let the corner threaded bolts clamp them tight. Each corner would need at least one more connection to make them solid. MDF is easier for me since cutting steel is a sweaty job with a hacksaw and I have a table saw, skilsaw, etc. I work hard to make a job easier...does that mean I'm lazy? Arvin - Delta Machines
I've been looking at the way the base is attached to the printed parts. I don't have a printer yet so thinking about just mdf for the top and base leads to: From Helium Frogby Arvin - Delta Machines
The first pinch wheel that Zach of Maker Bot when he was still at the reprap store had a bead of clear silicone caulk around the edge of the pinch wheel. It worked. Don't know why it was dropped but I'm guessing that the toothed gear held the filament better. Wish you would follow this up though. If you can find a small hard rubber wheel that has a bearing or bushing I think it would work. Arvby Arvin - General
I Like It! What wattage resistors? Have a link to where you got them? Arvinby Arvin - General
Be hard to use David on say a model of T-Rex or say a model of a Mastodon basically anything bigger than a sheet of paper. Great work Reece. I'll be happy to use it if I ever achieve printing. I'm to cheap to buy the parts and in the past 5 years I spent far more making various DIY contraptions that just didn't quite work Arvin - Experimental
The two of you may be the only active builders but there are lost of us lurkers really interested in the project! Thanks and keep up the good Arvin - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
> a cable parallellogram to maintain z axis alignment Got a picture of that? Arvin - General
Private?? After saying "Keep Away!". Let us all know. Good or Bad?by Arvin - For Sale
$16 compared to the price of just the bolts is minor but 1/2"x10' conduit is in the $2< price <$3 range and is stronger than aluminum in almost any diameter though strength to hold basically plastic rap is immaterial. The price difference will buy your lunch at McDonalds!by Arvin - General
@Viktor...Have you got a part number for either of those resistors? What would you need to use one. Just an ADC pin? That is very Arvin - General