I haven't been around for a while so, sorry if this has already been seen. Super metal printing and more. Enjoy.by elwood127 - General
Thought some of you may like to see alternative chassis and motion parts. Nice parts if you can afford them. Enjoy.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Hey all, I just noticed that after creating a design and copying it 25 times and then exporting it as an stl file, Rhino 3D is creating "Points and Polygons" for each piece but each one gets a different point and polygon count. For instance, 38337 points and 48000 polygons and then 38465 points and 48032 polygons. And as it scrolls through each part it changes again and again. How the heck can 2by elwood127 - Reprappers
You may and should look at a single stepper setup. Here is how I did it.by elwood127 - Reprappers
I found that my stepper voltages being to low were causing missed steps. And 120 is only a dream for most of us. Print quality between 120 and 40 is staggering. Best I've got is 80mm/sec and usually that is to fast.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Nice job man. Drawing is so satisfying. Keep it up.by elwood127 - Look what I made!
Prometheus V2. Stainless nozzle, short body. Has been awesome.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Interesting little module to power heated bed bypassing the motherboard.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Hey all, just watched this video of an $18.00 STL file for a P-38 Lightning. Beautiful clear plastic and flies great. Looks like a large bed and or Z height is needed. Check it out.by elwood127 - General
I think that our slicing gurus need to think about final layer paths. Noticed that Slic3r seams to jump around instead of the best path that goes from one corner to the opposite corner.by elwood127 - Printing
A little less complex answer. Back/ rear, right rear, front center. Make the hardest rear corner to get at the reference screw.by elwood127 - General
If you switch to an SSR make sure you get the matching heatsink. I use a 40 x 40 x 20mm fan hooked up to the control side of the SSR and have had no overheating issues.by elwood127 - General
I wonder if it's the 3M 468MP tape that is stinking?by elwood127 - Reprappers
Do yourself a favor and heat up your bed alone and smell it. I found that it's the PEI not the ABS.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Has anyone tried Elmers directly on aluminum?by elwood127 - Reprappers
Well, ABS on PEI with glue definitely lowered bed temps. Got great result @ 70c. Smell much more tolerable. Elmers really helped with adhesion.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Hey all, I failed to mention in my original post that at abs temps this product gases terribly. My printer being in the basement allowed me to print. Had I been upstairs my wife would have sent me packing. PLA temps cause moderate stink but ABS temps really get it fumeing. Because of the stench I decided to try something. I applied Elmers Purple Glue Stick to the PEI sheet (cold). I printed PLA wby elwood127 - Reprappers
Yes. They say that abs is more difficult but I'm finding that pla is more problematic. At 80c part pops off immediately when done. At 100 it seems to stay a bit better stuck. 2 seconds after finishing this review I started printing some name badges for my grand daughters robotic team meet. New silver filament. Fail after fail. Half popped off during print. Still trying to figure it all out. But lby elwood127 - Reprappers
Hey all, I ordered some silver pla for my grand daughters robotics team name badges and both rolls will not print without jamming. Switched to black and got perfect print first time. Previous colors have been flawless. Can you recommend someone that sells 1.75 silver pla or abs? I desperately need to order ASAP. Thanks.by elwood127 - Reprappers
I forgot to mention that the detail of the last pic was attained by going from 60mm/sec to 30mm/sec. You can see the jerky corner detail from high speeds. I'm sure my acrylic frame isn't helping.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Machine: Cheezy acrylic I3 with everything replaced accept the frame (I know, the one thing I should replace). 3/16" build plate with a self adhered Keenovo 400 watt silicone heater and a dedicated 35 amp P.S. Ok, I think I have got my act together now, here goes. Great call DD on using the matte side to hide gaps in the first layer. Unfortunately my PEI is gloss on both sides. I ran multiple teby elwood127 - Reprappers
Will repost with more accurate review soon. Sorry.by elwood127 - Reprappers
So far PLA prints of big square objects have shown a little curling at the corners (without a brim). I'm still testing it. It's at least similar results as when using elmers or blue tape without the fight to get it off when cooled. Will post results as they come in.by elwood127 - Printing
I just switched to PEI and had to raise temp to 90c. Sticks great.by elwood127 - Printing
You may want to read this.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Hey all, I just wanted to state again how amazing the switch to a 400 watt silicone heatbed has proven. Granted I'm using a dedicated 35 Amp power supply (with an SSR) and this mat exceeds most LED power supplies that come with most I3's, but if you can swing it, the heat up times are incredible. It gets to 120c in just a few minutes. Before switching it was an unbearably long wait. Actually, usiby elwood127 - Printing
Check this site. You may be surprised how cheap it would be to go extruded frame.by elwood127 - Reprappers
An update on printing ABS on the PEI sheet. I printed a 4 x 4 x .1" plate @ 120c and had zero warping. Part came off with very little resistance after cooling. Not a mark on the PEI.by elwood127 - Reprappers
Just a note, adding the new foot design and screwing down the Y carriage completely stiffened the chassis. Virtually eliminating flex.by elwood127 - Reprappers